
Internet problems starts occuring around 5 o'clock in the afternoon ev

Hi I'm new here, I came here because I've had this problem for months now and I'm tired that everyday there would be atleast 1 internet problem with my laptop, I tried reinstalling windows several times, trying to reset my router everyday even if all other devices can connect with no problem at all. Recently I noticed that problems actually start to occur around 5 PM and usually in chrome it says DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET and in Windows it would say it's limited but sometimes it would go normal again literally for only around 5-10 seconds.sometimes it would be a proxy thing so I would try to disable or change it but the error still appears. I don't know how to fix this if anybody knows please help. One more thing sometimes windows shows it's connected but can't load any page.

Update (05/26/2016)

It's fixed now I don't know how but it's fixed

回答此问题 我也有这个问题


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Hello! ;d

Open Command Prompt and type

c:\netsh winsock reset

Then reboot your compy. ;3

Hopefully this should do it!


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I'll try that, thanks


So sorry I thought I needed to accept it first


No problem! ;3


Hi Sumona thanks for the answer but it didn't work now I can't even connect to the internet it just says Can't connect to this network


My phone is dying so I gotta go and charge it first anyone who knows how to fix it just let me know




First is your network router secured with a WPA2 personnel encryption and a passphrase of about 30 characters. If not then you need to configure your router so that no one else can wirelessly access your router and hitch a ride on your internet. Which could very well be why you cannot access it after 5 PM because someone might be hopping on your network for free and taking up all your bandwidth.

You should Google your router model and search (Securely configure "Make of Router") and see if there are some instructions online. Also write down your settings in a binder just in case you forget the settings.


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Thanks I'll try that



Open CMD (command prompt) Admin and RUN below command one by one. The below commands are working for me, so this solution is working for many users.

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /all

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /renew

netsh int ip set dns

netsh winsock reset

Now Restart your computer

Let me know if this works



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There's a simple solution to this problem:

Open CMD (command prompt) as Administrator and RUN below command one by one.

ipconfig /release

ipconfig /all

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /renew

netsh int ip set dns

netsh winsock reset

Now Restart your computer. This might have solved the issue now. If not, then you can look at more solutions here: http://laptopify.com/fix-dns-probe-finis...


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The guy above this literally just said this. This was also resolved almost a year ago. Why are you posting



If it happen at 5pm everyday than believe me there is no problem with your windows system or router.

Actual problem is with network. It happen that at that time network is over utilize and due to that you are not able to connect internet.

Because if it problem with your windows computer than it can happen anytime.

So register complaint to you router service provide and be firm that problem with your network not with your computer


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The router has nothing to do with anything. My computer works with or without a router. The router gives internet. It has no power whatsoever to shut down a computer.


That is what i am saying that internet problem occurs at 5 o clock. that means there is no problem at your computer. Internet is through router due you have sim inside router or broadband connection or wifi? Contact the internet service provider and register complaint their. Your computer has no issue.




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