
Loses wifi when lid closed until restarted

I did a post on this about a month ago but since then I've found out more about the problem.

Sometimes when I shut the lid on my macbook it can no longer see any wifi networks when I open it again. It doesn't happen every time but fairly often and the only way I have found to make it see wifi networks again is to restart it. I know it only happens when I shut the lid because I tried leaving it open for over a week, sleeping it from the apple menu and I didn't get a problem the whole time.

I've reset the PRAM and SMC and I've even tried running the laptop off an external hard drive with a clean osx install on it but no luck.

If anyone can help me with this it would be appreciated as I'm hoping to use the macbook for school, where I will be constantly opening and closing it all day. If I have to, I'll buy an external wifi adapter but I'd rather have it working properly.

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No one got any idea what could be wrong?


Does the Wifi Network connect automatically? It should be included in the preferred networks list...


I was having this problem and I spoke with Apple about this. In my case it was a reset of the wifi settings. They asked me to shut down computer, then hold down shift key (below caps lock), control key and options key as well as power on-off button for 15 secs - nothing will happen to you macbook. Then lift your fingers off keys and then turn on computer using power button. This worked. For me.





I don't think its going to be a setting more likely to be a damaged wifi wire that often go thro the hinges and around the screen or the other thing it could be is a lose wire on the wifi card, think back did this start happening just after it got dropped/Knocked/Sat on/Wrestled with?


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wrestled with is an interesting one. either way I've been watching you as I always do with new users. your efforts have not gone unnoticed! upvote from me.


Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I really don't know it's history as I bought it spares and repairs on ebay (needed new hard drive and battery) but I haven't noticed any dents or other signs of it having been dropped. It does however have a scratch on the lid and slight screen discolouration roughly under that scratch when showing dark colours.


Ok So now we know a bit more about it, it could now be a software problem. When putting the new hard drive in did you do a fresh OS? Have you checked that you have the correct network controller for it? I.e Broadcom, Ateros etc If you do then it could be a wifi card problem or the wifi antenna but we can re-visit this if needs be when you have checked on the network controller.

@captainsnowball Thanks for that am glad to be here and will be helping out where I can also expanding my knowledge base at the same time, You never stop learning new tips/tricks/workarounds.


Sorry for the slow replies.

The external hard drive I used to test the laptop originally had a clone of the hard drive of an old imac 5,1 on it, however when I used it on the macbook I updated it to mavericks, resetting the os to its factory state at the same time.

The new internal hard drive (SSD) in the macbook is a clone of that external hard drive after it had been updated to mavericks.

Sorry I don't know if I have the correct network controller or how to check if I do, could you tell me how to do this?


Apple menu then system preferences then select network I believe




I think you guys are on the wrong track here. Lets simply the issue first then see if something deeper is involved.

Click on the WiFi Menu Icon, Open Network Preferences entry. Hi-lite the WiFi entry and it needs to be the top entry (drag it their if need be). Click on the Advanced Button which will open up your WiFi AP's your system has connected to. Remove all of the unused networks and place the one you are using to the top. Save the settings and restart your system it should now be connected to this network. Put your system to sleep and wake it give it a moment if you had let it sit more than a few hours it should then automatically hook back up.

Did that fix things?

Update (02/17/2018)

Well I was hoping we didn't need to replace the Airport board and may need to replace the cable as well. Here's the IFIXIT guide you'll need to follow: MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2009 AirPort Card Replacement and heres the two parts you'll need:

If the cable needs replacing you'll need to pop off the to get the iSight camera as the cable also services it. Here's the IFIXIT guide you'll need to follow: MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2009 Front Display Glass Replacement

One Last Thing

While I haven't done it, the 2010 AirPort Extreme board should also work in your system: AirPort Card Extreme - Apple P/N 661-5593. It will get you better WiFi connections.

MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2009 Front Display Glass图片


MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2009 Front Display Glass Replacement



MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2009 AirPort Card图片


MacBook Pro 13" Unibody Mid 2009 AirPort Card Replacement



2 hours


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By remove all the unused networks do you literally mean wipe every saved network except the one I'm currently connected to? I can do that if I need but since the macbook is connected to keychain that would also wipe years of collected wifi passwords off my iPad, many (but not all) of which I still need.


The macbook is connected to icloud keychain so when I set it up it downloaded all the saved networks and wifi passwords off my keychain that are also on my ipad. When I try to remove one of these saved networks (there are 78 of them) it comes up with a warning saying "your mac and other devices using icloud keychain will no longer join this Wi-Fi network." So removing the networks off my macbook will also remove them off my ipad.


Thats a lot of networks! I'm sure some of these are no longer needed I would try to reduce the number.

OK, lets try the inverse here... You'll need to create a new user account and then alter the your original user folder so the new user has access to your original users files. At that point the new user account won't have access to the keychain. You'll need to add in the WiFi network this system is using. Give that a try.

If that works your connection plist file is corrupted (again a lot of nets). Sadly you'll need to delete it so the system rebuilds it.


Ok, I'll give that a go. Although for some reason I haven't had the problem yet this week or last so I'm hoping it might have sorted itself out. Fingers crossed.

What I did recently was go into network settings then click the minus icon with wifi on the left panel selected, then restart my computer and re-add wifi into that list. Before when I did this I hadn't restarted my computer so maybe this has made it work.


Lets hope that jiggered the plist file fixing it.




Do you have xfinity by any chance? I have the same issue except when I open lid it searches for a network and finds xfinitywifi hot spot instead of my preferred network. Xfinity thinks it may be an issue with their router. 2014 macbook air


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Alter the ordering of your preferred WiFi networks.


I did and still was a problem. What solved it was I had to separate the 5g wifi from the 2.4 wifi. All good since.


What solved it for me was I had to separate the 5g wifi from the 2.4 wifi. All good since.




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