
更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏


  1. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏, 后盖: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 关掉电话。

    • 把iOpener准备好,用来软化Note 8背面的粘合胶。

    • 把iOpener沿着开关键一边平放在Note 8的背面。

    I used a heat gun to soften the glue - worked it around the edges, moving the heat gun quickly. As this is my first attempt, I’m still calibrating on this - but other guides mention getting the back cover hot enough so as it’s just too hot to touch. I also have a temp probe on my multi-meter, and I measured appx. 75 deg. C.

    One of the other guides showed using a electronics hot plate set to 105 deg C for 60 sec.

    Phil Brooks - 回复

  2. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 用一个吸盘来拉开后盖并将一个三角撬片插到后盖和边框的缝隙里。

    • 因为后盖的边缘也是有一点轻微弯曲的,在插入撬片的时候请保持一个比较低的角度从下插入。

    • 一边拉着吸盘,一边用翘片从侧边中间开始沿着边缘滑动来切开密封胶

    • 小心!不要用撬片将后盖撬的过高,这可能会把你的后盖弄断!用吸盘把后盖拉高再用翘片来切开密封胶。

    • 向手机的底部移动撬片,并把它留在那里(像图2一样)(你肯定不想你刚刚切开的密封胶又双叒叕粘到一起了)

    • 插进另一个翘片,并把它移到手机的顶部(像图3一样)

    • 如果你感觉到越来越难移动你的撬片了,你可能需要用你的iOpener重新加热后盖了。

    I used an X-acto knife with the flat blade to get it started. I tried using the suction cup - but it’s difficult to get good leverage. Once I got the cover started - I used the metal pry tool (sharpened with a dremel file) and a business card to work it open.

    This is definitely the hardest part.

    Phil Brooks - 回复

    Once off I see all the glue on the curved part of the chassis NOTON THE BACK. Apply heat to curved edges.

    Lyle Walsh - 回复

  3. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 再加上一个翘片,小心地将它划过左边的顶角和顶边。

    • 如果有必要,用iOpener重新加热。

    • 将翘片留在右顶角以避免胶水重新粘合。

  4. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 用另一个翘片来划开底部的粘合胶水。

    • 把翘片留在右底角,以防止胶水重新粘合。

  5. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 当三条边的胶水都被划开了以后,你就可以缓慢地打开背面玻璃了。

    • 不要用太大力。如果背面玻璃无法被分开或是开始弯曲,用iOpener重新加热来软化胶水。

    • 当你翻开背面玻璃时,当心指纹识别器的连接线。你可能需要把链接线分开,下一步有所说明。

    I broke the back camera cover for the NUT 8 and then I bought a commercial cover and installed it but the quality of the picture became very bad and my question is, do you know where to get the original cover at a reasonable price?

    Loord Mohammad - 回复

  6. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 用一副镊子来取下指纹识别器的接口。

    • 这个接口有可能已经在之前翻开后盖玻璃的时候被扯开了。

    don't skip disconnecting the sensor, even if isn't still glued to the case. it has to move away from the NFC/charging coil assembly in order to free the latter so it can be lifted away from the battery.

    a nonni mouse - 回复

  7. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 取下后盖玻璃。

    • 准备重新组装后盖:去除手机上残留的粘合胶水,并且用沾了酒精的无纺布擦拭粘过胶水的区域。

    How do you swap the fingerprint sensor

    Lukus Carr - 回复

    You can use a tweezer to swap the fingerprint sensor, you might be careful when doing the step 6, additionally, a tweezer will be helpful when reassemble the fingerprint sensor. please note that your new back cover needs to have the fingerprint adhesive on. most of the product did not have. i have get a LUVSS brand from amazon which came with all OEM adhesive and full set tools, even a B6000 glue, best option to go for replacing the note 8 back glass

    ggmall - 回复

  8. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏, NFC 天线和充电线圈: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,1
    • 移除十颗菲利普斯 #00号十字螺丝。

  9. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用顶部边缘的撬片,以便在NFC天线和充电线圈组件与外壳之间进行操作。

    • 撬出外壳顶部的组件。

    Solve the problem of moisture during charging

    moaed aljnapy - 回复

  10. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,1
    • 小心地拉起整个充电线圈和NFC天线组件。

    • 组件的左下部分略微粘在框架上。

  11. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏, 断开电池链接: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,1
    • 用撬棒平头来将电池排线从主板上取下。

  12. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏, 更换显示屏: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,1
    • 取下手机底部扬声器组件上的六个Phillips#00 十字螺丝。

  13. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,2 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒的平端撬起扬声器组件。

    • 你将在主板和天线电缆上方撬动。小心撬,以免损坏任何组件。

    • 取下扬声器组件。

  14. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,2 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒的平端断开显示屏和触摸屏电缆。

  15. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,1
    • 准备 iOpener 并将其放置于显示器上至少两分钟,以软化下面的粘合剂。

    • 你可能需要多次重新加热并重新使用iOpener 以使手机足够温暖。按照iOpener 说明操作以避免过热。

    • 如果你的显示器玻璃破裂,请保持进一步的破损,并在维修过程中通过粘贴玻璃盖板防止人身伤害。

    • 将重叠的透明包装带放在Note8的显示屏上,直到整个面都被覆盖。

    • 这将保持玻璃碎片在原位,并在撬起和提起显示器时提供结构完整性。

    • 戴上安全眼镜,以保护你的眼睛免受任何在维修过程中溅出的玻璃。

    I'm assuming you flip the phone over so the screen is facing up before step 15 correct?

    KDJ - 回复

    Yes, that’s correct.

    Tobias Isakeit -

    OK thanks Tobias! I figured so but it doesn't hurt to check!

    KDJ -

  16. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 16 中的图像 3,3
    • 一旦屏幕变热,请在手机的下边缘吸上一个吸盘。

    • 如果手机屏幕破裂,吸盘可能会粘不住。尝试用强力胶带将其粘起,或将吸盘加到适当的位置并使其稳定,以便继续进行。

    • 抬起吸盘,并在显示屏组件下方插入撬棒或三角撬片。

    • 由于手机是曲面屏,你将向上推,而不是平行插入手机平面。

    • 开始沿着手机的下边缘滑动撬棒或三角撬片以切割粘合剂。在拐角处留下一个三角撬片,以防止粘合剂重新密封。

    • 屏幕的柔性电缆位于电源按钮侧面中点的正下方,可能会干扰你的切割工具。

    • 继续沿手机侧面滑动撬棒或三角撬片,并插入另一个三角撬片。

  17. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,3 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 17 中的图像 3,3
    • 将撬棒或三角撬片滑到手机的上角以切割粘合剂并插入三角撬片,防止粘合剂粘在显示屏上。

    • 慢慢来,这样工具就不会滑出接缝。如果切割变得太困难,请重新加热并重新使用 iOpener。

    • 对手机的其它侧面重复之前的加热和切割程序。在Note8的每个角落和两侧插入一个三角撬片。

    • 在顶部边缘附近撬动时要格外小心,以免损坏前置传感器和耳机扬声器。

  18. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,2 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,2
    • 触摸屏的柔性电缆和显示器电缆都穿过中框架。中框的开口相当小,将它们拉出来可能有些困难。

    • 一旦你在手机的两侧切割粘合剂,你可以使用小吸盘慢慢向上提起。

  19. 更换三星盖乐世 Note 8 显示屏: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,1
    • 在安装新显示器之前,从框架上清除旧粘合剂的所有痕迹非常重要,同时在显示器损坏时要特别小心地移除任何小玻璃碎片。

    • 从手机中取出所有残留的粘合剂,并用异丙醇(90 +%)和无绒布清洁粘合区域。

    • 如果框架弯曲,或者留下任何胶水或玻璃残留物,则新显示器将无法正确安装并可能损坏。如有必要,请更换框架。







en zh


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Dominik Schnabelrauch


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I’m sorry, but this is just a preview question. When the guide says display, does it mean only the glass screen or the LCD and digetizer as well?

Adrian Gomez - 回复

Hello Adrian Gomez. Here “display” refers to the glass, digitizer and LCD combo—those are fused together.

Tobias Isakeit -

For this repair, do I need to buy the 230 dollar screen part as well?

Litagano Motscoud - 回复

This guide here is for replacing only the screen without the frame (which we currently don’t have in store). The 230 dollar part includes the frame and the according guide can be found here: Samsung Galaxy Note8 Display Assembly with Frame Replacement

Tobias Isakeit -


I replace the new disply the camera ( front is working ) is not working I tried many things such as factory settings put it didn’t work

now I orderd a new camera hope it works or there is another way to solve it


zarmat2002 - 回复

I replaced my first cracked display screen today. Everything went quit smoothly thanks to Dominik . Thanks for the guide.

charles cotton - 回复

Can I purchase just a replacement front screen and digitiser (easily available on fleabay) to replace a cracked front Note8 screen?

Turns out that the screen+ digitiser are widely available without the LCF fused into them.

Thank you.

ILM - 回复

Hi ILM, separating the actual display from the front glass/digitizer is a cumbersome procedure that requires special tools. Same goes for fusing them together again. This could be done in well-equipped repair shops. Going for a combined display+digitizer assembly replacement is mostly the way to go for a “regular user” repair.

Tobias Isakeit -

On part 19 the gold foil what is that and why have non of the parts ive bough come w it

browneyedshorty8517 - 回复

Hi there,

Thank you for the guide and What is your opinion and recommendation on non-original (but fairly looking good)displays that we can buy online? Should we adhere to replace with original parts? What are the most possible consequences that can occur in such non-original replacements? Please share your ideas.

ruchira subhashana - 回复

Hi uchira subhashana,

aftermarket screens can work well for repairs and often they are unbranded original parts. So there is nothing wrong with that. However you can’t say this in general because at the end of the day it always depends on where you buy the screen. Not all retailers are evenly reliable and you should always try to find a safe source like iFixit is. Worst that can happen with an aftermarket screen is that the new screen is not working but usually this wont harm your phone and you can send it back. This can happen with original frames as well.

Dominik Schnabelrauch -

will be awesome if you leave a links with all things we have to buy to do this.

jose osorto - 回复

Is there a safe reliable source for just the lcd/screen without the frame? A $200+ repair with 2+ hours of labor makes a hard sell.

I'm none to sanguine on the available options on amazon.

Thankyou again for the amazing guide.

Justen Perry-Kennedy - 回复

Anyone have any recommendations?

Justen Perry-Kennedy -

Sorry for the delay, its awesome that you want to get into phone repair as it helps the environment and saves money!


I am repairing a note 8 myself, and will use this display totalling ~$180

Daniel Lavrich -

Hop efully you guys can help me out, I did this procedure but when turning on the phone with the new display speaker, audio jack not working and Sim not recognized and everything was working properly before with the old screen.

Amed Montero Diaz - 回复

Does iFixit sell display adhesive? if not where can i find some

Daniel Lavrich - 回复

You can use this double sided adhesive or pre-cut adhesive like this one (select different widths and pre-cut with the dropdown menu).

Tobias Isakeit -

Could you please provide steps on reassembly, please?

Arturo - 回复

Is it good to use a glue or a double sided tesa tape to assemble everything back?

Deep Sehmbi - 回复

You might want to follow the link from two comment above for suitable adhesive :)

Tobias Isakeit -



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