
Model A1103 / 1.25, 1.33, 1.42, or 1.5 GHz G4 processor

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Mac mini G4, and Airport express 802.11n wifi 4th generation

Hi there

I bought an old G4 in good condition, has airport built in. It is also 80GBHDD, and is running Leopard 10.5.8. Has 1GB ram.

Anyway is good working order when plugged into Ethernet straight from modem, but I cant get it to pick up the Airport express 802.11n Wi-Fi 4th generation, that was given to me.

Am I right in guessing that this should run of the modem Ethernet cable, instead of both of them being plugged in. Sorry rephrase that. I should only have one cable going from router to Airport, and not two, or what's the point. It says all set up and has green light, but will not pick up internet.

Also I wanted to ask, is there any point in having this Airport express 802.11n Wi-Fi 4th generation. If I decide to get rid of the mac mini, as it cant be used for streaming. I have newer mac devices, and was going to use mac mini for a server, but not much of a TV server.

I do not know what to use the Airport for, as I have fibre optic and that seems to be fast, and picks up all my new macs.

Any ideas what I can use it for as I am new to these, and also how to get it working if possible on G4 tried everything.

Really sorry for long question.



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Not sure I follow you here.

You should be able to connect your Mac mini either via the Ethernet connection to your Ethernet hub which connects to your Internet connection (FiOS fiber) or via WiFi but you need to have a working WiFi connection.

Do you have a WiFi Access Point (AP) that allow you to access the internet? Does your FiOS router offer a compatible connection option? It might not, you see your Mac mini uses 802.11b/g and some AP units don't support these older standards or need to turn them on.

As to what this system is able to be used for. It's a good starter system but it has limits as the OS and the applications that run on it are no longer supported by Apple and 3rd party applications. So what you have on your system is what you have.

Update (10/03/2015)

OK, so it does connect, but only via an Ethernet connection. So we know the the issue is focused on the WiFi aspect of the connection.

Just to be clear here you can't have both connections Ethernet & WiFi active at the sometime accessing the SAME pathway to the internet. So make sure you disconnect the Ethernet Cable from the Mini when we are testing things with WiFi and I would recommend restarting the system between the different connections.

Now we need to focus on the WiFi connection. You'll need to open up the Routers (WiFi AP) settings and see if the 802.11b/g option is enabled.

You can try running a WiFi scanner so you can see the AP's WiFi access by frequency and connections allowed. You also may have an issue with WEP2 or WPA connections as they older systems only supported the older WEP standard. You'll need to open up the AP to allow unsecured connections which for testing would not be a big worry. But if you plan to leave it open you could expose your systems as well as allow others access to your internet connection.

Heres a good tool: WiFi Explorer. You'll need to use this on a OS-X 10.7 or newer system. Sadly I can't aim you to an older app for you Mini.


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Thanks Dan

I have an internet wifi connection through the normal router. It might not be able to recognise it, although says it does, but it does not connect to the internet even though the light is on green. I have not got a clue, I have tried all methods to try and get it to work, but it will not work. However saying that it will work if I connect my mac mini straight to the hub with Ethernet, but not to the Airport express.


Thanks Dan

I will give it a go, and get back to you. if I cant use it through the mini for some reason I might just use it as a Wi-Fi extender for other rooms in the house if that works with my Intel based macs. Might sell the old G4, or keep it as a music, and files server. Pretty useless for Netflix or YouTube, as you cant stream films on this, although that being said you can listing to music through you tube, without any cut out, just cant see the video. has Microsoft word on it as well, so handy for that, be good if I could get it going as the Airport i have allows a HDD connection. I thought it was 4th generation, but seemingly I was told it was the last square model, before it went to the white square tower. Must be 5th. Anyway See how it goes.

Keep you posted




As to using it as an extender, remember this system has week encryption (only WEP) and slow WiFi radio. Not really suitable for that function. Not sure I follow your comment on the generation. This is the first Generation of the mini (PowerPC) all of the others are Intel CPU based.


Sorry Dan I meant using the Airport extreme 5th generation, as a Wi-Fi extender on my Intel macs. That's if I decided that I couldn't get mac mini to work on airport, which I cant. I can only use it through the router by Ethernet. Tried what you suggested, and although the mac mini says airport set up, and light is on green, it wont connect to internet. So I decided not to leave my internet open to other traffic for the sake of this, and just run it through the router if need be. Now that I am stuck with Airport Extreme 5th gen, can I use that as a Wi-Fi extender on Intel macs in different parts of the house?

That's what I was on about in the last post.




How to you plan to set this up? Are you running an Ethernet line down near the area and then plan to have it setup that way? If you are thinking of a true WiFi repeater (extender) I would recommend you get an AirPort Extreme unit or one of the other WiFi repeaters out there. The Mini is not a good WiFi repeater.





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