
7.9 inch display / Model A1432 / Available in black or white / Announced October 23rd, 2012 / 16, 32, or 64 GB capacity

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After Replacing Digitizer - No LCD?

First Ipad Mini Digitizer Replaced for this Bio Medical Equipment Technician - HELP! After I replaced the digitizer to the directions provided in the IFix it Guides .... I do not have a LCD. I can see the backlight very faitly in a dark room and under the LCD. The unit will connect to iTunes. I can hear the beeps of charging. I can hear the unit take a picture. But nothing on the Display. I have disassembled and reassembled numerous times making sure i had good connections. I'm very frustrated now as I normally do not take on these types of repairs. But this was my 7 year old nephew who needed his "Aunt Bef (Beth)" to fix it. What to do next?

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You mentioned privately that you tested and you do have continuity across the backlight fuse.

I would:

1.) Try a new LCD.

2.) Confirm by posting a photo that the component you measured is the backlight filter.

3.) Test the backlight diode---it should be open in one direction only.





Hey Beth--send it out for backlight fuse replacement---simple, quick, easy and you'll be back on the road to repair. Drop me a line if you want to do mail in: jessabethany@gmail.com

Quit messing with it though---it is really easy to accidentally take out the pins on the digitizer connector with a lot of connect/disconnect cycles---then you'll also need a digitizer fpc replacement.



Mayer--thanks for commenting, I always find it difficult to see the line here---

Can I share my line of thinking and you can give me some guidance?

From experience, we know that this poster's problem is almost certainly the classic iPad mini backlight fuse.

We know that a wealth of info out there encourages folks to 'jump the backlight fuse' without explaining that all the adjacent components are critical.

The likelihood that Beth, who "does not normally take on these types of repairs" will have success performing a repair that requires microsoldering as DIY is, unfortunately, slim.

The likelihood that a local repair shop without specific experience with this repair would attempt to jump the fuse and further damage the iPad is high. I see a line of banged up iPads with notes full of regret that they didn't just send it out initially.

If I didn't happen to do this repair, I would still want Beth to know that she has the option of mailing her device for a quick, inexpensive fuse replacement----and that if she was able to get over that hurdle--she would certainly be able to complete the rest of the repair on her own.

Judging by the number of "are you real?" emails I get, it seems to take a leap of faith to send a device off for a mail-in repair. I know that if I were in her shoes, it would make a difference to me to know that someone with a small but respectable iFixit 'reputation' offered this service as a mail-in repair. Most people that find their way to me were unaware that mail-in board-level repair even existed. (cont)

I guess I see my answer as answering her question "What to do next?" as exactly what I would say if I was pointing her to person X that could easily remove an obstacle to her ability to complete her own repair. I see it as helpful information, not advertisement.

I struggle with this a lot---I know that the single reason I learned to do board-level iDevice repair is that while using iFixit, I could not find anyone that could replace a charging coil on the iPhone 4S that my twin toddlers helpfully 'washed' for me. I would have *loved* for some other jessa to pipe up and say 'just send it in for a board fix and then take it from there"---I still have that phone, now needing trace repair from a botched PMIC reball as I floundered around DIY unaware that help was out there. I would have loved to have been able use someone's board work as one of many tools in my repair project.

Just as prevalent as the 'rice cures water damage' misconception, is the idea that "motherboard failure is the end of the line for iDevice repair" Because of this---my view is that pointing people to the option of my board-level help is the same as pointing out the existence of a fantastic repair tool that they are probably unaware of that can help them save their device.

I'm sure this comment doesn't belong here---but I struggle with this issue often and certainly don't want to offend anyone or be considered a 'spammer'


(didn't know where to put this, but I sure would like to clarify this issue)


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Is there somewhere you can send a IPAD to get the backlight fuse fixed? Is it a reasonable cost? I have no problems soldering larger things but this fuse is small and requires special tools.


lots of places. you can click my profile if you want to learn more about our mail-in board repair services



This is definitely not spam, we really appreciate all you do for the repair community. Thanks!



It sounds like the battery may have been left plugged in for the duration of the repair. This can cause the backlight coil (or fuse) to fail.

  • Try unplugging the battery for a few minutes, and plugging it back in (with everything else staying plugged in). See if it will light up.
  • Also try a soft reset at this point (Holding the home and lock button until it reboots).
  • If you are still having trouble, it is most likely going to be logic board damage requiring advanced soldering skills and special equipment (the hand solders at walmart are not a good choice for this repair).


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