

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Samsung Galaxy S6,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. 拆解三星盖乐世S6, 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6, 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6, 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 规格上与S5相比,S6确实可圈可点。下面罗列出来其规格:

    • 5.1寸 Super AMOLED 电容触控屏(1440 x 2560 像素,~577 ppi,16M色彩)

    • 搭载Exynos 7 Octa 7420 处理器与协Mali-T760 GPU,以及3GB运行内存。

    • 1600万像素后置摄像头,具有HDR,LED补光及双视频录制功能。

    • 内建无线充电模块。

    • 32,64及128GB存储可选。

    • 正反面均采用第四代康宁大猩猩玻璃。

    • 更大的电源,更高的像素。但仍感觉有所欠缺。我们还没有开始动手,所以开始拆解吧!

  2. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 如同曲面版的同胞,采用了第四代大猩猩前后玻璃面板。

    • 盖乐世的边缘视角。

    • S6比它的姐妹略薄一丢丢,它0.27英寸(6.8mm),而S6 Edge是0.28英寸(7mm)。

    • 更纤薄,但是并不小--S6比同胞略微更大更宽一些,也更重一些(6克)。

  3. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 两款机型使用了相同的粘合胶,但奇怪的是S6 Edge却更难打开。这次的盖乐世看起来光滑无缝并且牢不可破,但我们依然有办法——用神器iOpener加热并将其打开。

    • 经过déjà vu短暂的较量,我们通过另一组神器压力吸盘及塑料撬片帮我们进入了内部。

    • 看起来S6和S6 Edge内部结构像外表一样有很多相同点。

    The device needs to be heated up using a hot plate or other appropriate alternative before you can follow these instructions.

    Kutzki - 回复

    The iOpener is such a heat source, is it not?

    satidragon -

  4. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 后盖简直一模一样,我们将他们肩并肩放一起做比较:如我们预期的那样,S6 Edge(右)后盖比S6(左)略微小那么一点。

    • 粘合胶此时仍紧紧粘附在中框上,并盖住了螺丝。我们有点恐慌,想着可能要从显示屏下手了,就像S5的风格。

    • 但是揭去粘合胶,所有的螺丝出现了,来吧,开拆!

  5. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,1
    • 该把盖乐世的大门打开了。

    • 卸下中框。。一个S6 Edge?简直不能太像。

    • 但是仔细看能发现些许不同。振动器安装的位置略微不同,这种内部结构与我们拆解的其他的三星智能手机旗舰是极其相似的。

    remember to take out the sim card holder before removing the mid frame

    randyknudsen - 回复

    What is the function of the large black thing in the center of the midframe?

    Terri White - 回复

    As in the S6 Edge link, it’s an NFC/wireless charging coil.

    Sam Goldheart -

  6. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 是什么支持手机的运行?是电池!

    • 从S6上卸下电池比Edge的更容易。Edge的电池连接线穿过主板的下面然后连接到顶部。所以要先卸下主板然后才能卸下电池。

    • S6内部看起来有一点额外的空间,以至于使连接线直接插在板子上,省去拆卸电池的一步。

    • 同时,拜S6平板设计所赐,很容易就能将塑料撬片插入到电池和显示组件之间的缝隙中,从而去掉固定电池的粘合胶。

    • 用户自行很难更换电池,但是相比之下S6 更容易一点。当然不同于先前的S5,若要换电池就要用到聪明才智啦。

  7. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用了一个3.85V,9.82Wh的电池。三星声称能提供最多23小时的3G通话时间,12小时使用Wifi网络,以及57小时音乐播放。

    • 随着转变为更重的外壳材料,或许三星更侧重于通过削减电池以减轻重量。相较于盖乐世S5的10.78Wh电池,S6的9.82Wh电池及S6 Edge的10.01Wh感觉小很多。

    • 这块电池确实比iphone 6的6.91Wh大很多,但提供的通话时间却更少。似乎是因为大屏更费电。

  8. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 主板和子板之间有一条扁平线连接着,我们很快着手用撬棒断开其连接。拿起来近距离看看。

    two other connectors need to be removed, one twoards the top and another along the side

    randyknudsen - 回复

    We don't write teardowns to be detailed disassembly instructions—they're supposed to provide a fun look inside new devices. If you're looking for step-by-step guides, we do have a complete set of repair manuals that include all the details for individual component replacements.

    Evan Noronha -

  9. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们用镊子捏住并仔细观察了它的摄像头。

    • S6的500万前置摄像头和它的同胞机型简直一模一样。

    • 相似之处不只如此。1600万像素光学防抖后置摄像头看起来与Edge的一样。这这块PCB板肯定也有一些类似的硬件。

    • 华邦W25Q32FW系列闪存。

    • 美盛 IDG-2030用于光学防抖的双轴陀螺仪。

  10. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,1
    • 我们首先观察了主板的背面,并发现了一些熟悉的核心芯片:

    • 三星Exynos 7420 Octa-core 64位处理器,2.1 GHz 4核 + 1.5 GHz 4核。以及三星K3RG3G30MM-DGCH 3 GB LPDDR4 内存。

    • 三星 KLUBG4G1BD 32GB NAND 闪存。

    • Skyworks 78041混合多模多频段前端模块。

    • 安华高 AFEM-9020 PAM。

    • 博通 BCM4773 定位导航芯片。

    • 三星 C2N8AF (可能是图像处理芯片)

    • 安华高 A7007(之前在盖乐世S5中看到过)。

    The teardown does not mention that there is a Samsung Shannon 333 Modem Chip underneath the NAND Flash Chip (Orange).

    Its stacked and soldered with the same connectors onto the board.

    Thor Odinson - 回复

    It Also doesn’t mention that this is the E0B1 Variety. (32GB EMMC Chip)

    Thor Odinson -

  11. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,1
    • 在主板的正面有一些熟悉的面孔:

    • 欧胜微微电子WM1840音频编码器。

    • 三星S2MPS15 (可能是类似 S2MPS11的电源管理芯片)。

    • 三星 Shannon 928射频收发器。

    • 美信MAX77843辅助电源管理单元。

    • 美信MAX98505 DG级音频放大器。

    • 三星 Shannon 600B5D。

    Huh.. So that pesky little PMIC is whats burning my hands when my phone charges.

    Cole Feldt - 回复

  12. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们尝试撬起子板,但是败在了虚拟键LED连接线上。

    • 虚拟键LED线缆卡在显示屏和显示后框架之间。

    • 于是我们撬起显示框架以释放子板。

  13. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 拆下子板就能清楚看到音频插孔及microUSB (2.0) 端口。

    • 这也表明相比S5的10倍速 USB 3.0端口,S6反而倒退了。

    • 在板上我们看到一个单一芯片:

    • 赛普拉斯 3175 1501 1885(可能是触控或指纹传感控制器)。

  14. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • 随着卸下显示屏,我们看到与S6 Edge相同的意法FT6BH 触摸屏控制器。

  15. 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 拆解三星盖乐世S6: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 三星盖乐世S6可修理性分数:4分/满分10分(10分表示最易修理)。

    • 很多原件都是模块化的,并可以单独更换。

    • S6不需要像S5一样只能通过显示屏拆解,但是如果你想更换USB端口依然需要将其卸下。

    • 不像S6 Edge,拆卸电池需要先将主板卸下。但是牢固的粘合胶及后盖胶加大了拆卸难度。

    • 前后玻璃面板设计导致了两倍碎裂的可能,尤其是后部玻璃面板上强力的粘合胶使其很难安装到设备上。

    • 更换玻璃而不损伤显示屏几乎是不可能的。

    My samsung s6 dropped in water and only comes on when it is plugged in. As soon as the cord is removed it shuts off. Ive had the battery looked at and thats not the problem. Any suggestions?

    Maurice Lafleur - 回复

    Possibly the daughterboard (assuming charging circutry is on daugtherboard) may be providing power to motherboard but not battery

    Aidan Macgregor -

    Samsung is a phone which is one of the best phone of the world. There is no doubt.

    But at the same time …probably the most difficult phone to get opened !!!

    Achena Pothik - 回复


en zh


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So once the rear glass is removed once the screws are removed the chassis is removed? As I want to replace my chassis on my s6 at some point and don't want to remove anything I don't need to.

Any help is appriated.

Anthony Summerfield - 回复

My wife dunked hers in the Pool right after my Daughter's Wedding so we need to get the pictures off.

I tried drying it out for a week before even attempting to turn it on. However it is dead!

Any suggestions?

northandersen - 回复

dissemble it first and replace the dead battery. Usually that's the first component that fails upon touching water. Once dissambled, replaced the dead battery and try again. You will be able to check the rest of component with a minimum investment. Cheers.

kavenzc -

My son put my s6 in the bath. The motherboard is blown. My data is fine to retrieve. Is there a way I can retrieve my data and how much would it cost? and also without replacing the motherboard? I just want my photos and videos. I'm not worried if my phone does not fixed afterwards.

meshaelzmercedes - 回复

I have the same problem. The cost of a recovery company are around 450 till 600 euro.

But the one I brought it to weren't able to retrieve the data

kirsten -

Theoretically, you can move the flash NAND to another S6 and use it that way, I'd assume. That would be pricy but it is possible to do

AdamA -

hello my Samsung s6 does not go fast charging. what is the component on the motherboard that handles the fast charging?

lapizone87 - 回复

I am looking for the same thing I have replaced the USB port and board but still no fast charge

Jamie Sendall -

Hello! I had recently dropped my phone on a hard surface. My screen did not crack but my whole screen went black & now it will not read my fingerprints or anything. Is it possible to get it replaced? (Censor?) Underneath your screen? & If so what would be the price range?

Thank you!

Khalleigha - 回复

It think you broke the digitizer (in other words, your screen is no longer useful). Although, t here is a chance your screen connector just got disconnected, you should take it to a technician, and see if there is a solution for it!

kavenzc -

4 out of 10??? 1 or 2 out of 10 I think...

If broken micro usb connector: need dissasembly lcd and battery cover. Significant risk of breakage

if broken microphone: need dissasembly lcd and battery cover. Significant risk of breakage

if broken mini jack connector: need dissasembly lcd and battery cover. Significant risk of breakage

if broken battery: need dissasembly battery cover; the paint of cover is broken in old phones. (if battery inflated lcd broken)

Samsung make this phone bad for repair; bad durability, bad for the environment...

Very bad for Earth.

El CAÑON - 回复

0 out of 10 in practice!!!

Achena Pothik -

Trying to fix a broken back button… Which part should I replace? The daughterboard, the cables? What?


dave - 回复

Hi Dave! The button won’t “click” or work? Does the back button still light up? The Daughterboard button cables are just for the LEDs, the button function should be part of the digitizer in the display assembly. You can try opening the phone and reconnecting the digitizer cable, but I think it will likely be more trouble than it’s worth, I’d suggest an on-screen accessibility button. But if you want to try the connector, or fully replace your screen, check out our step-by-step display replacement guide!

Sam Goldheart -

My s6 finally died today. Can the SD card be put in a refurbished s6 phone or s6 casing so i can retrieve my photos and texts? My last backup was two months ago but i have important stuff post-backup which i really need. Pls advise, thx

angelnavidi - 回复

Unfortunately no, the data is stored internally.

Justin Weber -

I’m a boat service tech, my S6 has had several baths, if im not close to my house I wrap it a towel with a knot and swing it around mh head several times, pull the sims card set it in the sun with card opening up. close to house smae thing with but i have a block of soft foam i cut a slot in. wrap in towel put it in the washing dry on the longest spin cycle. after that i use a hair dryer no heat gun few minutes put charger on it as it warms the moisture expels as steam. put in front of a fan walk away. hour or so put card in it . off and running again. it’s 2015 model.

Gerald - 回复

Hi, I changed the battery in my s6 and now the touch doesn’t work anymore. How can I fix the problem?

Andrea Montanari - 回复

Make sure you reconnected the screen fully..if so then replace.

Justin Weber -

Hi, I replaced my screen and lost the screws to the mid frame…Do you happen to have the thread size and length of the screw? Samsung was useless when asking.

Justin Weber - 回复

Our guides have the screw lengths (side note: this is not a guide). Not the thread pitch though. If you’re looking to buy replacement screws, I’m not sure what to tell you. A phone repair shop might be able to help you out, as they sometimes have dead phones they can scavenge for parts. Good luck!

Jeff Suovanen -

Hi, I dropped my S6 a while ago and it has a small hairline fracture in the upper screen. It won’t turn on anymore but clearly tries to, as the blue power LED is lit as long as it tries to turn on. (Acts like a bootloop) The screen in completely black and will not show anything. Once you try to turn it on, turning it off is nearly impossible. I have data on it that I want to recover. What needs to be fixed?

bloodslash90 - 回复

The Loud Speaker. seems to be bonded into the midframe. How is it released for replacement?

Mike Atkinson - 回复



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