
原帖由: Stephen Gilsenan


=== ***++Removing Stripped Security Screws++*** ===

''“Should I use my brand new screwdrivers on that rubber band? Perhaps you have a better method?”''

A stripped size ***P5*** ***PENTALUBE security*** ***screw*** or a stripped size ***T5*** ***TORX security*** ***screw*** is so small that a regular “post-man” or “office-type” rubber band may be too thick to try the “rubber band hack”


***Pentalube head***


***Torx Head***

The rubber band trick (see link below) works quite well on larger pieces too, like even larger type screws on furniture!

For this size screw (P5/T5) you’d need about a centimeter ~1/4” or so of wider thinner rubber.

(The rubber band used in the referenced guide is wide and the guide doesn’t say where to find such a band )

A piece from  a gym resistance type rubber stretch band or something similar would be Ideal - Just cut a bit off the end and keep it.

I’ve never tried, but now that i think of it -  a bicycle puncture repair patch is latex rubber too.

* The “rubber band trick” works by partly filling the “void” of the stripped screw.
* The screw driver “head” forces the rubber to try to fill the voids in the screw
* It also serves as additional friction or grip when applying a firm, perpendicular downward pressure whilst turning anti-clockwise to open.

See The iFixit Guide, contributed by Jake Devincenzi  [guide|13213|***“How to Remove a Stripped Screw”***|stepid=98920] , see ***STEP 2***

I have used a small piece of electrical insulation tape placed over the screw head before in the absence of a rubber band and it worked.

Electrical insulation tape has a different plastic compound, it is thicker and tougher than regular household packaging tape.

* ***There is no right or wrong answer as to whether to use the new tools or not.***
* ***I’d try to use the stripped screw “Hacks” with the ++old tools first++***
* ***If time was money - I’d jump right in with the new tools***

***Minnow Driver Kit*** [link|http://Minnow Driver Kit|https://www.ifixit.com/Store/Tools/Minnow-Driver-Kit/IF145-474?o=1]

