
Model A1311 / Mid 2010 / 3.06 & 3.2 GHz Core i3 or 3.6 GHz Core i5 Processor

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two 2.5" drives INSTEAD of one 3.5" HD (apple fusion drive)

Hi Guys

Maybe I´m being stupid here so I thought you could help me out:

I want to get more mileage out of my iMac 21" 2010 and when I heard about fusion drive ( http://www.anandtech.com/show/6406/under... ) it hit me:

Pull the 500GB 3,5" HD and swap it for a 2*2.5"to 3.5" adapter tray (like this one http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as... ) and install a 1TB 2.5 HD plus a 128GB or 256GB SSD in its place.

Obviously I´d need a SATA Y-cable to connect two drives to the motherboard (or is there a spare SATA connector?)

Anybody tried this before?

Any practical theoretical roadblocks?

Would love to get your input.



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Hi matt,

The bad news is there is no such thing as a SATA splitter data cable—the interface doesn't support stringing multiple drives on a single channel.

The qualified good news is that there is a second SATA port on your logic board, but it's being used for the optical drive.

The only way to get a second drive in there will be to replace the optical drive, like in our dual hard drive kit guide.

Hope this helps, good luck fixing.


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