How to change charging port on A5 2017


My A5 (2017) wont charge or connect to anything. The phone was sent off to repair company who said that it needed a new charging port as the port was damaged. They returned the phone to me as the insurance company said it would cost more than the phone was worth!

I have brought the part which is a faster charging/transfer C usb type. I have changed the normal usb types before and changed lots of screens on lots of phones for family and friends as well as water damaged phones.

I have not come across this type of port before and after taking the phone apart cant see how to change the port!

Any help would be very gratefully received.

Many thanks


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Here is a disassembly video for your Phone. It looks like the Charge port is soldered on the the Logic Board, you are going to need a decent amount of soldering equipment in order to desolder and resolder this port. Here is a video with Jessa to give you an idea of what you're looking at.

