No Backlight or Picture - How to check LCD Fuses
I bought a computer that needed an LCD. I got a new LCD display and plugged it into the motherboard, but nothing happened. I tested the LCD by plugging it into another MBP I have and it worked fine. The LCD port on the mobo looks fine, and the computer works great on an external monitor.
I followed this:
fuse location and type is the same for a Mid-2012 Retina 15"
and get a reading of 0 ohm across Fuse F9700, so this would mean its good right? I shined a bright light behind the apple during boot up and can not see anything. Im not sure what fuses i need to test or how to tell if they are bad. Can someone help me out here?
What happens when you plug in an external monitor, does that work?
由 Dan 完成的
Yes with HDMI the computer works fine.
由 bhollehday 完成的
With a flashlight shine it through the Apple Logo (poor mans backlight) you should be able to see your desktop icons, do you?
由 Dan 完成的
Haha I answered both those questions already =) No I dont
由 bhollehday 完成的
Do you know your model number should be like A1425/A1502
由 Alex Hus 完成的