
原帖由: Stephen Gilsenan



We need to establish ***''++where exactly the problem is in the power supply chain?++''***

If you follow @craiglloyd  ***[guide|122922|Motorola Moto E5 Play Screen Replacement] ***guide from ***''steps 4 as far as step 11''***.

* The problem is either going to be the in the USB charge connector ***++OR++***  with the motherboard flex to the so called “daughter board”


* The intermittent / Slow charge could be an intermittent connection (increased contact resistance) on the motherboard flex. Sometimes carefully opening and closing the connection may have a positive result.


* The daughter board can be removed from ***''step 11''*** to ''***step 12*** where it can be inspected visually.''


* Bear in mind the USB port is an electro/mechanical component subject to repeated use, stresses and strains and can and will wear out eventually.
* If its questionable it seems like a servicable part I’d replace it

