
The 2013 edition of the Kindle Fire HD 7" tablet by Amazon. A budget edition of the new Kindle line, with a lower screen resolution than the HDX, and lacking the 2012's camera. Released October 2, 2013.

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Touch screen not responding

I'm certain my youngest son has changed the settings on a kindle. It was Woking fine until he got hold of it.

I have tried to reboot it but not getting any menu up

I've also charged it via wall and pc.

I can't drag the top bar down to get to settings. This has happened before and I double tapped the menu bar and it opened .

Is my theory right or is it a fault with the kindle


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hmmm... if he's like other toddlers, he's most likely hit it against the floor, chair, or something within his reach. There is no setting that controls whether or not the digitizer works. My bet is it's broken and needs to be replaced.


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