
微软Surface Pro 5拆解


正翻译步骤 12

步骤 12
Microsoft Surface Pro 5 Teardown: 步骤 0 中的图像 1,2 Microsoft Surface Pro 5 Teardown: 步骤 0 中的图像 2,2
  • That's all folks!

  • All told, it’s nearly identical to its predecessor—aside from ditching the last remaining upgradable component, the modular SSD. Yeah, Microsoft impressed us—by being way worse than we expected.

  • For more teardown action, check out our Surface Laptop teardown!

  • Psst—hey, wanna take a peek at the Core i7 Surface Pro? Thanks to Creative Electron, we got the goods.

  • Not much difference between the models, but that mysterious empty space under the heat sink is indeed filled with extra cooling power in the form of a fan.


总而言之,它与它的前辈几乎完全相同——除开抛弃了 唯一可升级的组件,模块化固态硬盘。没错,微软让给我们留下了深刻的印象——是不好的那种印象。

若要查看更多的拆解文章,欢迎访问我们的Surface Laptop 拆解!

嘿,嘿,还想窥探一下酷睿i7款的 Surface Pro?感谢Creative Electron , 我们能够一窥内部乾坤。


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