
The HP Flyer Red is a laptop created by Hewlett Packard which was released around December 2014.

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My hinges to my screen broke. How do I fix it?

I noticed on my Hp Flyer Red that my frame to my display screen was popping out, mainly in the bottom left corner. The laptop did drop a few times in the past couple months but it never did this. When my mother opened it the framing of the bottom left popped all the way off. I decided to take off the whole framing and show that the metal bottom hinge was completely off the laptop, and it looked like plastic around the screws has broken off too. I tried gluing it back on with safety lock glue, it did hold but not that well. I just wanted to know how I could fix a broken hinge on my laptop (it's the metal part of the hinge that lays on the laptop not the plastic part). I would be grateful for a reply back, my dad wondered if metal bonding poxy would hold it.

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You'll need to take the laptop completely apart (screen & mobo gotta be out) to get the hinges off. Once you've got the hinge you'll need to find someone who can send you a new one.


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Where could I get a new hinge for it? I tried looking for a new one online but had no luck in finding one. I don't want to buy a whole new screen just because of a hinge breaking off.


Might be the best option to buy a broken or 2nd hand laptop of the same model.

If you wanted to buy just the part contact a IT company like PB Tech (I'm from NZ) with the part number and model number of the laptop. They should be able to source the part and give you a price.




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