
Model A1225 / Early 2009 / 2.66, 2.93, or 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo processor

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iSight "camera not connected"

Having followed the excellent guide to install dual HDD in my 24" iMac, everything works except when I try to use my internal iSight camera it says: "camera not connected."

It IS listed as a USB device under system profiler.

I have tried:

  • Reset PRAM
  • Disable SIP

Any ideas before I disassemble and check cables etc.?

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Thanks for your quick answer. I'll do this next week and report back.


OK, so pulled it apart and had a look, couldn't find anything disconnected...

Gave iSight connector a wiggle...

iSight cable disappears behind tape, can anyone tell me where it connects to logic board?

System profile still shows "built-in iSight", with serial number, current available etc. But no apps can activate it...





OK, so that was weird... (*See my comments above - pulling it apart and wiggling all the connectors didn't work, nor for that matter did SMC reset)....

However, some weeks later I came back for one last try:

  • I tried to boot in Safe mode... wouldn't boot..showed a circle with a line across it.... then shut itself down.
  • Powered it up again... opened FaceTime... "no camera connected." Darn it.
  • I booted up my old Windows XP installation in VirtualBox, and since iSight was listed in USB devices, I went to "devices>USB>iSight" and tried to attach it to VirtualBox. It wouldn't, Windows acted as if it didn't exist. so shutdown VirtualBox.

Then lo and behold.... opened up Photo Booth and saw my surprised reflection... and a little green light. Then I'm fairly sure I heard/imagined a hallelujah chorus.

Its a bit blurry... might have to pull it apart and give camera a wiggle... or might not risk it....

But I share this in case someone on the internet has the same weird problem that I did.


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No, proceed straight into disassemble the machine and check the cables.


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