
iPhone4S是第五代iPhone。网络制式为GSM/CDMA ,存储容量有8GB、16GB、32GB、64GB可选,机身颜色有黑色、白色可选。维修iPhone4S是容易的,需要耐心,用到的工具有螺丝刀、撬棒等。

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How recover a locked iPhone 4s

my son took my wife's iphone 4s and attempted to log in using a wrong password to the point where the iphone is locked and there is a message that you have to wait 24,000,000 seconds to attempt to login.

is there a way to unlock and access all of the photos and videos on the phone without restoring it to factory settings and wiping out everything on the phone?

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if you tried a soft reset (Hold home and power for 15-20 sec)

Then unfortunately, this is apple's protocol for stolen devices. factory reset will be the only way to access it at this point. i really dislike being the bearer of bad news, but i dont wish to instill false hope.

If you DO decide to do a factory reset, keep in mind, that iOS 7+ needs you to use your iTunes account password to access the device afterwords. this means you need to remember the email and password locked to your account to use the device again.


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thanks scott, confirming what we were told. understand the security issues but there should be some way to recover if you can prove ur the owner


i agree full heartedly. i disapprove of their options given, and how they run their requests. unfortunately we have what we have. i wish i could have given you a better option



Unfortunately I had the same problem. There is no way to unlock your device without losing the data on your device. I learn a lesson from that--always keep your devices away from children.

I got some photos back because I had set automatical backup to iCloud in settings, so some of the photos on my phone were backed up to iCloud. Did you enable iCloud Backup on the device? If you did, the photos and videos might have been backed up to your iCloud. You can use an extraction tool to get the photos and videos exported to your computer. I tried various tools, but I think this one imyfone dport is the best. You can have a try of the free version.

Good luck!


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I had the same problem a few months ago with my iPhone SE and I forgot my password that I changed. I had to hard reset it and lost a lot of my photos. It’s the only way if you forget you’re password.


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Yeah because iphone is breley


how can you do that?



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