
Third generation of iPad with Wi-Fi, released on March 16, 2012. Model Number A1416. Repair requires heating and careful prying.

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How to solder new LCD FCP?

Hello all...I'm working on rehabbing an ipad 3, one thing that needs to be done is to replace the fcp for the LCD connector. I've removed the old one, that was no problem using Chip Quik. But now I'm trying to figure out th best way to solder the fcp on.

Specific questions are: 1.) what is the best way to keep the fcp in place before it is tacked to the logic board? 2) Which is better to use - soldering iron or hot air? 3) What type of solder is used? 4.) What about flux? 5.) Should the traces be tinned?

I've looked through many online videos, but very few to choose from so any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Hello Chris,

its not a hard work to do. you can simply use Lead-Free Solder Paste tube for soldering. not required additional flux to be added. keep hot air 430C. task is you should have to solder FPC connector withing 6 seconds otherwise FPC connector begin to melt. simply you can use tweezer to hold FPC connector or can use SMD glue to hangs it to logic board. contral the hot air otherwise surrounding components flies away.



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Buddhika, which lead-free solder paste do you use? Not very familiar with using solder paste, what's your process for using it on a repair such as this one? Does the paste have to be applied exactly on each trace or can the paste bleed from trace to trace?


This one is better


BGA reworking skill required for the FPC replacement

youtube will help you to learn




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