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Why won’t my iPod Touch 4g boot up from charging screen?

My iPod Touch 4g would die if I unplugged it and eventually it died completely so I thought it I needed to change the battery. I changed the battery, tested the iPod , and the black screen with the empty red battery appeared with a lightning bolt under it. I left it charging for a couple hours with different cables. It wouldn’t boot up. I tested the voltage of the new battery and it said 3.7 so I don’t think the new battery is the issue. Also when I unplug my iPod with the new battery, I would click the power button and nothing happens, and when I plug it in and press the power button the black charging screen appears. Just can’t get it to start, can anyone help?

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Is it possible to use a usb li-ion charger to charge the battery up to the needed volts?





Hello Fabio,

You are correct that 3.7volt is not enough to turn on your phone. 3.7v is essentially the minimum or "0%" as viewed from the onscreen battery indicator. Either your new battery is faulty, or your iPod is unable to charge batteries.

If you have access to a DC power supply and some alligator clips, you may be able to connect the battery to the power supply, set to 4.5v, and charge it directly. Please be aware that what I am suggesting is *increadibly dangerous* if you do not know what you are doing. Charging a battery this way is a last resort when you do not have a purpose build battery cheater on hand. It should only be done for a few minutes at a time while paying attention to the current consumption and the battery's temperature.

However if you can get the battery up to 3.8v or higher, your iPod will turn on. This would give you an opportunity to test if the USB port is still functional.


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