
printer light is on but printer won't warm up

Hello My printer is a samsung c410w laser color printer the printer power button gets on but don't hear the normal printer warming up stage the printer can ony be turned off by pulling the power cord of the back shut it down again, cartridges are new and the drum unit seems ok and the fuser and the belt as well.

Can someone help

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得分 7

Seems to be a fairly common issue where these printers are becoming paperweights...It would be nice to get printing again! Has anyone found an actual solution to this problem?


I have the same printer and it turns on, but nothing beyond that and it can only be turned off by unplugging (as with the OP). There are a few things that might revive it like making sure the fuser temperature safety hasn't been thrown (do an Internet search on this; I did that but it didn't help me). Your printer like mine clearly has a circuit board failure. If you are willing and able to tear apart the printer and do the work yourself you can find (again through searches) replacements for the two main boards in the printer, and they would not be difficult to replace once you figure out the magic of taking the printer apart. However, you're probably looking at 100 to maybe 150 (or more) dollars for the two circuit boards and so you have to decide whether it makes sense to repair it. If you would have to have a repair shop do the work I'm certain you'd be wiser to take the printer to the electronics recycler and dispose of it. I am not delighted by that prospect but I may do that and be done with it.


You can fix this by going into the Easy Print Manager SyncThru Web Service. Here is a link with instructions: https://www.amazon.com/review/R3IY5Z5BEN...


Why is it so hard for people to understand the issue here? The problem I have had with my Samsung C410W (and from Internet searches I've done many others have had the identical problem) is that you press the power switch, the blue light around it comes on, and that's it. There is no sound, and you can only get the thing to turn off by unplugging it. Plugging it back in does NOT "wake" the machine up, it does nothing. The RJ45 (network) port is dead, the USB port is dead. If you connect the printer to your computer with a USB cable, operating system of your choice, the printer is invisible to the computer. You can't resolve this printer problem with software running on a computer that does not see the printer, obviously.

I replaced the large board on the printer left side, no effect. I replaced the small board on the back right (with the USB and RJ-45 ports) and that fixed it. The board, JC92-02483A, is the central control board with the ARM chip. Samsung sold its printer division to HP a year or more ago.


I have exactly the same annoying issue. spent a lot of money for toner and even sent it back for repair. They said it's working. When the printer setteled for a few DAYS it might come back once or twice - then going to deep sleep again. SyncThru does not recognize it and even through USB it's invisible for the computer. This really sucks. And why doesn't any technician or official at Samsung (HP as it seems to be ...) admit that their is a BIG problem! Anything I can say: keep your fingers off these machines!







This is just a general check list, applicable to a lot of laser printers.

1. Remove the power cord.

2. Open the front cover and remove and reinsert the cartridges.

3. Before you close the front cover, (not quite sure if this is applicable to your model or not) check to see if there is any kind of 'safety switch ', which would be operated by the cover being closed. If there is it may be that it has become dislodged or disconnected.

4. Ensure that the front cover is closed securely.

5. Reconnect the power cord and switch on the printer.


得分 7


Please do not give advice if you have no clue about the printer model. I am not sure why your generic advise for fixing common printer issues was rated up. These printers are not even recognized when they are plugged into a usb port and all the buttons are unresponsive even though the power is on.


Hi @davidprobasco.

My advice is a common first step test. It is called a Power reset (or refresh) and in a lot of cases it is surprisingly effective.

This is done so that the equipment can reset by allowing the power to dissipate from the equipment and therefore to possibly restore any corrupted data settings back to their default values.

As I have no control whatsoever as to why my answer is rated up or who does so, (I cannot vote for my own answer, also the answer can only be rated up once only by the same person), one conclusion is that it must have helped some people to resolve their problem, at least enough for them to rate it as helpful.


Why is this voted as a useful answer??!?!


It worked! Thank you.



I have the same problem. The lights come on but it does not get recognized by the computer and it doesn't go into the warm up cycle. The blue light around the power button is on and this is supposed to indicate that it is in Standby Mode. The blue light doesn't light up on a successful start up. The only way to shut it down is to pull the power cord. After pulling the cord I hold the power button down to dissipate all the residual power in the printer and then plug it back in and try powering it up again. I may have to do this 3 or 4 times before I finally hear a little click and then it goes into the warm up cycle. I wait a few minutes after hitting the power button to give it time to be recognized by the computer. Sometimes it will actually power up on the first attempt. Have tried a different power cord and a different USB cable and still have the same problem.

I've tried doing firmware updates and have run the Samsung Printer Diagnostics with no luck.

The printer is over a year old but I don't print very much. It has a print count of less than 400.


得分 5


Just to comment I have exactly the same issue - blue ring around the power button as soon as it powers on, and after pulling the power cable out and letting the residual power discharge a few times I (eventually) get the little click noise and it all comes back to life.


I also have the same comment. I can't get the printer to do anything. My wife says she called Samsung and they were stumped. I'm sure we haven't printed more than 300 pages on this thing, working out at about £1/page.

A couple of thoughts:

1. The printer was bought in Germany.

2. I'm not sure if my wife purchased a samsung or a copy when replacing the black cartridge. Not sure if this makes a difference, but there we are. She thinks I'm being stupid for raising this.

Any solutions out there? I'm close to binning this piece of s**t.


Thank you so much for this, it has helped me from constantly plugging and unplugging the menopausal printer.



Here is the real solution:

Press and hold Cancel button. while pressing, unplug power cord. keep pressing, wait 10 sec. Release. press and hold power button and cancel button at the same time AND while doing that plug in the power button and keep holding another 25 sec or so. Printer will start cycling through, you are done! :) Now if unplugged, or turned off. Same procedure must be followed.

Option 2.

If the above method stops working, then do the following:

Press and hold Cancel button. while pressing, unplug power cord. keep pressing, wait 10 sec. Release. press and hold WPS button and cancel button at the same time AND while doing that plug in the power button and keep holding another 25 sec or so. Printer will start cycling through, you are done! :) Now if unplugged, or turned off. Same procedure must be followed.


得分 3


This works. Now would just like to know why.


This works solid. I had been knocking my printer to get it to warm and it would take 25 bashes to warm up. But this simple trick worked without me having to put in the cartridge and take it out again and again and then slap the printer again and again. Thanks a lot


I presume by "plug in the power button" he means power cord?


This worked for me a year ago but seems to have stopped working now.


take the controller card JC92-02483A, replace (from Ali) or remove EEPROM 2356 (8 pin), put on a programmer, read its content into a file (at lowest possible clock speed), write it back to a new chip (or erase the old and write to it) and solder it back to the PCB. It worked for me...at least for couple of weeks



I’m attaching (I hope) a photo of the board that is the problem component of many Samsung Xpress C410W color laser printers.

If you look toward the center left of the board you will see a chip labelled ‘SAMSUNG ARM’ and that is the “brains” of the electronics of the printer. Considering semiconductor components either work as they are designed to or they don’t (there is no half functional or whatever) it is unlikely that this is an issue of a defective chip because that would create printers dead at first attempted use. As well, considering that when this printer fails as badly as I (and obviously many others) have experienced it must be a very critical component and so ARM chip (an ‘SoC’, System On a Chip) is the most likely culprit. Those ARMs (as is obvious in the photo) are electrically connected (soldered) entirely by many small, ball shaped contacts on their bottom, and although I cannot easily find the specifics of that chip there are probably a large number of contacts underneath that chip. Properly installing those BGA (ball grid array) chips on electronic boards is, as you can imagine, a tricky and challenging job. Industrially the work is done by machine of course but obviously it very difficult to truly verify that they are all done perfectly. I predict that one or more contacts under the ARM were poorly soldered and with movement of the board (as the printer gets moved or transported) plus temperature and even moisture fluctuations where the printer is or has been results in the poor connection(s) finally opening and the result is a dead, “bricked”, printer.

Samsung printer board.pdf


得分 2

Still trying to make this non warming up printer work. But so far no luck.

Did find a site http://www.instructables.com/id/Samsung-... that reports a lot of success. Apparently if you can reset a counter with a resistor, your printer will work again. Reports are that it works on many Samsung printers including C410W.

I'm still looking, gary


得分 1


I have a brand new C410W right out of the box, been sitting in storage unopened for years. Won't cycle on. 0 print jobs. For details, see my comment in the parent thread.


Thank you Gary. I followed this tutorial. I add a 50ohm resistance that woke up my printer, and than the resistance burnt. I than put only the original one as being said on tutorial and it worked perfectly. Thank you.



The Power button does not appear to be damaged. I've tried plugging the printer in in another room (by itself, no computer) and still nothing. I've also left it unplugged overnight and even tried using a different power cord. It just will not power on. Note, the printer was working just fine yesterday afternoon. The only thing I did was turn it off in mid-operation.

Even if the power button were damaged (and I see no sign that it is), it should turn on by itself when I go to print. Instead, I get an error message simply saying "the printer is not ready." (at first, I was getting a message that "the printer is offline", but I was able to toggle that by going into the Printer Properties in Windows and changing its online status.)

The printer is only slightly over a year old, so it's no longer under warranty (naturally). Newer models are junk, so even though Canon has a "trade-in" program, I'd rather fix this one (which SHOULD be something simple).

I bought the "Canadian" version of this discontinued printer specifically for it's CD printing capabilities. Newer models... and ALL U.S. printers... disable this feature (by law?) According to Canon (after I asked), there is no fuse inside the unit that might have blown.


得分 0


Hi @samtaylor 736,

The above question relates to a Samsung printer have you responded to the wrong question?



nothing is solved, still a mystery. my printer has a blue light but button is unresponsive to touch.


得分 0


I have the same issue. I've tried installing new drivers from Samsung site and no change. It doesn't even recognize that it's connected, but the green light indicates that it's ready to print.


Same here. The blue and green light are on, but no display, no action, and the computer doesn't see it.


Same here. When it first did the no "warm up" stuff, checked every opening looking for a switch that may not be functioning. Unplugged, re-plugged, hit start many times. Then it worked. Had same problem next day, then while chatting with Samsung support it started working - printed over 30 fine pages. Next day - nada. A few days later, still no warm up.

Did notice one thing, there was some leakage of the yellow cartridge. Vacuumed the inside. still no joy. Have replaced all the cartridges - nothing.



I have the same issue. This is not a driver issue. The USB connection is actually bad and the printer is unresponsive even when not plugged into usb. The computer doesn't recognize it as being plugged in.

Meanwhile the power is on but the buttons do nothing. I can't even do a simple test print out by holding the cancel button.

What was your advise from Samsung Gary?


Same here. Any solutions yet folks?



I think (hope) that I may have found the solution. I always thought that a firmware update might fix the problem but I couldn’t ever find one on Samsung’s website. I finally found one after searching Google for awhile. It’s a firmware update for the C410W. I wasn’t sure if it was going to work but if it completely rendered my printer useless then at least I would be out of my misery of doing a dozen start attempts every time I wanted to use the printer and I would be forced to take it to the recycle place and be done with it.

Here’s the link to the firmware update.


It’s a zipped file so after downloading it you have to first extract it in order to use it. Just double clicking it doesn’t extract it. Just right click on the downloaded Zip file and choose “Extract all”. There is a pdf document that comes with it that has the instructions for how to do the update.

I did the update and my printer has started up on the first attempt for half a dozen times now.

I am running the latest version of 64 bit Windows 10, Version 1703, build 15063.296.

I can’t guarantee anything but it worked for me. I don’t know of any way to undo the firmware update if it doesn’t work for you but for me it was a chance I was willing to take.

Good luck


得分 0


Also USB seems to be dead. What to do then?


Excuse me, I have the same problem, and I power on the printer and power off it again and again. It still doesn't warm up. and can't link to PC by usb to update firmware. How can I do ? Thank you very much.


All I can think of is to just keep trying to get the computer to see it via USB by shutting it down by unplugging it, plugging it back in and then pushing the power button until it finally starts up properly. Once (if) it does then the computer should see the USB hookup and you can try the firmware update as I described in my May 23 post.


Thank you very much for this reply. I will try again. Actually I have tried almost hundred times power on and off, but it still didn't start properly. I'm really going to give up...


Cannot do a firmware update unless you can get the printer to cycle on!



I had the same issue - after turning on, the printer doesn't warm up - just shows status OK and none of the buttons doesn't anything. 2 day's couldn't figure what's wrong with it!

but, today decided to plug in LAN cable (previously i was using only WiFi) an unplugging/pluging-in powe cable, i heard a click and printer came to life!

Don't know what it was, but now it's working... hope it helps!


得分 0

I have a C410W brand new, which been sitting in storage for several years as redundant, until today. I unpacked the box, everything looked good. Tried to set it up but found I have the very same experience as described here. Printer is not found whether by Wifi or USB. I press “power”, blue light comes on on, less than a second later (and for less than a second) the WPS light flashes, then I get a solid yellow indicator light. The printer never cycles on. The only way to power off is to unplug. Holding the power button for any length of time (the “power drain”) does not turn off the printer.

I contacted HP support (they bought the Samsung printer division) and, after registering my “product” (opened the box today), they said they could not help me because it is out of warranty! The last bad experience I had with an electronic device and the lack of support was also with a Samsung (a $1500 blue ray player!).

Anyone want to buy 4 brand new cartridges and a fuser?


得分 0


Circuit board D. Spencer provided the part number can be bought here: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/FORMATTE...


I have to say Owen G's experience takes the cake - the C410W can actually malfunction without even being plugged in, given a few years of sitting in its original box! Well, the more obvious explanation is the unit that he bought was dead on arrival. Of course there is no real remedy against Samsung because they dumped their printer division onto HP several years ago, but it sure seems to me that an honest company would have acknowledged that they produced an obviously defective product and they would have tried to correct that somehow.

I think that what Owen G experienced may give insight into what is the underlying cause of the failures of this printer related to the specific board that fixed my machine when I replaced it. I will have to start a new answer to do it but I will post a photo of the board. But the nature of the printer failure is clearly at a very low level and so must involve a very critical component.


It appears from D Spencer's post that the aliexpress product looks the same. As or quality, who knows. D Spencer, any tips on how to get the printer apart to access that little board? A little tutorial would be much appeciated!


owen G. tks, did you try this fix and if it work, not that i don't trust d spencer, but peer review help in technical work.


I've ordered the part from AliExpress. I'll post an update after I attempt the repair. Meanwhile, D. Spencer, any tips you can offer about taking apart that printer would be much appreciated.




It would help if you could provide the source of the chip and any pertinent info for obtaining it. Lastly can this ARM chip be replaced on to that motherboard. Tks


得分 0


Circuit board D. Spencer provided the part number can be bought here: Whole board is here. Don’t try and replace the arm chip yourself, replace the whole board.



I did try to find that chip by doing an Internet search on the part number (SAMSUNG ARM S4LJ162) but it is very difficult to find any information on it or a supplier. The only possible source I could find was:


based in Hong Kong.

Note that I did NOT know for certain that the ARM chip was the problem on that board, it was just my best suggestion. Hobbyists who wish to attempt to repair these BGA (ball grid array) SMD (surface mounted devices) can only do this with an appropriate hot air gun. You'll need copper desoldering braid to clean the old solder off the contacts that are revealed after you remove the old chip. There is also a special type of soldering flux that is intended for this type of work. These chips come with the small balls of solder already on the chip contacts. You should also buy some Kapton high temperature masking tape to tape over components around the ARM to protect them from the heat of the air gun.

This would not be an easy repair.



folks, finally got the part in via aliexpress. tks to d. spencer parts source ref. i was able to remove the old board on back right side of printer from front. got it all in, powered on, it goes through the initialization phase partially, (before it didn’t go this far as grunting through this phase), but it stopped with a the red light bar on. i tried power down/back on but the initial cycle up stopped short with the large red bar come on midway. the toners all are in properly, the black toner is new and full, but the colors toners might be low, (should not be the cause for the red bar light to illuminate) the door closed, no paper jammed in the track. so can spencer D, or owen G. help. what do i do next, short of wasting this board came all the way from china, and the toner cartridges. tks


得分 0


i posted this over a month ago about my having difficulty of getting this samsung printer initialize after installing the the pcb module per one of the user posted here. the printer run through the initial phase but then stop short of full initialization, i was hoping one of the user could help me to figure what is stopping the printer from finishing the initialization phase and to finish this repair. still hope someone could help


I can't be of much help with your specific problem because I have never seen what you describe. You could try steps like unplugging the printer then holding down the power button (it is possible that lights on the printer might briefly flash). You could also hold down the power button as you connect the power cord, that might reset something in the printer electronics. Clearly this printer has a number of issues and because Samsung dumped their printer division to HP several years ago it will be even harder than before to get technical assistance from the printer manufacturer.



Same problem her, hardly used the printer - lights turn on and thats about it. Computer does not se the usb(printer) get a audible sound from computer when i plugg in usb, but the computer does not se any printer.

Lesson learnd, be epson printer from now on - no samsung or hp for me.

Good luck to the rest of you - I surrender ;-(


得分 0


Just to remind people who may not know this but Samsung sold its printer division to HP a few years back. Hence anyone with a Samsung printer that is malfunctioning is doubly out of luck.



Not sure if this helps but I have a Samsung C430W for 2 years. Recently, when it starts to warm up, I hear a click and the warmup stops. It is no longer recognized by my computer and any printing in the queue disappears. I tried updated the firmware but didn’t help. Before tossing the printer in the trash, I remember there is a toner trash bin where the toner leftovers collect. I emptied it and now it works. Hopefully this may help someone.


得分 0


where is that trash bein?



I had exactly the same issue with a M2020. The green LED keeps ON, the blue LED on the power button ON the printer doesn't warm up and it is not recognized by the PC.

I did the next:

1) Remove power

2) Press power and the "transfer"button just above power

3) Plug power.. at this stage the printer will show orange LEDs on the power and the status indicators.

4) Go to samsung website and download the latest firmware

5) In windows go to the command console and run the firmware update.

  • Unzip the firmware
  • Open command console
  • Go to the folder with the uzip firmware
  • run usblist2.exe "NAME OF THE FIRMWARE" where "NAME OF THE FIRMWARE is the file ending with .hd
  • the printer will download the latest firmware and then blink the LEDs
  • Wait 1 minute
  • Unplug the printer
  • Plug it back


得分 0


I tried this. I'm able to flash the firmware, the orange light blinks, then eventually stops blinking, then unplugging and replugging then powering on results in the same: it just stays at a solid green-light status light and the power button is blue, the buttons are unresponsive, and the only thing that shows up in device manager is "Usb Printing Support" with vendor and hardware IDs of 0000.





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