
Battery neither charging nor loading

I've inherited a A1150 MacBook Pro. It will only run when when power is plugged in. The LED on the magsafe plug stays green so the battery won't get loaded and the battery status says 'No battery connected'.

What could possibly be wrong? One thing I don't know is, how long the MacBook has been without power, so it could be a case of deep discharge, but wouldn't there be logic in the battery or the MacBook to prevent discharge?

How can I check the battery without another MacBook to test it in?

Thanks in advance


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More then likely your battery has died for good. According to Apple, "If you don’t plan on using your notebook for more than six months, Apple recommends that you store the battery with a 50% charge. If you store a battery when it’s fully discharged, it could fall into a deep discharge state, which renders it incapable of holding any charge." (http://www.apple.com/batteries/notebooks...).

Sorry to break it to you. You can take it to Apple's Genius Bar and they will confirm or tell you otherwise.

Good Luck


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Hi there!

i am having quite a similar problem to this yet my macbook a1150 is holding a brand new battery suitable for it. 2 days on and the battery holds an excellent charge, yet struggles to notice the battery at all. as said in the main question, the magsafe glows green. the mac says the battery is 'not charging' and 'needs to be serviced'. this is quite frankly not true as the battery is only 2 days old as i type.Should i get another battery, get the mac checked or something else?



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