Why does accessibility shortcuts keep poping up
Accessibility shortcuts keep popping up on my 70in tv i powered it off and it turns back on the same
Hi all, if anyone still has this problem then try the way I solved it.
I have an Amazon Stick connected to my TV and it was the Amazon remote causing the problem. Change the batteries and it will no longer keep popping up.
Nice one mate
Been messing with this accessability shortcuts screen popping up all day and changing the batteries in the fire stick solved it
Should have known with the sensor light continually flashing on the tv that that was the problem
Thank you soooooo much!! Been totally battering my head this!
I don’t have a fire stick and I am still having this exact problem! What else can be causing this? Help!
I was About to just throw the tv away cause I got so annoyed ! It was cause of the amazon stick control !! Thank you
Thanks you so much
I have a new 2017 Samsung QLED Q7C 65" and a new Xfinity X1 Voice Remote paired to the TV. If I press and hold the X1 Voice Remote Mute button for more than a second, the Accessibility Shortcuts menu will display on the screen. If I just TAP the Mute button I don't get the menu.
I don't have cable, and this accessibilty shortcut has been on since this morning. I disconnected the blu ray player altogether, and also unplugged the TV all day today. It will not go away. Please HELP!
I had the same problem. Did a lot of research with no luck. I bought a new remote control and everything works fine now.
God told me to remove the remote control batteries and blow the batteries compartment with a regular hair blower for about 2 minutes and that solved it for me. Praise Jesus...didn’t have to fuss with anyone over the phone...yay!!!
I used surgical spirit and gave the battery compartment a good clean, fresh batteries (just in case) and presto it works, second time I’ve had to do it. I did this after fresh batteries on their own didn’t work. I only would recommend surgical spirit so no damage done.
I can’t believe I can’t get rid of this. Changed batteries on remote. Says change in Settings and ACCESSABILITY BUT I CANT SEE IT UNDER THE WHITE BLOCK!
So I had the same problem for two days. According to Samsung customer service, you have to turn off the tv, remove the batteries from the remote and hold the power button for 20seconds and that should fix the problem. It’s a smart remote so I’m sure it will happen again.
Take the batteries out of your remote. Hold your power button down for 15 seconds. Make sure it’s 15 seconds with the batteries out. Put your batteries back in. You have now reset your remote
Woke up this morning and had ‘accessibility shortcuts’ continually popping up. I had my volume muting and unmuting. I also had my red light in bottom right flickering continually. Read this whole post & tried everything.
I did call and talk to Samsung Canada & have had the problem resolved: must have been sitting on remote and put it into command overload. The fix was easy and didn’t need to reset my TV or my precious setup ( all restored finally). ALL I NEEDED TO DO WAS PRESS AND HOLD THE RETURN BUTTON AND PLAY/PAUSE BUTTON at the same time for 10 seconds. That resets your REMOTE and wipes the pairing, then repairs it to the TV.
No more flash/flickering red light, no more accessibility shortcuts or mute/unmute behaviour problems. She told me that I should re-pair every time I change my remote batteries. In-fact, stamped into the inner case of the remote, just above the batteries is a stamp that shows this, but with a ‘3 second’.
my Samsung is a 64” UN55NU8000
This happened to my 65 inch Samsung. It started after I sat on the Amazon Fire Stick remote. The Fire Stick after having been sat on had settings that were changed (not sure which ones exactly). So I reset the Fire Stick to default settings and the issue went away.
This happened to me yesterday. I reviewed and tried all of these troubleshooting scenarios and the one that worked for me was resetting my Apple TV remote, also my Apple TV remote needed to be charged. I think resetting my Apple TV remote was the fox however! Thank you all for the great ideas, I’d have smashed my TV if I couldn’t get that pop up to stop!
Thank you Stacy!
We took the batteries out ,held the power button down for at least 15 seconds and then reinstalled the batteries. It works! We were ready to toss the remote out the window into the street!
I reset my TV and it did correct the problem. This started shortly after I switch cable providers to Direct TV. Not sure if there is a connection or not. To reset your tv go to MENU-SUPPORT-SELF DIAGNOSIS-RESET-type 0000 for the PIN. Your TV will reset and hopefully correct the issue. If not it might be a cable box issue.
Hey all, I just started having this issue today and the thing is I am not connected to any tv provider's but only my Xbox one x. I unplugged it to see if that would stop it, but it did not. I then went on to call Samsung( whom treated me and my girl with nothing but disrespect the whole time with us on the phone) and he told me to hold the home button for 10 secs then 30 secs and then finally he says hold the power button down for 45 seconds...I felt like I was being trolled...anywho I decided to unplug my tv and wait a bit. Is anyone else having this issue still?
I am as well. I have tried everything. I reconnected the blu ray player and it is off, but the TV screen is blank now.
I did this and it worked!
Def having this problem. On off on off on off on off. I think I might have a fix for everyone! This has been happening for a a month now and I’ve tried everything. I’m going to try something now I haven’t……. Hold please! …………… Yesssss so this is what worked!!! I unplugged my Samsung tv. I picked it up and threw it off my balcony onto the concrete patio!!! It worked!!! Now all you have to do is buy a new tv like I’m going to do tomorrow that doesn’t say SAMSUNG…… on off on off on n off. By by Samsung!!! Good riddance!!!!!
Love this comment @Edward Fiorvante
I be been having having that problem too with mine. I found a pretty terrible solution. Cover that sensor on the bottom right with Electrical tape and it stopped happening. Can uses remote still too Hope this helps
I went to extra on my remote, paged through to settings, enter, “change tv service provider” to my provider (direct tv) and it seems to have resolved the problem.
Try unplugging the tv for at least one minute. I have done this in the past for other problems and sure enough when I did it for this problem, it worked.
I have had the same problem and took the TV out and replaced it with another TVI had. However, I began doing some thinking and thought, perhaps there is malware or a virus within the smart TV. I reconfigured it back to factory settings and connected everything and it seemed to be ok an then again the popup. Thinking again, I thought-perhaps the FireTV Cube had a virus so I restored that to factory settings and so far the popup hasn’t returned. Perhaps if you have a streaming setup that could be the source of the popup?
Changed out batteries in my soundbar remote and the issue was resolved. Guessing all these wireless devices can wreak havoc with each other at times. Crazy, but it’s now fixed.
EASY ANSWER: the accessibility option panel is where u turn on/off the various shortcuts on your remote - that’s all it’s for. The actual remote shortcut that toggles between captions on or off (the mute button) is one of them. So in the panel, if you activate “captions” you are actually just enabling that shortcut. If you try to use the shortcut without activating it in the panel, it’ll just keep causing the panel itself to come up with the cartoon guy doing sign language.
I was out of my mind with this. My wife figured it out in about three minutes lol.
Hello everyone this morning I turned on my SONY XBR-55X950G TV and the SONY LED light kept flashing white. It also turns on/off the accessibility shortcut on its own. I called SONY tech support and it was a simple fix there was an interference with my Apple TV remote it was sending a command signal to the Sony TV and that was causing the issue. Tech support recommends removing the remote from the room and boom! it fixes the problem. Tech support recommended fully charging the ATV remote and trying to start over and connect it to my Apple TV which might fix the interference problem, but if it still has the same issue he suggested contacting Apple support it's a known issue after the Apple TV software update. The good thing is that for now, I'm using my factory SONY REMOTE MODLE#RMF-TX600U and it controls my Apple TV just fine. Well, I hope this helps someone down the road. Have a wonderful day,
Tried everything. Buying new remote today. If that doesn't work, I'm without a functional TV. Bought it 4 mo. Ago, can't afford to replace!
Also, I have vestibular disorders (dizzy daily) this is torture trying to fix
Could it be my Samsung phone?
Hi guys I figured out the problem.
Clap your hands everybody if you got what it takes.
All you have to do is charge your Samsung remote control. It will show a red light when charging. I charge mine with the new iPhone 15 cable. It work just fine.
The tv will recognize your remote is charging and automatically will shut off voice and language commands.
Have fun everyone!
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I spent an hour with 2 different Samsung techs trying to get this problem fixed and they both said it has to do with my cable box. My cable company says it doesn't! Very frustrating.
由 Cary Jardine 完成的
Why would the cable company or cable box be responsible? These are shortcuts specifically created by Samsung, so why hasn’t Samsung provided any explanation of how users can turn these Samsung shortcuts on and off? The fact that Samsung’s own techs don’t know how to turn them off speaks volumes. This is a flaw created by Samsung, so Samsung has a duty to fix it, IMHO.
由 Rebecca Katers 完成的
It made no sense to me, that it would have anything at all to do with my cable company. It's a setting ON THE TV! But Samsung swore to me that something about my type of cable service made it impossible to turn this 'feature' off. That doesn't seem possible. I agree that it's a Samsung flaw and they just don't want to admit it. I've been able to ignore it, though. For me it only came up when I wanted to turn on captions. I've since discovered that I can do that through the Settings button on my cable remote; this turns on the captions a different way.
由 Cary Jardine 完成的
Samsung sucks
由 chucktrout11 完成的
I plan on suing these guys for lying. A least tell the truth. I demand they (Samsung) solves this. I have the problem whether I am on Apple TV or TIVO, or Samsung. They are lying. Let s talk to their management (or consumer reports).
由 chucktrout11 完成的