

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的iPhone SE 2020,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. iPhone SE 2020 拆解, iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解, iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解, iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 众望所归的平价iPhone现在终于来了。希望它能对得起“小钢炮”的绰号。它的纸面规格上来看也确实如此:

    • 第三代神经网络的A13仿生芯片——直逼iPhone 11/Pro/Max

    • 4.7英寸1334 × 750分辨率Retina高清屏幕,像素密度为326ppi,和iPhone8一样支持原彩显示和P3广色域显示

    • 1200万像素ƒ/1.8广角镜头,700万像素ƒ/2.2前置镜头,这看起来好像是从iPhone8和XR上面借来的一样

    • 支持2x2 MIMO的千兆LTE网络,支持2x2 MIMO的Wi-Fi6并配有蓝牙5.0和NFC——看起来和iPhone11一样

    • Home键及第二代触控ID传感器——iPhone8,爷的青春回来了

    • IP67防尘防水,和别的iPhone比起来差一点,但是在应对出乎意料的情况下也非常有用。

  2. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • “尺寸不重要。”

    • 话虽这么说,无妨来一场iPhone尺寸的大比拼。首先是SE 2016对战SE 2020,一场没什么可盼的对决。

    • 新的SE在尺寸上更大,但是2016年的SE配备了“极其先进”的3.5毫米耳机孔,扳回一城。

    • 这新款手机可谓iPhone 11套了iPhone 8的壳。我们会眼见为实的。

    • 新的SE仅比11 Pro小一点点,但是你更容易注意到的是两者重量上的不同——新的SE比11Pro轻了21%。

  3. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 待会就会将SE送交拆解桌,但我们先给它做X射线检查(感谢Creative Electron的大佬帮忙)。一道的还有初代SE(左)和iPhone 8(中央)。

    • 可能要列文虎克才能看出与iPhone 8相比有什么值得一提的内部改变,至少我们看不出来。除了一些非常细微的天线排布以及在主板上芯片的位置变化之外,我们找不出苹果有动什么。

    • 我们本希望能在这里看到天线布局的变化能带来驱动新的千兆位LTE(MIMO)的能力或Wi-Fi 6功能:iPhone XS相对于X的突破非常明显。但看来SE对于8则不是。

    Is the antenna in a different spot? Is it where the logo is? The reason I ask, is I just got the new SE phone, but the new SE case doesn’t show the logo, as it just matches the 8 location, so I’m worried the antenna is blocked by the new cover.

    Mike Bartholomay - 回复

    Hi Mike!

    Unless your case is metallic, you don’t need to worry! There are no antennas near the center of the back cover—that’s where the wireless charging coil resides.

    Arthur Shi -

    So where is the antennas located?

    Nikko - 回复

  4. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 不一样的iPhone,熟悉的打开步骤。螺丝卸掉卸掉。热量加上加上。iSclack走起走起。

    • 只拆一部iPhone有点突兀,何不干脆开它一对儿?我们继续把iPhone 8用作对比,看看它俩有多相似。

    • 只要内部也一致,就有通用iPhone 8和iPhone SE配件进行维修的希望。这两部手机都拆开后看上去还真是别无二致。

    • 向后兼容或交叉兼容的零件大概是第三方维修的真正福音,因为官方维修从未像现在这样遥不可及。(指美国苹果门面由于疫情关闭,用户难以寻找维修——译者注)

  5. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们的测试表明Taptic Engine和主扬声器在8和SE之间可以互换!

    • 这意味着零件更好找、维修更便宜,这对所有人都是一个利好。

    • 至于电池,容量与iPhone 8相同,停留在6.96 Wh。这比初代SE的6.21 Wh稍高,但远低于iPhone 11那大得多的11.91 Wh。

    • 苹果公司在iPhone 11 Pro系列中淘汰了3D Touch以便显示器能更薄、电池能更厚。新的SE也缺少3D Touch,但电池大小完全相同。有什么阉割的必要吗?

    • 答:可能是为了把价钱控制到好看的三千元档次。

    • 或者:Apple希望抹去我们记忆中的3D Touch。——但这是不可能的。

    • 不幸的是,尽管电池的大小和容量相匹配,但接口却发生了变化,这意味着无法在两者之间互换电池,不像其他的部件通用。

    The connector mis-match issue is likely something that the aftermarket parts manufacturers will fix in the coming months/years. The fix should be fairly straightforward if all else is the same.

    Matt Zieminski - 回复

    so… lower power battery on a newer, faster processor. What does this mean for total run time?

    Can you test and post results? BTW, Great job.

    Nick - 回复

    iOS 13 doesn’t use 3D Touch anymore, even on older phones that still have the hardware. Why still include it in a phone that only runs iOS 13?

    Lars Trebing - 回复

    How to change battery?

    Linda - 回复

  6. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 主摄驾到。它源自哪里?有说是iPhone 8,有说是XR,还有其他说法。众口不一,还是用老办法,排一排,比一比。

    • 左:iPhone SE。中:iPhone8。右:iPhone XR。

    • SE的图像传感器可以确定比XR的要小。多半是沿用了iPhone 8传感器,不过有A13加持。

    • Halide的最新博客里介绍了A13如何给iPhone SE带来了人像模式。(以往人像模式仅限于有多摄像头的机型——译者注)

    • 后记:我们测试发现iPhone 8和SE相机互换后都可以正常工作。

    Would be interesting to see a comparison of photos taken by an SE using an 8’s camera vs. the included camera.

    David - 回复

    The specs really should be compared apples to apples (pun intended). If there is any advantage in the iPhone SE to the iPhone 8, or vice versa, it gives DIYers a reason to upgrade specs in a device to keep it running with the latest technology. Even if there’s no practical spec increase to be had it may be worth it just for the sake of efficiencies that Apple developed in the iPhone SE hardware release.

    Matt Zieminski - 回复

  7. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    Pro Tech Toolkit
    • 如果你必须单独修理手机,并且只能带上一样东西,你会选什么?

    • 如果你回答“Pro Tech Toolkit”,老师会奖励你一朵小红花,甚至亲吻你的额头——当然,只能隔着口罩。

    • 拆解iPhone的时候我们取下这块小小的电路板。

    • 看看这两块板子吧。搭载A13芯片的属于SE,尽管鬼人正邪好像对它做过些什么……让我们看看在该主板上还有什么。

  8. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 瞅瞅这些芯片:

    • 苹果APL1W85 A13仿生芯片PCB,下面是三星的K3UH4H40BM SGCL芯片(可能是3GB LPDDR4x)

    • Avago 8100中高频段放大器模块

    • 英特尔9960 P10PSV基带处理器

    • Skyworks 78221功放

    • Cypress CPD2 USB电源芯片

    • 338500295 A1TR1952 5G

  9. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 其它部件:

    • 东芝TSB4226LF23417WNA11948 64 GB闪存

    • 苹果APL1092电源管理IC

    • USI 339S00648 WiFi/蓝牙SoC

    • Broadcom 59358A81UB56触摸控制器

    • 338S00295音频IC

    • 338S00248音频IC

    • TI9CAK76I SN2501 A1

  10. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 回到没了3D Touch的显示屏。我们本还希望能在厚度上寻得一点点区别,但事实证明方向错了。iPhone 8 的显示屏(左)看起来与SE的显示屏(右)几乎相同。它们是不是根本就是一个东西?

    • 慢着。在3D触摸屏上,我们通常会在背面找到一块驱动平行板电容器的芯片(参见我们的6S拆解)。iPhone SE显示屏(在此照片的右侧)没有该芯片,那位置被留空了。

    • 还有电容器层?不到黄河心不死,我们开始剥离显示部件……

    • 啊我死了。真没有3D触控。

    • 一件好事是,尽管硬件有区别,两个显示器互换仍可发挥全部功能,这真是太了不起了——8的屏幕可以在SE上工作,而且反之亦然。

    • 但是不要试图为iPhone SE补充3D Touch。我们已经尝试过了,不起作用。

    Again a reference back to the merits of “upgrade” for the sake of efficiencies. If the iPhone SE has a better processor, and the parts are redesigned for 2020 but work the same with the iPhone 8 models, it stands to reason that inputting the older components in the newer device will result in some reduction on processing intensity and thereby battery life gains.

    Matt Zieminski - 回复

    As processing power per consumed energy unit increases with nearly every generation, I think it is more likely to see longer battery life on the SE while performing the same tasks while running the same iOS.

    Flo -

    A little surprised the displays are interchangeable, but not too much. Out of desperation we once put an iPhone 7 display on an iPhone 8 (may have been a plus model, can’t remember) and it actually worked just fine, minus the brackets mounting the assembly into the body of the phone being different.

    Ben Heinisch - 回复

    I wanted 3D Touch so bad and I wondered if it’ll work or not and this is the only source I find thank you iFixit! :(

    Pu Du - 回复

    But if you put iphone 8 screen on the SE, does haptic touch work?

    n.plarsson - 回复

    • 增强现实看看iPhone SE。

  11. iPhone SE 2020 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,1
    • 可真是梦回2017。怀旧有内味了。

    • 与iPhone 8交叉兼容的零件的完整列表见于我们的零件测试博客文章

    • 我们被Apple竟启用往代的配件制作出这款手机给惊到了。备换零件应该更容易找了,而且重新使用现有的生产线可以减少总体浪费。

    • Apple很慷慨地把A13 Bionic芯片给了SE,造就又一代长寿机王。

    • 在为iPhone SE打分之前,我们想宣布iPhone SE 2020赠品获奖者。祝贺Elliott Kinsey!

    • 我们会给你发我们额外订的iPhone SE,而不是我们大卸八块的那部……也许吧。

    It’s cool to see that parts are backwards (and in some cases forward) compatible, but we really need a more thorough run through the paces of the key features the define the iPhone SE from the iPhone 5S of yesterday. Technical deep dives into the Touch ID hardware, the parts’ demand on the A13 vs the older processor, etc. would be cool to look at.

    Matt Zieminski - 回复

  12. 最后的想法
    • 显示器和电池这两个最常更换的组件只要具备适当的知识和工具就​​可以轻松搞定。
    • 大多数组件都是模块化的并可独立更换的,其中包括许多与iPhone 8交叉兼容的组件。
    • IP67级密封件使维修工作复杂化,不过减少了麻烦的进水损坏维修。
    • 虽然整体结构非常易于维修,但你仍然需要多达四种不同的螺丝刀才能进行各种维修。
    • 脆弱的玻璃后盖无法更换。


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Can one put an iPhone 8 internals into an iphone se housing??

Sever2001 - 回复

Yeah. iPhone 7 ones as well, I think.

Mateja Miloradović -

Have you done it?

Zulfitri Fahmii -

Definitely looks closest to identical to the iPhone 8 camera sensor, and the XR sensor is definitely ruled out at this point. Wonder if the optics are any changed, or if it’s just straight up the iPhone 8 camera with the A13 enhancing images with smart HDR 2.

tipoo - 回复

I wouldn’t think so, I would like to imagine that they already spent a good amount of time tweaking the sensor before it went in the iPhone 8 and further tweaking the same platform would be mostly wasted time. My guess is they are just using the A13 chip to provide any improvements. That is just a guess though, will probably have to just wait for someone to swap the sensor into an 8 and see if there are any noticeable improvements.

Ben Heinisch -

How works now home button? There is no 3D Touch layer, and also no hardware switch on it.

Adam Krůžela - 回复

It works the same as the iPhone 8 and 7 home buttons. It is a separate component that controls the home button than 3D touch

Zach Heaton -

3D Touch module is in the screen, while all the home button drivers are on the button or logic board

iliketurtuls -

Great job! Still on a 6s, just don’t see a reason for me, personally, to upgrade to the SE.

john - 回复

just switched last month from a combo iphone 6s+/iphone SE first to iPhone 11/iPhone SE 2020 and can confirm that the new SE its a beast compared even to 6s+ which it’s somehow more powerful then the small 6s

leartzajmi -

you can see that cameras have diferent codes

Dan Danilescu - 回复

I can’t think of any reason to change from our two original 32 GB SE’s. Bought new two years for $130 and they do everything we need.

The most important thing, for us, is that they allow us to make phone calls and text messages. Any pictures we take are fine for the purpose and if we want superb photos we use a camera.

Yes, we did think about upgrading but the thrill went away, especially when we found out the it was glass on both sides.

3237daw - 回复

It’s a great little phone. My only complaint after having mine nearly a week is that it eats up the battery pretty quick, much faster than my 11 pro max. I’ve also noticed some wifi sensitivity issues, meaning where one phone can still get a decent signal at the fringe of the signal, my SE gave up trying until I moved closer.

Dennis Ramsey - 回复

As far as cost-cutting measures go, it's both interesting and strange that Apple kept the extra steel backplate riveted to the LCD that makes the screen more rigid for pressure sensing. You’d think Apple would manufacture the SE’s screen like the iPhone 6’s; with only a foil layer for the backlight. The iPhone 6S’s screen assembly was a fraction of a millimetre thicker than the 6’s, cutting the battery down from 1810 mAh to 1750 mAh.

Apple probably did the math and found that it was cheaper to leave the iPhone 8’s tooling as-is rather than redesigning to make the screen more like the iPhone 6. Raw material cost-wise though, surely two steel backplates costs more than one?

vantt1 - 回复

Cheaper to change just the cable instead of the frame design i guess. It is adhered to the back panel, rather than being a different metal piece, costing them less money to make. It is kind of funny seeing that it makes no difference other than having a metal back on the screen for pressure. But also remember that the XR and 11 have a metal back too, so it might be for heat dissipation (which is HEAVILY NEEDED. playing pubg for 10 minutes results in a hot a dim SE)

iliketurtuls -

So it’s the more reparable iDevice buyable “new” actually ? :D

snoid2 - 回复

Rice got stuck in my charging port and i stuck and smushed all the way in the back how much will it be to get fixed or is there anyway to get that out by your self?

Through Aalivias Eyes - 回复

Can you put a SIM card tray from the 8 in the se?

tarboxjanet - 回复

Yes! The SIM trays are compatible.

Arthur Shi -


kant - 回复

I have the 1st gen SE (i love the size) but i bought the new 2020 SE but i havent started it up yet. My worry is in regards to the placement of the cellular antenna compared to one another and even compared to a 6s. I live in the woods and my 1st gen SE is the only phone in the house that gets LTE signal (in certain windows). I dont want to start the new one up and have my service auto switch just to have no signal. A family member has a 6s that gets no signal at all with same service provider ( only verizon out here) is what i have to compare to.

Kira Cochran - 回复

I had same situation; got (free) Samsung “signal amplifier” from Verizon, now great connection all over cabin with my (fine) new SE 2020.

Chris Kenney -

How many screws are there on the entire iPhone?

david sabbah - 回复

I think the iPhone SE 2nd gen price dropped $100

Mine_Turtle - 回复

Does anyone know the storage chip used here is an nvme chip or regular emmc flash?

Ozy - 回复

If I accidentally broke my iphone SE 2020 display, can I replace it with an iphone 6 display ?

Tech basics - 回复

You should, definitely, factor the apple locks in battery, screen and camera. Have you tried to actually swap any of the parts and see how they work? If it’s anything like the iphone 12, this should be a 2 or 3 at most. Multitouch errors, brightness control tied to ambient light problems, unreliable touch rejection in phone calls, zoom and video not working in camera, error and warning messages after battery replacement, no battery percent remaining nor cycle count among other things. And that’s with official parts swapped from other phones.

Does the iPhone SE do all that stuff? If so, please, don’t be misleading. A lot of us actually trust iFixit.

Antonio Espíldora - 回复

No the only issues you will ha e is no ho.e button if you change it. No true tone if you change the display and no battery way to check the battery health if you change the battery.

Duck -

Is iPhone 8 camera module compatible with SE2?

eunmok79 - 回复

I want to replace the glass on the back of the SE 2020, has a guide been set up yet or is better to follow the iPhone 8?

Robert Smith - 回复

I think it would be beneficial in a grande way to everyone if a tad bit more emphasis was to be spoken on the difference between the battery compatibility (or rather connect-ability), with the other iPhones containing parts with swapping capabilities. I live in Mexico City and now have ordered three different batteries which I’ve not had an easy time trying to connect to my SE 2020. It was mentioned in the taredown but just wanted to reiterate that it’s not possible to to use these batteries (which were mislabeled saying it would fit)…. Well they don’t i phone 11 connector or bust. Granted I bought them from a third party vendor who more than likely knew but just wanted money. Lesson learned after 4 failed attempts. Buy from these kind folks and you won’t have suffer the hair loss and bloody urine that I endured:……..

kai2772 - 回复

…..-not yet an affiliate of ifixit but would love to be. After all, Mexico is untapped and quite a strange country when speaking about Apple products in general.

kai2772 -

Independent shop repair of SE 2020 charging port. Now have overheat shutdowns all the time. Any ideas?

Barry Gagnon - 回复

I wont to replace a damged sim card slot. Is it possible? The teardown dont show how to remove it frome the motherboard

Tenbo “TenBo” G - 回复



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