
发布于2012年10月23日。酷睿i5或酷睿i7处理器。配备Apple Fusion Drive.

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How to upgrade Mac Mini Server late 2012 Macintosh HD2 to 5TB?

The MMS late 2012 has a Server HD and a 1 TB Macintosh HD2 nearly full occupied by photos. I wonder if it's feasible to upgrade the 1TB Macintosh HD2 to a 5 TB hard drive and how?

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Sorry the Mini's use 2.5" drives so you're limited here on what available in this form factor. So far there are no traditional HD's that large that would fit.

So far the best you can do with traditional drives is 2 TB. I have a dual Spinpoint 2TB HD (4 TB total) Mini as my media server.

Now if you want to go bigger you'll need to go with SSD's using two Samsung 4 TB SSD drives which would get you 8 TB total!

But it will cost you big time!!


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I should also point out you can even go larger, hows 16 TB sound! If you can find enough loose change ;-}

Samsung Releases 16TB SSD That Only The Wealthy Can Buy. And this is whats coming: Samsung crams 32TB SSD into a 2.5-inch drive, aims for 100TB by 2020. Enjoy!


Thank you Dan. I'm happy to go for 2TB. How do I know which HDDs are compatible on MMS and macOS Sierra? At reasonable price and available with warranty?


Not sure I follow you here with your comment on MMS. You'll need a Mac compatible app to do that the drive has nothing to do with it.

As for macOS Sierra this Mac mini is on the supported listing so thats not an issue, and again the HD has nothing to do with it either as its just a standard SATA drive.

Click on the blue URL link I posted above it's the only drive that will physically fit as the height of the drive can't be any higher as there is not enough space for a bigger drive can some larger drives have.




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