
首先 你得要准备一部iPad Air(1rd Gen)只支持Wi-Fi的机型 这里我们指的是A1474机型 它拥有64位的A7双核处理器并拥有16,32,64GB甚至是128GB的内存选择

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Is there a GPS in the iPad Air?

Is there a GPS in the iPad Air that works without cellular reception? A real GPS that determines position from satellites?

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The GPS module is built into the cellular module, so if you buy a Wi-Fi version, there is no GPS capability.

GPS does not entirely rely on a cellular signal; it only speeds up synchronization. Even without any cellular service, GPS will still work fine.


得分 17


GPS does not require cellular service to work. What Apple did do is if you do have cellular services the cell towers can augment the GPU signal (getting better accuracy). This is useful in cities where the signal could be blocked or faint. On the open rural roads you won't need a cellular service to have GPS services.



The answer is no.

There is no technical reason why the wireless version should not have a dedicated GPS unit. Apple deliberately restrict this feature in the wireless versions of the iPad.

you have three options.

1. Most expensive:

Buy the 3G/4G version. It has a real GPS built in.

2. Mid Priced:

Buy the wireless iPad and buy a Bluetooth GPS unit. I have the iPad 1, and a dual xgps250. it work fine.

3. Cheapest and best solution.

Don't pretend that Apple makes the best stuff. There are numerous Android tablets that have built in GPS.. Nexus, Asus and Samsung all have great tablets that include GPS.


得分 17


Your right there is no technical reason why Apple couldn't put a real GPS into the WiFi version. But! Are you willing to pay the extra bucks for it? A GPS enabled version would come very close to the same cost as a cellular model. So what then? Lets say it's a $50 dollar difference. Why would Apple (or anyone else) produce two versions with so little a price difference, it doesn't make economic sense. Which is why Apple did a low cost version (without GPS) and premium version with cellular & GPS services.


Actually the reason is technical. The GPS uses the same cellular chips, Apple decides to simply cut the entire module and antennas. Also like Dan said, it doesn't make any sense to cut a module and put another expensive module in and sell the device cheaper.


So why do so many android devices include gps?


There is no way the GPS module is as expensive as the cellular module.


Android devices have a GPS so that Google can track you. They sent me requests for a review of places I'd been when they had no other way of knowing! They are spies!




The iPad does not need cellular connection for GPS service. It's just that Apple chose not to include a GPS in the wifi only models.


得分 4


The issue is the antenna needed for the GPS is also the cellular services antenna, which is why you need a Cellular/WiFi version. This is also true with other phones or tablets. Again, getting a Cellular/WiFi version of the iPad air doesn't force you to signup for a service plan in order to gain GPS.



Many of my friends use the I-Pad as their source for charting for both Aviation as well as Boating. We recently downloaded a Navionics chart system for our boating as well as Aviation Charts for our Airplane. The first step was loading the Aviation Charts for the plane. We soon realized that they worked great when we had Wi-Fi but as soon as we lost the Wi Fi connection we lost the GPS that put our location on the charts. I contacted a friend in the Aviation industry and he directed me to buy a Bad Elf GPS antenna. Plugged it into the Ipad and it works. Now as we travel whether by air or water our location is transposed to the charts. The charts were found in the APP store and a payment was required. In one situation while traveling from the Bahamas to Georgian Bay in the Great Lakes we ran to the edge of the chart and had to download another chart. We were able to do so by turning our Hot Spot on our iPhone and downloaded the next chart. My next pursuit will be to get an Ipad with a GPS built in. This should take the place of the BAD ELF. But that may not happen soon as the Bad Elf is working great.


得分 2

The GPS system in iPads and iPhones relies upon the cellular connection. It uses the towers to pinpoint the location. If you get a non-cellular model of the iPad Air, then you can only get location from wifi.


得分 1


Just to correct your statement here you do have a real GPS system in your iPad when you buy a cellular/WiFi model. What Apple offers is an extension to straight GPS services by augmenting location with the cell towers. This is very useful in the cites were the needed GPS signals can be blocked by buildings.


One thing here is if you do get the cellular model you don't need to sign-up for cell service to get GPS services. GPS is a free service and not dependent on a cell service contract. But you will need to have access to the mapping service (Apple or Google) via WiFi or download to your iPad a map application (TomTom).


Incorrect. This is not how GPS works. Triangulation is a fall-back if the main GPS chipset isn't pulling strong satellite signals.


Totally incorrect Dave , I use my ipad with no external GPS to flight , there is a fully built in GPS on the celular version, we have no cell towers at 10,000 feet with cel off



bad elf bluetooth gps receiever problem solved for the wifi only ipads but yes apple should have put the wifi receiver in.


得分 1


The iPad and the iPhone both have WiFi so I don't get your point here. Are you stating the WiFi only model should have the GPS built in? If that is your point I don't agree. Apple offers the service with the cellular models as the part needed is the cellular modem as the available GPS solutions (parts) can only be gotten with the cellular service model. OK, lets state it this way would you buy a WiFi only iPad at the same price as the Cellular/WiFi version? No, you would have bought the Cellular/WiFi version (at least I would). So Apple wouldn't have a cheaper option for people who don't want cellular data services ($$$).


I did not know that when I bought this apple air iPad because it had wifi and I didnt need a phone I thought this was still able to use with navionics.


Review their http://www.navionics.com/en/faq/409\FAQ'... As stated your positioning will be limited with the WiFi only model (WiFi hotspot only) With the WiFi & Cellular model you get cellular tower triaglation & GPS (you don't need to be signed up for a cellular contract). Accessing a mapping app will require a data service connection (i.e. Google maps) or have the local maps downloaded on your iPad.


Nexus 7 and Nexus 9 wifi-only models both come with GPS chips without the need for the cellular chip. Apple could have gone with this type of solution but chose to stick with the GPS on the cellular chip. Not sure if it's to gimp the cheaper version or because they think people won't use GPS without data, but I can prove that's not the case.


The issue is not the cellular and GPS chips, it is Apple trying to force people to spend more. The are GPS chips that are cheap and Apple could have use them in the Wi-Fi only ipad, but decided not to therfore forcing people to buy a more expensive device.




Yes. it support both models of GPS

A-GPS : Assisted GPS location get from WiFi networks .

For more info


GPS : direcly access GPS signals which emitted by GPS sat network

more info


and your device having high class of receiver and it's output is very accurate.


得分 1


@Buddhika - Be careful here! you are mixing things up. GPS is satellite based triangulation of your location. Cellular & WiFi hotspot triangulation augments the GPS when one has a GPS receiver in the device (only the cellular LTE iPad has GPS). The WiFi only iPad can only leverage cellular & WiFi hotspot triangulation, so if you are in the middle of the ocean the WiFi model would be useless! Unlike the cellular LTE model.


Thank you dan!


I had iPad 4 it only worked for driving direction if it was connected to wi fi, I now use iPad Air with network and it does gps fine without a sim to.


Sorry without sim also.


Lots of confusion here between cellular and GPS. Be careful whose advice you rely on. Cellular and GLobal Positioning System are NOT the same



I am a sailor and use a program called iNav which superimposes my position onto a pre-loaded chart. The purpose of my question was to see if I could pair my iPhone, which as noted in the reponses, does have a GPS ,with a wi-fi only iPad and thus avoid the cost of buying the cell enabled version of the iPad ($130 more).


得分 0


You can't tether your iPhone to your WiFi only iPad to leverage your iPhones GPS with Tom Tom running on the iPad. In the case of Tom Tom it needs direct access to the GPS services. I would recommend you speak with iNav to see if they have a means to make it work with there program, I doubt it though. If you got the iPad with cellular service but don't sign up for a carrier you would then have a WiFi iPad that would have GPS (disabled cellular data link).


Thanks for the responses. I sucked it up and went ahead and spent the extra $ 130 for a cellular enabled iPad Air so I will be sure to have the GPS available. I turned off the cellular data function as suggested.


With wifi-only iPad, you can still pair it with an external Bluetooth GPS chip / antenna. Here is a fellow sailor who uses one with iNavX: http://youtu.be/qaPmncNkCcQ



I cant find my ipad n i will like to locate it by de the gps it have how do i go by located it


得分 0


I lost my I pod kept in a bag in Airport, how track the same, it is a non cellular I Pod,



Your iPad or iPod would need cellular connectivity for the Find My iPhone App to communicate to it. Then either a GPS, Cellular and/or WiFi triangulation would be acquired by your lost device to then communicate back to the Apple Find My iPhone server so you can get the info within iCloud.

If the batteries have died, the device was not able to gain access to find its self or communicate to you it won't be findable.



Pokemon Go gives me the error: GPS Not Connected


得分 0


Tether your iPhone to Wi-Fi iPad for location data.


Not sure that will work here. Haven't tried Pokemon Go on a iPad so I can't say for sure if it offers an option to do that.


I can sort of play pokemon go on my wifi only iPad Air, but it frequently loses GPS data. Going to home screen and back will fix the problem, but only for a short time.

Using the ipad howver does make managing my pokemon much easier and changes on one are instantly seen on the other.




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