
Repair information for the Samsung Chromebook Plus. Released in February of 2017. Model number: XE513C24.

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Upgradeable RAM or Hard Drive

I was just wondering if anyone has had a chance to teardown the new Samsung Chromebook Plus. How repairable is it, and is it something that you can do upgrades of the RAM or hard drive.

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According to the specifics on Samsung website, you can't upgrade RAM so easy because is LPDDR3 on soldered onboard.

As for the hard drive, it's got eMMC so that means is also soldered to the board.


1. To make it faster, you can upgrade RAM only if you have experience into desoldering/ soldering this stuff.

2. To increse storage, you can upgrade the eMMC - same you need experience. But you can skip this and just get a C-port flash drive to increse you storage.


得分 5


No. Some eMMC drives are not soldered to the board. Perhaps on Samsung Chromebooks in particular, but this is not universal. Also the Samsung website is the LAST place one should look to see if an upgrade can be hacked.



I have basic soldering experience. How many points of contact would we need to unsolder/resolder? If it's like <6 I probably got this. But if it's like 24 or 48, no way will I try that. And how small?


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You would have to disassemble almost all of the computer to even access it, it cannot be upgraded because there are no configuration options available so you can have 4gb only, there are probably at least 12 per chip, there are 4 chips, there could be 24 for all i know, there is no way it is 48 per chip though, those would be too small to function


得分 0


It's not clear if you referring to solder points of the eMCC, because that's very different that points per "chip", which would only apply to dissembling the drive itself, rather than connection to the motherboard. In fact it seems like you really don't understand the question.




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