
Second generation of CDMA iPad 2 with 16, 32, or 64 GB and Dual Core A5 Processor. Model Number A1397. Repair is detailed and requires heat and prying.

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Power button not working - camera, volume and screen lock work fine

I have replaced my digitizer for the second time due to clumsiness - i have been very careful not to damage antennas and power cord. After re assembly the unit wouldn't power on with power button. I plugged it into charger and powered on with home button. Volume, screen lock and camera work - the power cable looks intact. Could the cable be broken and the other stuff still work? I have ordered a replaement power cable but any suggestions in the mean time would be appreciated. Cheers

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Seems like the little ribbon in the upper right that sticks in between the frame and digitizer might have gotten damaged. Hopefully that is all that is damaged and a pretty "simple" fix by replacing the lock/volume/silent/magnetic off ribbon. Make sure you look a the ribbon carefully and try to put the proper "bends" in it so it sits properly in the aluminum shell.


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