
Apple Time Capsule无线网络设备的维修和拆卸指南。

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Why does it says timeout when connecting to the wireless network

The problem is Enabling Guest Network Causes "Connection Timeout" issues for main network

I purchased a 1TB Time Capsule (MB765AM/A) and it has the 7.4.2 firmware on it. It seems that whenever I enable the guest networking feature, I can no longer connect to my main SSID. I just keep getting "Connection Timeout" messages, although all 3 SSIDs (I have the 5 GHz band use a separate SSID name) show up just fine. When I disable the guest networking, both of the other SSIDs work just fine in terms of connecting.

I am using fairly long WPA2 passphrases for both the main and guest SSIDs. I have tried connecting with two iPhones, Macmini, MacBook, and a iMac) running Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6, and an Air Port Express (wireless client mode) and all can't connect to the main SSID with guest networking enabled.

this seems like it is a software bug not a hardware issue. Any ideas?

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Read this article:


You might find some useful information here.


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+ Ralph



When you enter the passkey make sure to have it save to your keychain, there should be a box above or below where you enter it that will say something like have the computer remember this password.

Also do you have multiple networks setup to your computer? If so, remove as many as you can. You can do this by going into your system preferences and then going to the network option in that menu.for more help and support read apple airport support and i hope this will fix your problem . thanks


得分 2

i would say reset the apple time capsule. and try to setup it once again .and please update the firmware .


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