
Google公司发布的二代Pixel XL版本,发布于2017年10月19日。配备6英寸圆角P-OLED显示屏。纯黑和黑白两种颜色及64GB或128GB存储空间可选。

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Can you replace the rear of a google pixel 2


I recently damaged the back of my google pixel 2.

The top corner of the glass segment has cracked and was wondering if you can get the back fixed.

Camera is fully functional but not sure if it is still water proof.

Thanks everyone!

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I cracked the corner of that glass piece at the top rear of the case as well. From the disassembly videos, it *seems* like this could be replaced easily by heating the back to soften the glue, but you'd need a replacement part (which I can't find).





I've just fixed mine tonight. Ordered the part from eBay. The old glass was very hard to get off, but do-able. I used heat, a blade, a guitar pick and a very careful hand! Not that much to damage underneath though. The ribbon connector is very small and stuck down well... You'd have to really scratch at it with something hard or cut it to do any serious damage.

There is the possibility water could get in... there are gaps around the camera lens and flash, although I didn't actually take them out to see if the gaps lead to any holes through the phone chassis.


得分 2


Did you have to bring the lens cover and flash difuser over?



The diffuser rests behind the glass and drops out. The lens stays in the phone when it comes off. Both need a careful quick clean up around the edges before the new glass is re-fitted.



it is what is known as a "pocket type" device. which means screen removal is the first step of repair. If you feel comfortable taking that off, then the rest of the repair is relatively simple, if not tedious. I would practice on dead pocket type devices prior to attempting it, to get used to how the adhesive lifts.

if you make this attempt, you should be completely willing to replace the screen, in case of damage.


得分 1

They are all over eBay now. Here is the one I bought https://m.ebay.com/itm/OEM-Upper-Rear-Ba...


得分 1


can you verify if it was just heatgun > pry > swap ?



Hi Philipe, Have a look at the pixel 2 teardown from ifixit. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解

It shows the glass removal for the pixel and it's the same for the pixel




Just bought one!


得分 1


can you verify if it was just heatgun > pry > swap ?



Yes, heat, pry, clean, replace




There is a great video of this repair and certainly yes, the back glass can be repaired. I don't know if I fix it has parts for this repair but I know that there are lots of replacement backs available on eBay and Amazon. Go check the video out and if you are comfortable to make this kind of replacement then go ahead.

Hopefully, that helped



得分 0


This is for pixel 1 not pixel two I have yet to see a repair for just the glass on the back of pixel 2


Have a look on youtube for anyone doing it. There has got to be someone that has done it but I expect it's the same as the pixel 1 anyway



Anyone verify on how to do this exactly? Smashed mine today :/

Looking at the first vid on this thread it doesn't look like I'll encounter anything under the glass and that it's a purely cosmetic piece. But does anyone know for sure?


得分 0


I replaced mine just the other day. My reply on how is at the top of the thread. Turn the phone off, use a blow dryer for heat, and carefully chip away at the glass.. use eye protection and breathing protection because there will be glass shards and dust.

Be careful of damaging anything underneath but be especially careful of the ribbon cable located under (and slightly left of) the rear camera. It's basically the same as the Pixel 1 otherwise


Have a look at the teardown. It will help you with the repair of the glass. Google Pixel 2 XL拆解


Hey Ethan Grimes

Would it be possible to post a photo of the ribbon cable? What do you think it does, does it go back to the motherboard?



I too have this problem, but I've found hopefully a solution with parts available to buy and detailed pictures as well as input via customer reviews on said part.

Here is the Amazon listing that I'm ordering today and is at the time of me writing, Prime eligible(Good to have fast free shipping)

Google Pixel 2 XL Upper Black Back Glass

Gentle heat is recommended.

I hope this helps anyone else. By now this part is still a bit hard to find, let alone a quality one.

I'll post an update with my experience in detail with pictures included.


得分 0


Update, I made a post on Imgur about my repair in best detail as I could. Picture of part I used, thoughts on the repair, and possibly useful tips.

Pixel 2 XL Back Glass Repair https://imgur.com/gallery/ClJse7w


HI Nathan! How did your repair go? I just broke mine too. I'm thinking of ordering but not sure if my repair guy will be able to do it? and is the part you ordered from amazon just like the original? or is it plasticky?

Also I'm unsure if its for pixel 2 or pixel 2 xl ( i need for pixel 2 5.0). Do you know where can I get one for pixel 2.

Any reply will be helpful. Thanks!


Hey nirav!

I've repaired it successfully on my own Pixel 2 5.0

The one I bought was like the original. Real glass and it came with adhesive! Just make sure when you do the repair to constat heat up the glass but. Also DO NOT pull off the lens glass and flash difuser as it isn't like the Google pixel 2 XL

This one worked for me!

Good luck :)



Hi there Nirav Sanghvi!

My repair went very well. The part I ordered from Amazon was really good. No plastic feel nor cheapness to it. It just came with adhesive and I had to reuse the camera lens/LED diffuser with some on hand double sided tape.

But I can't tell the difference between the replacement and the original.

I do recommend that you find some packing tape or something to replaced the laminate on the underside of the glass to keep the integrity of the replacement if any further accidents happen.

The one that I got was for my Pixel 2 XL the 6.0. So the part I got wouldn't be compatible for your phone. I'd go with the one Ryan Lieu has gone with.

If any further questions or comments feel free to let me know,





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