
Announced September 9th, 2014, this device is Apple's first foray into smart wearables. iFixit's repair manuals are applicable to Apple Watch (steel) and Apple Watch Sport (aluminum).

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Could I repair the actual cable that connects to the lcd panel?

So, I want to get a Apple Watch on the cheap. I found one auction with no iCloud, but it was dropped and the Digi is cracked and the lcd cable was ripped. The lcd still looks not cracked. The lcds, especially for the 42mm which is what this is a pretty expensive. Is there a way that I could take off the Digi/Glass, then remove the old connector and solder a new one on? Or am I insane?

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You are insane ;-} We all are!

The rub is getting the custom ribbon cable part and all of the super micro soldering to mount it to the display, which is just not humanly possible.

I think it would be easier to just bite the bullet and replace the display unit. Here's the IFIXIT guide: Apple Watch Screen Replacement and you're talking about $100 to 160 for a replacement display so the cost of the watch will need to be real cheap before I would jump on the deal.


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Thanks, I might be able to get it for really cheap as they didn’t put it has no iCloud and I had to ask so hopefully no one else knows :) I will see if I can find a “flawed” screen with a dead pixel, small crack or something like that.


If not, I will just get a good lcd and have a perfect apple watch.


I found a cracked screen with good digi and lcd on powerbookmedic but it is out of stock.




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