
Second generation of Wi-Fi iPad, released on March 11, 2011. Model number A1395. Repair is difficult and will require heat.

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Wifi Antenna - torn but still connected

I am replacing the shattered front panel. As I was removing the damaged front panel I was extremely careful around the wifi antenna, knowing it was a sensitive area (based upon instructions and previous comments). I was able to remove the front panel without damage to the antenna.

However, I couldn't complete the work all in one day and had to store it to come back to it another day. I protected the LCD screen with soft cloth because I didn't want any sort of damage to it. The cloth stuck to some of the residual adhesive and while removing it I must have torn the antenna along the wire (see attached fuzzy picture).

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Sorry for the photo quality it was the best I could get. The antenna is not fully torn. Where the wire connects on the back side is firmly attached. The tear is along the edge where the wire runs on the back side. If you follow the wire from where it is clipped to back of shell to where it goes under the antenna, the tear starts there and runs for about a 1/4" to 1/2". It appears some thin (possibly metal) material is torn. I am trying to put some adhesive there to glue it back, but not sure if that would fix it.

Does this tear render the antenna non-functional or will it still work? Is the only way to find out to put it back together and test it that way. I hate to assemble it and then find out I need to replace the antenna.

I'm sorry about the photo quality. In the picture, you can notice the tear is on the bottom part of the antenna along the sloped edge where the wire runs behind it. You can notice a hairline goldish/copper color running parallel to the slanted edge ... that is the tear.

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You are going to dry fit your LCD and screen and test, no? There really isn't any other answer here. Takes 5 minutes. Takes 1 minute if you've done it before.


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I'd say for the cost of a new wifi antenna ($10 roughly) it would be best to just replace it.


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I am trying to keep costs down. Though the prices for the parts are reasonable, I'd like to only get new parts if I need them. Plus, to remove/install the antenna involves several more steps where something new can go wrong.

I've seen others where the antenna is damaged yet still working. I guess my question comes down to: What damage causes the antenna to cease functioning? How much damage can the antenna sustain and continue to work properly?


I'm working on an iPad 2 where the antenna separated from the frame but was still intact. However it worked at only half strength without any physical signs of damage. Replacing it solved the problem right away. since the iPad is already opened replacing it may take another 20 minutes tops. I guess the deciding question is whether the thought of possibly tearing it open again is worth the $10 and 20 minutes you save now.



Mine has a rip, and I want to repair it. Solder refused to bind, even with flux. But I have conductive glue that I am thinking of using to save trouble of buying a new one.

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