
The PowerMac G5 is a desktop computer first produced in 2003 by the Apple Corporation. This guide will review the repair process of an Apple PowerMac G5 model number A1047 EMC 2061 from 2004. It was discontinued in 2006 as part of the Intel switch first to developers then consumers.

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Doesnt seem to fully Boot, No signal Display on Monitor

So here is the problem,,, When I turn my mac on, there is a no signal display on my monitor, my fan turns on but it makes the same weak sound over and over. It seems like it doesnt want to boot (I dont know)

I tried pressing the PRAM, changed the PRAM battery, bought a new graphics card. And Im still having the same problem..Its not the monitor, I check it with another pc and it worked just fine.

When I turn it on I cant force shut it off by holding the button.. I have to pull the plug..

Here is what happens when I turn it on. The fan goes on, but it stays on a constant in and out sound..It doesnt go any faster.. There is no display on the monitor..

Anyone had this problem before?

PLEASE HELP...Im not sure if its the main battery, logic board, or processor...

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Could be any of those things (though I suspect the power supply). Look inside and check the diagnostic LEDs. There are four and if/how/when they illuminate tells much about where potential problems can be solved.

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Hey. I suspect the power supply myself. But not 100% sure. No led lights are on. I turned it on again. But the same thing. This time it's not making the fan sound. But if I leave it on the fan starts to sound like its revving up. Going faster and faster. Still no boot or display. Now it seems like I can force shut it off. Power supply? Or logic board? So confused. I don't want to start buying more parts to fix it.


erika - For future reference you posted a comment in the place where only Answers belong. Please use the Add Comment link above right on each answer. So many places place to start. Did you press the CUDA switch too many times? Next to double check all connections to the motherboard including the front panel connection (power button) the power button/cable/circuit could be bad or broken. If that is properly connected the power supply is next inline as that should at least flash LED #1.




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