Broke the digitizer Sockets
I made a iFixit booboo, while replacing the screen on my ipad 2 i broke the digitizer sockets. Are they repairable at a reasonable cost and easy enough to get my hands on?
I just got through repairing an ipad 1 digitizer fpc connector and it was successful. I have another one to do Thur. This is not a job for someone without a good knowledge of soldering and have all the proper equipment and supplies. This part is available at cyberdoc. I think they are 17. 00 each. You should use the desoldering alloy as it works very well. You will need some good magnification for this job too. You can get it done for about 100 or less online. I charge 85.00. one side and 150 for both. I seem to see these in pairs a lot I don't know if it is because of installer eror or faulty parts but these are very delicate and any excess pressure on the sides will snap it right off. If it only pops out of one side I can usually get it to latch with no problem by pinning the loose side in place with a dental pick and pushing down the latch.
If it is not an issue you can just simply cut a piece of screen protector and wedge it between the digitizer cable and the top of the connector. It forces pressure down on the cable and does the same thing the latch did.
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What exactly do you mean by broke sockets ? A picture would be helpful, or try to explain in greater detail, do you mean the plastic bail clamps came off the sockets ?
由 Mitch Rush 完成的