
原帖由: oldturkey03


@steve5964 since the battery charges with you having created a direct connection, the issue appears to be your charging circuit. Here is the [document|33209] Start of by checking the Power system checkout starting on page 28 of the manual. Let us know what works and what does not. IF all of that checks out, we need to know what motherboard your ThinkPad has. I show it to be a NM-B911 If so, then you want to check things out around the Battery charger boost converter BQ25700A as well as U4302 which is your Type C load switch NX20P5090UK

Here are the documents which you will need to attempt to fix your own board. [document|33210]and the boardview [document|33211] Nothing wrong with trying. Post some good pictures of your motherboard with your Question so we can see what you see and hopefully we can help you out further. [guide|21499]

