
发布于2015年3月,并在2015年4月10日上市。盖乐世S6是盖乐世家族又一部旗舰机型。其曲面屏版本被称为盖乐世S6 Edge。

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S6 Dead, started up then completly died with charge.

S6 that was dead, battery reset didn't work and didn't connect to computer, Green LED tho. Waited until the green led turned red, plugged it in a computer and got the battery display, no charge tho. Plugged/unplugged about 5 times rapidly and got it started charging. Did a factory reset and had it working for about 1 day. Plugged it in to a charger with about 80% battery while i was browsing. Then suddenly 3 quick lines across screen and it died. Got it started again directly but it died again a few seconds after. Now completly dead, black LED and nothing happens when i connect it to computer.

Is it worth to change the power ic? Battery seems fine, i might suspect my brother used another brand of charger to the phone.

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I was charging my s6 edge during charging the phone get died what will I do





Are you using the Samsung charger cable and plug in adapter that came with the phone? check the condition of the cable and make sure it's not damaged. Was the phone ever dropped or liquid damaged? could the phone be damaged inside? Could it be the charging port is loose/damaged inside?Was the battery, or any part for that matter, replaced recently? Have you tried charging it directly through an outlet instead of through the usb port on a pc/laptop? Is the Android OS up to date?


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No it just stopped working. But it has been dropped in the past. An other brand of charger and cable has been used. Dont think it's charing port as it charged fine and was over 80% battery when it died this time. No parts has been changed yet. Tried both charging through outlet and usb. I dont remember what OS was on it but i guess it's not up to date since i Factory reset it. Just think it's so weird it was dead for days then started working for a day then died again. Makes me think Power ic or battery but i have no idea.




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