Start up shutting off when MSI logo shows.
When I turn on my laptop it gets to the MSI logo then shuts off. I can get to BIOS by hitting enter while booting up. I don't know where to go from there.
Power it on and hit delete to go into bios mode and disable fast boot.
Disabling Fast Boot worked for me.
Having the computer shut down at the manufacturer's logo or during P.O.S.T., is a prime symptom of overheating.
The first thing you should do is get a can of compressed air and blow out the vents at the side of the laptop.
The second thing you should do is confirm that the fan inside (if there is a fan) is actually rotating to circulate air away from the processor.
There are other things that COULD cause this symptom, but this is the most common for most/all laptops.
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