Problem with new battery, iPhone working only with power supply


I have this old Iphone4, whose battery was dead with. So I ordered a new one and changed it by myself (which worked flawlessly). I had first to load the battery before the phone would turn on again. Now it works again, all the apps do function, and everything seams fine.

But now I have this issue: the iphone stays on only if the power supply plug is connected to it. As soon as I disconnect the power plug, the phone shuts down. I tried a reset/forced start (by holding both upper and front buttons together), but this helped neither.

I checked again, if I mounted the battery wrong, but everything was fine, and looked in place.

What is causing this strange problem? Do anybody help ever experience anything similar? Thanks for your help.

Update (11/23/2016)

I have this battery check app, which tells me the new battery is good, only just a little bit below full capacity. But the readings are a bit strange now that I see:

Battery Health: Good 1305/1420mAh (92%)

Current Capacity: 1340/1305 mAh (100%) (this is strange.... how can the actualy CC higher than the available CC???)

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I would say that the battery is faulty, but you should also check the battery connectors on the logic board.


Bad battery, see it all the time. Return, get your money back and replace with an original if possible not generic oem.

