
The PowerMac G5 is a desktop computer first produced in 2003 by the Apple Corporation. This guide will review the repair process of an Apple PowerMac G5 model number A1047 EMC 2061 from 2004. It was discontinued in 2006 as part of the Intel switch first to developers then consumers.

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How to fix a G5 that freezes on boot?

Hello there.

I have a Power Mac G5, made in June 2003 or 2004. The model is a dual 1.8 Ghz processor. The PCI devices are PCI-X.

After experiencing some freezing after 30 minutes of use, I decided to reseat the processor. However, it didn't work and now I get to the Apple logo and that's it. I did do my homework by searching everywhere for any possible solutions, even the Apple Support Forums, which provided little help. I also tried the following before reseating the processor:

1) Ran disk utility and no problems were reported.

2) Reset the PMU. No effect.

3) Checked for improperly seated ram. Confirmed seated properly.

4) Checked all connections.

5) Checked for a bad video card. Confirmed working.

Is there any possible solution to my problem? I tried everything and nothing helped. My G5 still boots, but it freezes on boot. I don't have a AHT cd because it didn't came with one. I also didn't bother using it because a look around showed people tried it and it was little help. If you need more details, don't hesitate to ask. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Mmmm .... AHT can be useful in aiming you to the area you need to focus on. Granted the codes are meanness without the top secret Apple decoder ring ;-} I would still give it a try if you can.

Otherwise have you tried starting up under the original install disk the system came with or an OS-X CD? If you can give that a try as you can at least isolate out if the HD is the issue. Then try an external bootable HD if you don't have the CD's (needs to be a FireWire drive). I would try giving Apple a call to order a set of disks if they still have them or look on line for a copy of OS-9 you are currently running or newer.


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I tried booting with the original 10.3 disks and it still doesn't work. I suspect AHT would give the same result freezing under boot. Mac OS 9 doesn't boot on PowerMac G5 computers. I don't have a Firewire HD. Should I try reseating the processor again? But, the Torx screws are broken. I think it has something to do with the G5's cpu.


What happened with the screws? Did you strip the heads? Yes, that is most likely the root issue here as the way the CPU cage is designed you must screw the screws down in order for the cage to fully seat into the frame and the contact blocks.


I didn't really strip the heads. I tried unscrewing it carefully, but the screws wouldn't come off; the Torx screw driver just lost its grip. It worked before, but now it doesn't. I also tried to look at the memory. The memory was very warm and the CPU was kind of warm as well. The first time I tried taking out the CPU, it was successful. Then, I screwed the G5 CPU to the heatsink very tightly. Then, I put it back on. I didn't knew if that was going to help.


You may have over tightend the heat sink, also did you re-apply fresh thermo paste on to the heat sinks? (cleaning off the old first)


I think I did over tighten the heat sinks. I didn't apply fresh thermo paste because I didn't know how to properly on a fragile computer like this one.





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