


  1. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 容易的步骤-取下键帽: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 容易的步骤-取下键帽: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 容易的步骤-取下键帽: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 首先拧下键盘左侧的电池盒盖,然后卸下两个5号电池。

    • 接下来,将键盘上下颠倒,找到灰色塑料盖。捏住两侧用力向内挤压盖,然后将其从键盘上取下。

    • 盖子由六个卡子固定到位,因此您可能需要使用塑料撬具将其撬下。

    • 您还需要取下每一个键帽,以及他们的键位。在这里需要慢点,不要硬拉,用你的撬棒把他们从键位上取下来。

    My small tool kit bit for this size screw is too tapered, so I used my trusty little iFixit screwdriver. Problem is the screwdriver doesn’t provide enough grip area to remove this tenacious screw without stripping it. The screwdriver does have a hex at the end of the handle, which is 9/32” inch. Get a socket and handle, or even a 1/4” ratchet handle and you’ll have an easier time removing it.

    Dennis Johnston - 回复

    Make sure you’re using a Philips driver and not pozi, they have different taper angles and are technically incompatible

    Dan -

  2. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 分离主板: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 分离主板: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 分离主板: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 使用撬棒或指甲(如果您愿意),小心地提起排线座卡扣,将排线从主板上的连接器上松开。

    • 排线非常薄,因此如果在拔出时遇到阻力,请停止并确保接卡扣已经打开。不要侧拉或斜拉,因为你可能会撕裂排线。

    • 现在找到唯一一个固定螺丝。小心地拧下来,把它放在一边—享受当下—因为以后你会希望有更多这样简单的步骤。

    Does anyone know where to get a replacement screw?

    snarkyman - 回复

  3. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 取出主板: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 取出主板: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 取出主板: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 小心地逆时针旋转主板组件,直到电路板与起始位置成约90°并朝上(以电源按钮原始位置为基准)。

    • 用电源按钮将部件从键盘的末端抽出。如果你遇到阻力,试着稍微转动一点,直到固定塑料板全部抽出为止。

    • 进行此操作时,请注意已经将键盘排线从主板上取出并固定在不会影响主板拉出的位置,以免意外撕裂。

    It rotates clockwise if the power button is facting my face! I broke it rotating it the wrong way : )

    Eric Bear - 回复

  4. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 准备拆开键盘面板: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,1
    • 这是不可回头的地方。如果你不确定是否要继续,这是你最后的机会。到现在为止的一切都可以轻而易举地结束。

    • 把你的键盘放在100-150摄氏度的烤箱里烤到金黄色。(要澄清的是,不要把它放那么长时间!或者可以用吹风机加热,直到边缘可以插入撬棒)。让整个键盘达到温度并在那里闲置约5分钟,然后将其从烤箱中取出。小心点,太热了!

    Esto es en serio?

    Neofitamac - 回复

    A much better alternative: Leave the keyboard under a stationary, portable hand dryer for 30min.

    Peter Lundh - 回复

    Soak the part in alcohol for 24 hours. Then the glue is softened and the parts can easily be disassembled.

    Sebastian Reindl - 回复

    Sebastian: even though alcohol is non-conductive, sometimes it does cause glitches. I have yet to find an explanation for that. But it sure sounds much less brutal than sitting in an oven.

    150 is above many plastics softening temperature, and if going down that route, I’d remove the keycaps first.

    I’m about to find out, as WSX and 2 keys decided to take an extended vacation.

    cubytus - 回复

    Alcohol will often contain at least a small amount of water, which will promote corrosion of the contacts. Anhydrous alcohol would not have this problem however as it dissolves adhesives they may propagate to the contacts and coat them sufficiently to cause issues. Using heat will soften the adhesive while keeping it in situ. Plastics will also soften somewhat so care is required.

    Dan -

    Habe nun blasen auf dem Plastik :-( Ikea Herd bei 100Grad. Kleber lies sich trotzdem schlecht lösen.

    Leo - 回复

  5. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 困难的步骤-分离键盘背板: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,1
    • 下一步不要着急。使用撬棒,轻轻地将塑料盖的边缘向上撬起。一开始你可能需要一个刀片,因为没有太多的间隙。

    • 现在,使用撬棒将盖子从已软化的粘合剂上分离。不要试图拉或弯曲它,这个塑料盖是非常薄的ABS,太过用力会使它变形。

  6. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 这比胶水还糟。: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,2 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 这比胶水还糟。: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们都知道苹果喜欢胶水,但现在你有焊点要处理了!盖子下面是一块涂有粘合剂的铝板,焊接到铝体上的位置不少于100个。

    • 用手钻或者小钻头,钻出每个焊缝,小心不要钻得太深,以免造成在表面上肉眼可见的损坏。

    • 你的钻孔不需要钻的很深,所以它们根本不应该是孔。这种焊接固定类似于铆钉固定,只要将固定的金属连接处钻开就行了。

    Welche Bohrergröße in mm sollte man benutzen?

    Leo - 回复

  7. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 卸下铝箔板。: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 确定你已经钻出了每一个焊缝,然后开始撬起板的边缘。它非常薄,如果不稍微弯曲它,您将无法将其拆下。别担心,以后可以修好的。

    • 如果遇到仍然卡住的焊缝,请停止并重新钻孔。再次提示,不要太过用力的试图拉和弯曲铝箔板。

  8. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 拆卸损坏的薄膜: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 拆卸损坏的薄膜: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 拆卸损坏的薄膜: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 终于我们拆开了!

    • 现在你已经取出了金属板,你将看到我们需要修复的膜。

    • 之前从主板上拆开的排线是它的一部分,在你取下薄膜之前,它需要从它的小槽里拉出来。可能有一点胶水把薄膜压下去,在这种情况下,以一个很小的角度慢慢地向上拉,来分离薄膜。

    • 在膜的下面是一张有锅仔片的按键膜,用来把膜上的触点链接在一起。这张膜可以留在这里,因为我们不去修复它。

  9. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 查找故障: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 查找故障: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 查找故障: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 这层膜是由两层薄薄的塑料组成的,猜猜是怎么组成的…又是用胶粘在一起。他们很难分开,耐心是关键。

    • 使用一个薄刀片在一个角落来分离(最好从最接近故障键的角落开始),并非常缓慢地剥离层。您可能不需要一直将它们分开,只要足够暴露出有缺陷的按键区域就可以了。

    • 在里面你会发现一堆白线和白点。这些是导电线路的痕迹。找出你有问题的键位下面的两个点。

    • 使用万用表,将其设置为测量导通性,检查相关焊盘与相邻焊盘之间的电路是否有断裂。你可以按照线路来看看哪些应该接上电。有些地方涂了塑料,所以你得在它们周围工作。

    • 试着找出轨道断裂的确切位置,并记下它在哪里。最好在一张纸上记下来。

    Hi Dan. I have some dead keys on a MacPro USB full size keyboard. I imagine the tear down will be much the same. Tracing the dead keys on the membrane, will bad continuity be only in the region of the key? So I’m my case the A key, will the continuity break just be between the A key ‘dot’ and one of its neighbors?

    Adam Mercado - 回复

    Not necessarily. They’re wired in a matrix so there could be a break at any point between the key and the ribbon connector and this might not be anywhere near the key, although more often after a spill it will just be corrosion on the contact pads. If it’s just corroded this can sometimes be fixed by polishing the pads with a fibreglass pencil.

    Dan -

    Hey dan, there are 3 layers. One more on the white side

    Leo - 回复

  10. 无损修复苹果无线键盘, 修复失灵按键: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,1
    • 一旦你发现膜电路中有任何或所有的断裂,拿上你的导电漆,摇匀,把锡浆和溶剂混合。

    • 用一把细刷子或一根牙签在你发现的故障区域上涂上一层薄薄的导电漆。如果你有一支蘸笔的话,效果会更好。

    • 放置一天让导电漆干透。

    • 如果你新涂的导电漆有缝隙,再涂一层,再等24小时使其干燥。

    • 现在用万用表检查同一区域。如果成功了,就不会再有错了。喝一杯庆祝吧!这是个棘手的问题。如果它没有工作,用你的万用表找到准确的地方,电路有可能仍然是断路的,你可以再添加一层导电漆。

    • 在你重新组装键盘之前,先测试一下你的修复情况。

    • 把薄膜放回原处,确保它是正确的方向,并将排线通过插槽插到主板上。

    • 按照步骤3、2和1中的说明反向操作,重新安装主板和电池。先不要盖上灰色的塑料罩。

    • 将键盘连接到Mac电脑,然后从轻轻按每个键盘,检查相应的按键是否正常工作。

    • 如果你发现有键位仍然不工作,你就必须用万用表重新接通并找出故障。记住,它可能在膜的两边,用眼睛看很难发现断点。

    • 一旦你修复的键盘完全恢复正常工作,关闭它,重新安装薄金属板,并使用超级胶水取代焊接,粘接的时候按住铝箔板,施加一些压力,确保没有间隙。

    • 粘接组装需要一段时间,但这是值得做的重要的步骤。因为原键盘的这些焊接,当你按下一个键时,他们阻止了整个键盘弹出。我们重新组装用胶水就足够了,如果你需要重新拆开键盘的话,它还有一个额外的好处,就是可以很容易地移除。

    • 如果金属板版背面的胶黏剂仍处于相当好的状态,您应该能够将白色塑料盖重新粘上。如果没有,用一点胶水。

    • 现在您可以重新安装灰色塑料盖和键盘上的每一个键。要执行此操作,请在两个手指之间施加压力,将键帽重新卡入,其中一个卡位在底部。这将阻止胶水断裂。

    • 就这样!再测试一次以确保它有效。如果是的话,你可以再次使用它。只是要注意结构已经被破坏了。在任何时候把拳头砸在键盘上都会使你把键盘粘在一起的工作付之东流。





en zh


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What was the total time to do this repair? I did the original tear down but didn't think this was even possible. Congratulations on your resolve to succeed. You'll do well in life if you don't waste to much time ;-)

mayer - 回复


It took me about 48 hours allowing two coats of conductive paint to fully dry; maybe two hours actually working on it, figuring everything out as I went along.

Dan -

Hi Mayer,

did you make the photos tear down the keyboard? Could you share the guide photos?

alexzhang7801 - 回复

Can you clarify bullet points 2 and 3 under Step 6? Since the aluminum plate is directly below (or above, once it's flipped) the aluminum body, how can the holes be drilled without damaging the body? If we are drilling the welds OUT, how does that work exactly? Thanks for this.

Sinan - 回复

Since they're only spot welds, drilling them out doesn't require going very deep into the body. No more than a millimetre in fact. So the body will be damaged, but only on the inside of the unit where it won't be visible after reassembly.

Hope that helps!

Dan -

Holy !&&* you figured this all out as you went along?? That's talent right there. Thank you sir for the amazing guide!

Ivan Gregoravich - 回复

Will the heat from step 4 destroy the membrane? Nice work

Aaron Pham - 回复

Came here looking for how to replace rubber foot pad. Thanks for showing me what was going on inside (lotsa glue!) before I tried to pry off the corner.

If you're interested:

The little rubber foot pops back in nicely if you curl it between your fingers, press it into the recess, and work in the rest of the rubber edge with the pointed end of a plastic spudger.

hansjef - 回复

Perfect. It worked for me!

My keyboard started to have problems while connecting with bluetooth. I was lucky and got an used logic board from ebay for 10$.

The instruction was exactly what I needed. I only needed the first three steps and now it works again.

Thank you!

Manfred Breber - 回复

Im about to get into this exact repair. Thank you for going before me and the rest of us. I had done everything minus pulling off ALL the keys and began prying at the plastic base when I remembered how I butchered and hacked into my late Galaxy S 7 edge completly destroying every single part in my path because I refused to stop and look online for a guide. That wont happen again thanks to you...well at least I can blame someone else if its destroyed. Ill post my results asap but dont hold your breath.

Daniel Gabai - 回复

Awesome job! Thank you! If the hot water rinse and dry of my A1255 Bt keyboard doesn’t work, I’ll be tryin’ my skill wit da drill!

Paul G - 回复

Two days work? The risk that your repair will not work, or will only last until you drop the keyboard? It’s cheaper to buy a new keyboard. That said, thanks for the description.

Is it possible to only Partially remove that metal backing plate, in order to access the damaged area of the keyboard? My keyboard has a dead Tab key.

A workaround is to use Karabiner-Elements to remap the ‘Approximately equal to’ key, between the left Shift and Z keys to act as Tab. Not perfect, since one rarely-used key is now unavailable, but it took minutes to find the free software, install it and remap the key, over a year ago, and I’ve only really needed that key once in that time. [Simply quitted and then reloaded Karabiner for that.]

Alternative ‘spare’ keys, depending upon your keyboard use, include §, ], [, or maybe even one of the Command and Alt keys.

The biggest disadvantage is that, when using a different keyboard, the wrong key for Tab keeps being used!

RWBHere - 回复

I’m tempted to attempt this one just for the fun of it! The guide is beautifully written. But my problem is a torn tactile membrane - the little nub under a keycap got worn off - and I’d have to jury rig something in its place.

Jen Morris - 回复

My keyboard was perfect, so i dropped some coffee on the right side, and a few keys (10 i think) stopped working! This process you did here work for my case? I don’t know what to do, in my country this keyboard is very expensive and no one repair it.

andre.c.saraiva - 回复

I'm sorry for you, but is not worth. This is the most difficult repair from Apple so far that I did. In the end you have to broke you keyboard to open it, and it never be the same once opened.

Bruno R. Gonçalves -


Thank you for this interesting guide! Would you by any chance happen to have a picture of the full trace matrix (like in step 8 but from the other side)? The idea behind my question is that one could follow down the traces of the faulty key(s) without having to disassemble the keyboard entirely :).

Basti - 回复

Anybody here know how that ribbon cable works? I have read about apple laptops and wireless keyboards having the same fault as mine where keys 1 to 9 and the function keys above them and either the left or right shift stop working. I have reseated the ribbon cable several times, but i am wondering if there is one connection which could go bad to account for this fault.

bob cov - 回复

pin 22(F1~F9,and right shift)、pin 21(1-9,and left control),pin 24 near F5. pin 1 near F9. Your fault is more like a broken wire at the root of the fpc, not the head. Need to remove the film surface protection and apply conductive silver paste

bunnyman -

I recently bought an Apple Magic Keyboard - 2nd hand - but key pressures are highly varied and often do not record a stroke. What could this be? Any idea how to fix it?

Stuart - 回复

Maybe you have DIRT between the key caps and the keyboard membrane.

Pry off the key caps ( on the worst keys first ! ) and clean it … if you have dried liquid on your membrane, it may also be corroded.

If you are lucky, you may be able to blow out dry dirt with compressed air without having to take off the key caps.


You are a professional


Bk Kumar - 回复

I have the same wireless keyboard, but with a maybe dead logic board and working keys.

Any tips for repairing THAT ?

MEX - 回复

I made a full video of how to fix this keyboard. You can find it here: https://youtu.be/HRSaTy96Nuw. Also, there's a link in the description where you can find high resolution photos of the membrane and the traces—that should be a big help. And no offense to the original poster—your guide and work is definitely appreciated!—but I don't think super glue is how you should be putting this back together. I showed an alternate, more permanent fix in the video.

Dino - 回复

Self-tappers is a great solution! It should’ve been made with screws in the first place, but I’m sure blind tapped holes add a lot to cost of manufacture.

Surprisingly the CA glue holding mine together is still there doing it’s job but admittedly I have been very gentle with it since the operation.

Dan -

Thank you for showing me (and others) this is a repair-procedure that most of us should skip :)

GonenG - 回复



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