
首先 你得要准备一部iPad Air(1rd Gen)只支持Wi-Fi的机型 这里我们指的是A1474机型 它拥有64位的A7双核处理器并拥有16,32,64GB甚至是128GB的内存选择

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ipad wont charge when connected


I have an ipad air 1 and recently it wont charge at all, I connect it to the computer and it is detected but just wont charge, I connect it to the wall outlet and it wont charge and the charger is not detected (apple branded charger). However, the only way I can charge the ipad is by connecting it to the wall outlet and turning the ipad off and while it is off and connected to the wall charger it charges up. Any idea what is causing this issue. thank you greatly.


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I suddenly started having this same problem. I can move the lightning plug around a slight amount and the screen will show charging for a few seconds then displays "not charging". I then turn it off and leave it plugged in and it will charge but not while it is "on". I first thought it was a faulty cable or cube but by swapping them around I isolated it to the iPad connector. I sprayed contact cleaner in the port but still no good. I am afraid it is an internal problem. Hope for good news from someone out there!




That seems like the iPad isn't getting enough current to charge properly. Have you tried getting a replacement charging lead and official charger? I've found this seems to happen over time (I look after 300+ iPads at work), and getting a new charger and lead fixes it 95% of the time.


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Hi there!

Thank you for the reply! I have tried many different lighting cables (Apple cables) different chargers and same thing no charge At all. Some people have mentioned that it could be the U2 IC chip, but that requires disassemble and micro soldering. You think this could be the problem?

Thank you!


Not a full typical symptom of U2 chip, but I would say that yes it could really be guilty.

In you case, I wouldn't say it is dead, but it just looks dying. If it's the U2 chip sooner or later it will die completly and then you won't be able to charge your Ipad at all and also it won't be noticeable even connected to a computer.

This said, you said that shutting donws your Ipad and connecting it to a wall outlet, it charges, but once fully charged, did you notice that it holds the charge with the same efficiency as before.If not , it's a fake charging and that is a clear symptom of U2 charging chip issue.


Well, when I connect it to the computer I am able to see it thru iTunes but it does not charge, now when I connect it to the power outlet it just does not charge nor it indicates that it is charging. However, when I connect the ipad on the wall outlet and turn it off the ipad charges fully but not when it is on.

Thank you for your help.



I don’t think it is the charger

I think it is the port. If I move it around it will charge. But when I let go it says not charging



check the charger, bend or pull it (well don’t pull it way too hard) if some part flexible or really pullable, the wires snapped off. if none part flexible or really pullable, the fuse may go wrong.


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