


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的iPhone 8 Plus,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解, iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • iPhone 8 Plus有着更大的屏幕,更大的机身,让我们来瞧一瞧:

    • 苹果(Apple)A11 仿生处理器辅以M11运动协处理器

    • 64或256GB可选板载存储空间

    • 5.5英寸多点触控IPS视网膜显示屏,分辨率1920X1080(401PPI)

    • 后置1200万像素双摄,配备f/1.8光圈广角镜头及f/2.8光圈长焦镜头,支持光学变焦及10倍数码变焦

    • 前置700万像素f/2.2光圈 FaceTime高清摄像头,支持1080P高清录制

    • 支持PD快充技术以及Qi标准无线充电

    • 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi + MIMO Bluetooth 5.0 + NFC

  2. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 来看正面,这是,额···一部iPhone。除了新的配色,iPhone 8 Plus跟2014年发布的iPhone 6 Plus简直一毛一样

    • 翻过面来,我们看到了一个新的闪耀的玻璃背板,这种自iPhone 4S后重新出现的设计,提供了无线充电功能,当然还有成倍的易碎机会。

    • 当然,三星从Galaxy S6开始就采用了双面的玻璃三明治设计

    • 这次苹果设计师终于占据了上风,型号标识等字样已经从手机背面移除,从我们的盒子上可以看出,这台iPhone 8 Plus的型号是A1864

    What’s the reason for the perpetual yet irrelevant Samsung references?

    Kit - 回复

  3. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们迫不及待想要拆开来看看内部了···但这并不是必须的,谢谢来自Creative Electron的X光技术支持

    • 在经过X光的洗礼之后,我们在手机背面看到了一个令人眼花缭乱的螺旋—无线充电线圈—稍后再说吧···

    • 就像iPhone 8一样,X光中并不能体现出苹果的标志,而在iPhone 7 Plus上则能很好的显示出来

    • 这和上一代相比并不是完全一样的—但我们认为Taptic Engine是和上一代一样的

  4. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 这台新iPhone对于她的初次登场似乎有些紧张,我们叫来了iOpener来帮助她放松一下···她的胶水

    • 螺丝刀上手,我们看到了相似的十字螺丝—虽是以略微不同的姿态,略微凹陷像是一个O型环

    • 我们很难推测这个螺丝变化的原因—我们必须深入了解寻找线索

    • 稍加操作,我们打开了iPhone,探寻她的内部

  5. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 电池接口与我们的撬棒并不太友好。就像我们在iPhone 8上看到的一样,苹果抛弃了曾在支架上惯用的Y型螺丝,使用#000十字螺丝代替

    • 和iPhone 8一样,我们发现了四个电池拉带,而不是去年的两个,撬棒得分!

    • 近距离观察这块电池,它有着3.82V,2691nAh的规格,提供最高10.28Wh的能量

    • iPhone 8 Plus的电池比前代iPhone 7 Plus少了个量级,前代产品有着3.82V,2900mAh的规格,并提供最高11.1Wh的能量

    • Galaxy Note 812.71Wh(3300mAh,3.85V)的电池相比也是轻量级的对手

    • 在你因电池容量下降而担心续航能力时请注意,苹果声称能与前代产品保持相同的续航能力

    You need to show the back side of the battery, the supplier name is on the back.

    Tom Chai - 回复

    Another irrelevant SS reference. How about Huawei? They are bigger than the slowly dying SS. You guys being paid for placement?

    Kit - 回复

  6. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 随着一些十字螺丝和Y型螺丝的卸下,屏幕被拆解下来了,屏幕的完整拆解可以参考iPhone 8的拆解

    • 我们的测试团队告诉我们8和8 Plus使用了相同的Home键,这应该会让更换部件的来源变得更广阔

    • 我们拆解电池的时候成功地拉下了3条电池拉片,剩下了一条留在背板上,看样子苹果这样处理是为了防止漂亮的内部无线充电线圈被粘得黏糊糊的

    • 加快进度,我们取出来这个出厂调教过的后置AR双摄模块

    • 这个12MP的双摄组合被牢牢地固定在一起,而手机的软件能将两个摄像头的画面很好地处理组合在一起

  7. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们用X光更深入地了解这颗摄像头

    • 通过曝光程度的调节,我们可以看到许多不同的细节

    • 第一张图片展示了图像传感器之下电缆的走向

    • 而最后一张图则能很好地展示出其中一个摄像头的OIS光学防抖系统

    • 另一颗摄像头缺失的OIS告诉我们这台不是iPhone X···

  8. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,1
    Standoff Screwdriver for iPhones
    • 至此,我们应该关注下那些芯片了,主板,我们来了!

    • 在拆解新中框上的主板时我们有些紧张···

    • 但我们很快发现这块主板使用了和其他iPhone一样的紧固件和十字螺丝

    • 我们很快地就将这块美味的主板拆解下来了

  9. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 让我们来看看这块主板上有些什么吧:

    • 苹果(Apple)339S00439 A11仿生处理器,预封装三星(Samsung)制3GB LPDDR4X运存

    • 高通(Qualcomm)骁龙 MDM9655 X16 LTE模组

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks)SkyOne SKY78140

    • 安华高科技(Avago)8072JD112

    • P215 730N71T —可能是追信IC模块

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks)77366-17 四波段GSM功率放大器

    • 恩智浦半导体(NXP)80V18 NFC加密模块

    Is that Apple “339S00439” or Apple 339S00436”? It looks like 339S00436. Can you show the photo of A11 processor?

    JJ Wu - 回复

    Why does the 8plus only has QualcommMDM9655Snapdragon X16 LTE modem and the X have 2 chips Qualcomm WTR5975 gigabit LTE transceiver & Qualcomm MDM9655 Snapdragon X16 LTE

    ernie599 - 回复

    Because the X is supposed to be better.

    Jarod Weaver - 回复

    Also, the 8 Plus has one WTR5975 inside according to Step 10

    Jarod Weaver - 回复

    My mistake. one WTR5975 in the X, one MDM9655 and one PMD9655 PMIC along with one Intel XMM7480 in the 1901 Model

    Jarod Weaver - 回复

  10. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 翻到主板的背面:

    • 苹果(Apple)/环旭电子(USI) 170804 339S00397 WiFi/蓝牙模块

    • 苹果(Apple) 338S00248,338S00309以及S3830028

    • 闪迪(SanDisk)SDMPEGF12 64GB NAND存储

    • 高通(Qualcomm)WTR5975 千兆LTE收发模组以及PMD9655 PMIC

    • 恩智浦(NXP) 1612A1—可能是迭代的 1610 Tristar IC

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks)3760 3576 1727射频开关以及SKY762-21 207939 1731射频开关

    “Apple/USI 170804 339S00397 WiFi/Bluetooth/FM radio module”, on this picture it is Murata module actually.

    Chao Wang - 回复

    How do I know where the Bass Band chip exists?

    garo bogos - 回复

    You can refer to step 9. There is one Qualcomm MDM9655. It is the baseband chip in the iPhone. There is another model which is intel baseband chip inside. Refer to http://techinsights.com/about-techinsigh...

    JJ Wu -

    Does the module have a Apple WiFi/BT solution? Or is it from Broadcom?

    Sundar Subramaniyan - 回复

    What is the function of the Trostar ic

    ologureprince - 回复

    What is the function of the Trostar

    ologureprince - 回复

  11. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 随着主板的拆除,我们可以继续拆除剩下的一些部件,我们取出了扬声器模组,弹出了Taptic Engine,以及气压计

    • 你们还记得不用卸下主板就能更换扬声器的时代吗?iFixit记得

    • 你还记得不用卸下扬声器就能拆下Taptic Engine的时代吗?我们还记得

    • 虽然我们很高兴很多组件还是保持着模块化,但是新的布局就像是一个十分困难的游戏

    • 这个只是塑料?不不不,我们去年已经回答了,这是我们熟悉的气压计

    • 时代的倒退,我们需要一辆德罗恩(DeLorean)的车来慰藉

  12. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,1
    • 我们拆下了Lighting接口的电缆,并且花了些时间来查看这个升级后的电缆

    • 我们怀疑这和iPhone 8中的电缆是一样的:它是为了让快速充电时产生的热量更快地消散而设计的,或是为了让机体颜色统一而特意设计的

    • 重点放回玻璃上,这块玻璃采用了七层色彩工艺制作,内部采用“激光焊接钢铜结构”进行加强处理,这对于性能和耐用性有什么帮助也只是有待观察,但现在我们只知道苹果喜欢这个颜色

  13. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 在经历iPhone 8的拆解后,我们决定先加热后面板

    • 警告:软化苹果使用的胶水似乎需要十分大量的热量,就算让中框热到软化,胶水似乎也没什么变化

    • 这一次,我们玩脱了,我们把背板玻璃拆碎了。警告:千万不要摔了这个手机,拆卸这个玻璃面板比装上去还要难很多

    • 我们下次估计要使用更疯狂的加热方式

    Very cold temperatures is more effective than heat for this.

    chris - 回复

  14. iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 iPhone 8 Plus 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • 在我们艰难的拆解工作后回顾下成果,并且表示感谢···

    • 再一次感谢来自Circuitwise在悉尼给我们的帮助

    • 非常感谢来自Creative Electron团队给我们提供的X光支持!

  15. 最后的想法
    • 两个最常替换的组件—显示屏和电池,只要运用正确的技术和工具就很容易更换
    • 无线充电技术的引入,可以减少Lighting接口使用次数,这可以增加Lighting接口的使用寿命
    • 防水、灰尘的密封圈使得维修变得困难,但却能减少因液体造成损坏的可能
    • 电池接口依旧使用Phillips/JIS标准安装,但对于不同的维修而言,你依旧需要四种不同的螺丝刀
    • 尽管后盖声称很耐用,但一旦后盖玻璃碎裂就很难甚至是无法修复
    • iPhone底部的组件曾经很容易拆卸,但现在,他们位于支架和精密且折叠的电缆之下,这使得拆解困难增加


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Broke the back glass on purpose? Yeah, that’s the ticket. I meant to do that! LOL

Uncle Reggie - 回复

Am I to believe that Apple is actually using the superior LPDDR4x RAM in the Plus model over the less efficient LPDDR4 RAM found in the standard 4.7in model? Or was that a typo?

Jeff Spicoli - 回复

It should be LPDDR4x.

JJ Wu -

u guys samashed that connector on step 9 didnt u?

Joao Eduardo - 回复

Yep! This wouldn’t happen during the course of a normal repair, but to show the chips you first have to remove the soldered-down EMI caps. You can painstakingly desolder them intact, but for a teardown-on-the-go like this we usually just trim off using faster means.

Jeff Suovanen -

Desoldering the emi shield is easy, even easier than ripping if you have a hot air station(doesn’t need to be a good one either)

echow2001 -

Joao - Looks like they messed up two! Doesn’t take much to kill them.

Dan - 回复

I don’t see it as too big of a deal if you have to replace the entire back case for smashed glass. It’s not like you can fix dents and scratches in the existing cases.

Having to completely tear it down to replace the dock flex sucks, but that’s only a few more minutes of work.

Gilbert Smith - 回复

I suppose the difference is that dents and scratches don't chip off and leave shards of glass behind. I think it's a pretty big deal that you have to essentially tear down the entire phone to replace the back frame/glass.

djlobb01 -

I’d love to work with you :3

Alex - 回复

I wonder how awful the iPhone X will be for repairability…

The Spitfire - 回复

Good question, I’ve been wondering that too.

spearson -

ill just place that back screen in the “fool me twice” basket…

Samuel Wyatt - 回复

Where does the additional weight in comparison to the iPhone 7 Plus come from? Is it the glass back only?

John Mccarver - 回复

I would like to know that too, especially given that the battery is smaller. In addition to the glass and wireless charging coil, the overall dimensions of the 8 Plus are ever-so-slightly larger than the 7 Plus, but the 14 gram difference is still surprising.

Remember the glass-backed Galaxy S6 Edge Plus? It somehow weighed 153 grams despite having a glass back, wireless charging, and a 5.7” screen (of course its dimensions were a bit smaller).

Mike -

Most of the things I like on iPhone 8 Plus are a modem Snapdragon X16 LTE Modem

garo bogos - 回复

I like this guide!

Filbotres - 回复

I like the tear down specialist. Pretty hands. Voice is very easy to listen to. Easy to follow as she disassembled the iPhone 8 plus. I had a good view of the whole process. Great job.

rswiebe - 回复

Would a screen protector help to fortify the rear case against cracking?

Hugh Briss - 回复

Lesson to learn from this: Dont break the back glass or you’re screwed.

Also the attention to detail on making the lightning port Pink Gold is awesome.

Eitan Marks - 回复

Where are the antenna(s)?

Fineas - 回复

Usually not visible and hidden behind the glass panel as flat metal pieces

Felix Hillebrand -

Wrecked the connector as well…

Jeff Gedgaud - 回复

Is the Lighting Port still USB 2?

HappymealTM - 回复

Ifixit don’t pay attention to details lately, for other apple products they have omissions too. This is very important to know the port 2.0 or 3.0 and they didn’t checked!

bestgsm -

Awesome overview.. Thanks folks

Ruth Murphy - 回复

could the ip7 screen fit on it?

Malte Bryne - 回复

Not a full teardown— didn’t even take the top speaker module off of the display assembly. Disappointed.

a_nth - 回复

I love the Mount Doom link for “more heat". How high does your heat gun go up to? I’d be willing to test my gun at 2k Fahrenheit on a device just for teardown purposes though.

Timothy Transue - 回复

Great instructions and parts. Replaced my iPhone 6 Plus battery in 15 minutes with the tools and part from this company. Save $100 and a lot of time. Works perfectly. I never repaired anything like this before. Thanks.

surucucu - 回复

I always look forward to any type of Apple device tear down.

Jordan - 回复

Hi, dou you know if logic board of iphone 8 fits on iphone 7? Can i use a logic board of iphone 8 in the 7? Thanks

alessandro - 回复

More interesting is does iP7Plus BATTERY fits into iP8Plus…

SergeSF - 回复

Just replaced my first iphone 8 plus screen. Yes, it is as it looks: it’s pretty much identical to the 7 plus. However, the one thing that almost tripped me up was that what I thought was the battery connector was NOT the battery connector. Make sure you actually disconnect the battery, otherwise you might not get an image or may do some damage during your repair.

FixNcell Phone Repair - 回复

Hopefully my New ForeverCharge Concept will be in a future iPhone.

Padraic Hoselton - 回复

Das ist Perfect.

Najefi - 回复

I want iphone 8 plus motherboard to buy, how do I get one?

Roland - 回复

Where can i find the antenna switch module and more information about how it works and its company?

michael-home - 回复

Non funziona piu lo speaker della chiamata e il sensore prossimità cambiando il display

Marco Furini - 回复

My 8plus has a cracked home button. Apple said that it is beyond their capacity to repair the unit. The solution is to replace the unit at 50% discounted price. I searched the internet and it seems that the home button is one vital part that this unit uniquely has. Replacement of the home button is not easy for the technicians to do. What should be the cheapest solution?

Emer Abundo - 回复

Hola una pregunta mi iphone se quedo sin señal que es lo que puedo cambiar o ya estoy muerto


sebafc88 - 回复

I don’t see any notes on the audio? Is there an audio codec that it is using?

Haitham - 回复

ETA: I found the audio codec and audio amp info on another site with an illustrative graphic. It seems there are three 338S00295 Audio Amplifiers and an Audio codec 338S00248. It says they are from Apple/Cirrus.


Haitham - 回复

So I have been searching like crazy and idk if this issue is new since the phones came out but my back glass replacement - That I purchased from this site - doesn’t fit over the camera housing on the back. I have heard mixed things like 1 the housing being replaceable and 2 that the housing is not. Anything I could be missing here? I appreciate the help

Ian Salcedo - 回复

@isalcedo The camera housing is welded in place from the inside, over the top of the glass. This is why it’s not a very practical repair. Separating the back glass requires very high heat for a sustained period, and the battery should be removed first for safety. Then you have to either destructively cut away the camera ring, or remove the camera and break the welds holding the camera housing in place from the inside. At that point you’ve got the phone halfway disassembled, and you have to sort of cobble the camera housing and back glass together with glue. I’ve seen repair shops kludge it back together in all kinds of ways, but if it were me, I’d replace the entire housing/enclosure and forget about trying to replace the glass by itself. Hope this helps! Best of luck.

Jeff Suovanen -

This is a f***** useless teardown unless you are a geek. I would rather know screw sizes, types and things to be careful of. Like the earlier ifixit teardowns. You are losing me as a follower & customer

james.collins1905 - 回复



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