
第四代iPhone。维修过程直观易懂,但前置玻璃和LCD面板无法分开,只能作为同一零件更换。GSM版本, 8, 16, or 32 GB 容量 / 型号 A1332 / 黑色或白色

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Replacement Battery Quality SOLVED with CYCLE COUNTS

Hi Everyone,

I am new to this site, but a long time use of the iphone 4 GSM 16GB. I have been using it since launch day in 2010. I have went through 2 devices and 2 sets of batteries. First device I had for 2 years, and had it replaced with my current device at the local apple store under apple care.

The second device, since I use the iphone a lot during my day, I charge it twice daily, even since new. I use the GPS, camera, and surfing a lot. Back in November 2013 I replaced the battery with a "new" one from a shady mobile repair shop. I didn't notice any gains in battery life. I kept using the battery until this month. Because I noticed significant deterioration in battery life.

Therefore I decided to set out on to replace the battery myself using ifixit repair kit.

But before I did, I did my research, and read about li ion batteries and charge cycles. Unfortunately apple doesn't allow us to know the current state of battery unless you jailbreak. I jailbroke my iphone, and installed applications that tell me the battery details.

The battery I had that was only 10 months old had 890 Charge CYCLEs!!! and already lost 30% of its useable capacity, meaning at full charge I was getting only 70% of what the battery originally had in capacity.

This angered me because I paid well over $30 to have it replaced.

I set out on google to read about the quality of ifixit batteries, because people buying batteries from amazon and ebay are having nightmare issues, with batteries failing and having charge cycles over 500.

I couldn't find any information for ifixit batteries. I ordered one anyways.

It came quite fast. I installed it (extremely easy) and ran the battery app.

I am happy to confirm that their battery was actually new, it had 0 charge cycles, and the capacity was showing 99.98% (like 1418 out of the 1420 mAh).

I thought this information might be useful for people who want to make an informed decision regarding iphone battery purchases from this site versus shady mobile repair shops and ebay.

Thanks ifxit!

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I just wanted to clarify charge cycles: its the amount of times the battery has been recharged from an empty state. The more the cycles, the older, and more used the battery. Apple recommends replacing device batteries after about 500 cycles (or 3 years) as at this point there will be a noticeable decrease in overall battery life.


I got my battery from iFixit and is literally dead at 415 cycles only and I paid over $100 for the entire kit.





I just replaced my iPhone 5 battery from a local mobile repair guy and found the capacity to be 1500, cycle count was 1. This looks suspicious as it is more than 1440mah. Although it is possible because this is not original apple battery. Yesterday this guy had given me a battery having cycle count of 626 and capacity of 700. It was draining very quickly, so I got it replaced. I also told him about the cycle count and capacity data i found for that battery. So now I suspect that he deliberately made the count to 0 and capacity to 1500 for this new battery. So my question is, is it possible to alter the cycle count and capacity of a battery?



得分 2


I changed my battery a few days ago and it shows cycle 1 and after many charges it didnt changed always 1 !!! Is there is a problem with the battery or it is normal?


Its because the battery is fake and has a hacked firmware to always report 1 cycle.



This is very nice to read! I was just scammed in a local shop by buying a battery for a 4s that happened to have already 487 cycles on it! Same story happened with another battery bought in an online store : ip-onderdelen.nl for an old 3gs.

I bought it this time on a local shop hoping that I could get back my money. I will return this old non new battery and order it from iFixit then! I was sort of giving up on being able to get a NEW battery somewhere else than at the apple store.



得分 1

Try CoconutBattery app for OS X


得分 1

Yeah, i also saw something like what you clarify:

The design life of a Li-ion battery is for 400 complete charges and discharges or more. A Li-ion battery will last for more than 3 years, as every one cycle costs 3 days on average. - From : http://www.witrigs.com/blog/something-yo...


得分 0

Which battery monitor app do you use? I've been trying to find one but none of the apps I've looked at say they show charging cycles.


得分 0

Hi, thanks to all. Very good infos.

It stopped me buying fake batteries from eBay or Amazon.


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