
Galaxy tablet lite variation released in January 2014. The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite is a lightweight and easy-to-use tablet.

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Tablet turning off and on.

Awhile ago I managed to get my tablet stuck in a boot loop, after trying to flash a custom rom, and I was able to get it out of that. However, now whenever it's plugged in it just constantly restarts at the "Samsung galaxy tab 3 lite sm-t110" screen, the very first one to pop up. I know it's not my cable because the cable works fine for any other thing I use to charge it with. I can't even get into recovery or download mode, except on rare occasions but even then, the device will fairly quickly turn off before I can even do anything. I also ordered a new battery for it, but that one seems to be shot as it doesn't even power up at all when in the tablet and a cord in it.

Is there any way I can personally fix it? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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So did the custom ROM install successfully and failed to boot or did it boot up and then just went into a boot loop? Also is the tablet still recognized by adb when plugged into your PC?

Hate to say it but I would recommend trying to return or exchange the battery you ordered if it is not to late. Most good replacement batteries should have around a 40% charge or possibly lower but should be able to power on the tablet without issues. Most are not aware that most lithium ion batteries in electronic devices such as this actually contain a protective circuit that is used to protect the battery from damage. The battery can actually enter a protective sleep like state if the battery has sat for an extended period of time causing the battery to discharge below 3v or lower. When in this state the battery appears to be dead. In reality it just needs what is called a boost charge. Kinda the same principle as jumping a car battery. You are supplying a larger current for a short period of time which brings the battery out of the protective sleep state. Then the battery can continue being charged on its original charger. It can be hard to find boost chargers and they can be pricey. So this is why I would try returning the battery you bought if possible just for the fact it has probably been stored in poor conditions (too hot or cold of a warehouse) or has had a long shelf life which may have triggered the protective circuit. If you can not return it at least you know that you may be able to boost charge it to get it to charge and function normally.

The reason I am thinking a battery issue is the fact that when you on rare occasions can enter into the recovery menu it shuts off shortly after. Also the fact it only makes it to the Samsung logo when trying to boot it up. Your battery may have also been the cause of the custom ROM not booting and entering a boot loop. Your battery likely has enough power to turn the device on but not enough power to boot the operating system. It requires more voltage to boot the operating system than what is required to simply power on the device. Possibly the same applies to entering into recovery or download mode. That may be why you're getting stuck at the Samsung logo and also having issues in recovery and download mode. I know a common cause of boot loop can be from a failing battery as well as many other things.

So I highly recommend trying a different battery or trying to boost charge the one you recently purchased if possible to see if that will resolve the issue. Hope this is helpful.


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New battery totally worked, thank you so much! I suspected it was the battery from the start. So I got a new battery and voila! Turns on and doesn't flash on and off!


I am glad to hear a new battery fixed your issue. Thanks so much for replying back and letting me know you successfully repaired your device by replacing the battery. This may also help others in the future with the same issue. So once again thanks for the reply and I was glad I could help out.



You have to Flash official ROM


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How am I supposed to do that when I can't get to the download or recovery screens?


To flash ROMS you need only to go in Download mode


I can't go into download mode.




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