


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Oculus Rift CV1,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解, Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解, Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们已经拆解过两个预先发布 版本,所以我们很激动想要看看这一版有什么小改变。看起来是这样的:

    • 两个OLED显示屏,分辨率为2160 x 1200

    • 90 Hz 刷新率

    • 加速度计,陀螺仪和磁力计

    • 通过星座红外摄像头360度头显追踪

    • 水平视角大于100º

    • 为 Rift 定制的虚拟运动控制器,称为Oculus Touch,将于今年晚些时候发布。届时也许我们会拆解它,如果我们没有在这个结构中迷失方向的话。

  2. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 改进的VR体验意味着改进的头部追踪系统——追踪意味着红外点。增加了很多的点。

    • 红外点,准确来说;他们是嵌在头显中的极小的LED。你在正常使用情况下是绝对看不见这些点的,但是在我们的红外摄像机下可以看见所有这些点——这正是Oculus的追踪系统,所谓的“星座追踪系统”。

    • 叫星座的原因是看起来你像是在脸上佩戴了一个星座图。

    • 转动你的头,你仍然被追踪。不像它的前几个版本,最新版的Oculus头显在前面和后面都有LED小灯。你可以转圈,也绝不会破坏沉浸感——直到你被电线跘倒了。:)

  3. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 这绝对是史上最轻巧的Oculus——轻便,舒适,和嵌入式耳机带来最大的沉浸感。

    • 一个厚泡棉垫避免大家出现 “Oculus形状的脸”。这是用夹扣固定的。

    • 更少的螺丝意味着更轻的重量!

    • 框架拆除,我们从头显的显示屏拔出单一电缆。

    • 这个电线布局从上几代Oculus上有令人印象深刻的进步。

  4. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 拆除可调式耳机不能再简单了。

    • 一个嵌入式平头螺丝固定了扬声器支架,弹簧触点连接了头显带子中的电线。太棒了!

    • 我们已经见识过了昂贵的、无法修复和拆卸的耳机,所以这是一个令人愉悦的惊喜。

    • 特别是考虑到这些小东西是头显“摔落”到地面时会主要损坏的部件。

    I agree that more detailed teardown of the headphones themselves would be nice. I still wonder if they are made by KOSS or someone else.

    Nick Kisselkov - 回复

    Hey, thanks! Totally missed that screw in the inside of the headphone connection

    Mark Carolan - 回复

    This one picture just saved me from replacing my headset due to a failed earpiece. Turns out, after a year of passing the headset around for Beat Saber, we managed to unscrew one. That side felt a smidge loose, and then the sound went out. We assumed a bad wire, but we just needed to line the pegs up and tighten the flathead cover on the inside of the band. Thanks guys!

    Mara Methvin - 回复

  5. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,2 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,2
    • 有弹性的黑色莱卡面料环绕在透镜四周,覆盖了单薄的塑料框架。这个防尘面料巧妙得保护了Oculus的内部,而且仍然允许透镜自由移动。

    • 这个框架还包括一个小基点,供头显带子使用。

    • 但是怎么拆除它呢?我们一度不知所措——直到我们的拆解工程师发现了内部隐藏的夹扣,这些夹扣固定了框架。在使用小撬棒,并在关键点撬上几下之后,框架就拆下来了。

    • 就这样,我们拆开了这个 青蜂侠面具 ,我们能够一窥究竟了!

    Could you please be more specific in how to remove the cover. I cannot see how to remove it with just the one picture of the spudger shoved in the gap. Thanks.

    Chris B - 回复

    Guys this is the hardest part and you just forgot to explain it. Here is a link to the mask: http://imgur.com/lDhwvfV Note the 3 interior clips. Here is another image where it clips in: http://imgur.com/VJaI52O I recommend starting with the ones on the bottom.

    Zsolt Mihalyfi - 回复

    Zsolt - how did you get the clips off from around the lenses? Did you have to do it from over the cloth?

    Andrew White - 回复

    Please be specific how you removed the bottom 4 screws. The T3 bit and driver are not enough. It keeps occurring like the heads will strip. Hope you can take time to provide support for this!

    GInger Jones - 回复

    For anyone that gets stuck here, there are six T3 Torx screws (4 bottom, 2 top), clips around the outside of the mask that are pretty easy with a spudger, and then three clips per eyepiece/lens as pictured in Zsolts’s post above. I couldn’t get the eyepiece clips started by prying around the lenses so I ended up prying the mask open as much as possible at the top and getting the top ones nearest to the nose open with the small pointy end of the spudger. After that I was able to get the rest from the gap made around the lenses from releasing that first clip for each.

    terrance - 回复

    If this true, it’s Unbeliveable you guys don’t talk about the 6 screws removal in your page script. This is CAPITAL! I’m trying to remove only be declipping and I’m sure I’m breaking everything.

    David S - 回复

    I wish you all the best of luck with your projects, but as stated in the banner at the top of this page: this is not a guide. iFixit teardowns are meant to be a first look at the hardware and overall repairability, and should not be used as instructions.

    Jeff Suovanen - 回复

    I spent over an hour trying to remove the %#*@ cowl. Turns out, I had to apply a LOT more pressure than I thought would be necessary. No, I have not broken anything but make sure to use plastic tools (spudgers) I had to pry my thumb between the cowl and the main housing in the lower right hand side up first as it turned out to be the easier side, to reveal the cowl’s clip that’s over and around the lens. After popping that one off, I did the same to the left. Now, at that point, run your thumb/finger over the cloth and along the ring where the other two clips are latches around the lens. Now, after running your finger across it, part of the ring should separate thus allowing you to use that as leverage to wiggle the other two clips free.

    DJHeroMasta - 回复

    Couple comments based on previous posts: 1) “The T3 bit and driver are not enough. It keeps occurring like the heads will strip” - I ran into the same things where it felt like I was stripping the screw, ended up using a T4 bit instead and it fit perfectly, 2) The clips around the lens as pictured in the 2nd post from Zsolt were super helpful, once I knew where the clips were used a 0.46mm guitar pick to wedge in-between the lens and cover to unfasten and the cover came of easily.

    Paul Not Bunyan - 回复

    Comments on Paul Not Bunyan's post. Confirmed T4 bit. I originally thought I needed a longer T4 bit, but the iFixit bit worked fine. The T4 screws near the nose were difficult, but let the plastic housing of the kato mask guide your bit to the head of the T4. On the subject of the kato mask clips: start on the left lens without the IPD slider. Once you have bottom lens clip unfastened, run your plastic spudger on the inside of the clip on either side of the lens to free the other two clips. Indeed, the cover came off easily once you figure out the puzzle. Thanks Paul Not Bunyan!

    Renjamin - 回复

    I had an easier time with the clips by adjusting the IPD to the maximum and then going in for the center nose bridge clips because of the extra room, as then I could simply wiggle the other two clips off each lens with the extra slack. This might be harder if your tool is rounder or larger. Definitely not much force needed.

    Sae Yun - 回复

  6. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 开发者版第二版使用了 从三星 Galaxy Note 3 那拿过来的 单一1080p 显示屏。但是这次,有一些不同。。。

    • Oculus 不只使用智能手机显示屏,而是使你的购买双倍地划算了!它里面有两个显示屏,直接架在透镜上,通过旋钮来调节!

    • 直到 眼睛手机 被制造出来之前,这个都能有用。

    • 这是什么?看起来像 一个脸部识别器 一个环境光传感器,用于确认你是否佩戴了Oculus,或者可以调节屏幕亮度,以弥补泄漏到头显中的光。

    This little Sensor is a proximity Sensor. It is used to detect if the User wears the Glasses. If the Oculus Software isn't opened yet, it will open automatically after some seconds. Its like the Sensor on your Smartphone which turns of the Display while calling sombody.

    Timo Meyer - 回复

  7. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 把盖子揭开,可以看到几个标准的排线。空余的地方让眼部周围的配件可以自由来回移动以调节瞳间距(即双眼之间的距离)。

    • 3条排线把LED控制板连接在红外LED序列上,围绕在头显外壳内部的各处。

    • 我们并不喜欢用 隐藏的排线 来连接设备的两个部分,但是至少这些排线标记得很好,重装起来不会困难。。。之后我们会更多地来讨论这个。

    • Oculus内部的干货(赤裸裸肉体)来了!

    • 素食主义者请注意:Oculus内部并没有真正的肉哦。:)

    Is there a gap between the top housing and the ribbon cable? (i.e. would you be able to accidentally press down on the ribbon cable if you squeezed the housing? )

    Albert Kart - 回复

    How did the lid break down? How can I not get it down?

    chenchen - 回复

    not to sound like a jerk but this is the least descriptive teardown of anything ever……..

    Joshua Gayman - 回复

    The cowl took me over an hour to remove cause I was being very careful trying not to break any clips but a lot of force was required to get that SOB off. Now, I’m stuck trying to figure out how to remove this part! I wish someone would update this with a lot more pictures and a step by step video.

    DJHeroMasta - 回复

    I’ve disassembled mine today, so I’ll add a few words to ease this step :)

    NOTE: this can be done without force, there are no clips once you undo all screws.

    Photos + instructions: https://imgur.com/a/9UAM737

    1. 3 more torx T3/T4 screws marked in red (two holding front plate to the bottom wall, plus one holding the lens slider assembly)

    2. 4 big X-screws holding the front plate in the corners, marked in green (only the biggest ones need to be unscrewed)

    3. Tricky hidden top-center screw: DEEP directly on the front plate. Push the lenses to the sides first, or it won’t be accessible from the inside! Use a thin, long and well magnetized small cross screwdriver. The 2nd photo shows exactly where the screw was. With good lighting it should be visible from the inside with the lenses moved away.

    4. Unclip the lens slider slider (3rd photo): insert a prying tool from the inside and it will pop out — do not lose the tiny springs!

    5. Now the front plate should come off easily with some wiggling.

    Artur Kozak - 回复

    Thank you so much for this update! That made my life 1000x easier. I never would’ve found that hidden phillips deep between the lenses!

    Squeeter McGeeter -

  8. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 把大肉留到主餐吧,我们先偷偷看一眼 色拉 LED灯序列。

    • 那些隐藏的排线和3个红外LED灯序列连接:头显上、下和后部。

    • 每个LED灯都做了标识,D8到D10的灯孤零零地在 "隐藏的" 麦克风外面。我们想知道,那到底是为什么。

    • 我们的猜测是,这和游戏中聊天、语音命令、或者模糊噪音音量控制等这些未来的功能相关。

    • 一个 MEMS(微型机电)麦克风被发现位于外壳底部的 Kapton 胶带下方。

    Where is the "hidden" microphone?

    Shane Shuttleworth - 回复

    it's the little yellowish bit at the bottom-left in the first image, and covered by kapton tape in the second image. relative to your face while wearing the device, it would be under your left eye.

    piro - 回复

  9. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 透镜组件上部有主板和芯片!

    • 东芝 TC358870XBG 4K HDMI 转 MIPI 双 DSI 转换器

    • 赛普拉斯半导体 CYUSB3304 USB 3.0 Hub 控制器

    • 意法半导体 STM32F072VB ARM Cortex-M0 32-bit RISC Core 微控制器

    • 华邦电子 W25Q64FVZPIG 64 Mb 串行闪存

    • 北欧半导体 nRF51822 智能蓝牙2.4GHz低功耗系统芯片

    • 骅讯电子 CM119BN USB 音频控制器

    • 博世 Sensortec BMI055 6轴惯性传感器

    Hi, it's actually "MIPI", as in http://mipi.org/ , not "MIP". There's a typo in the headline of the linked press-release.

    Evan Cox - 回复

    Yes it is a typo, MIPI instead of MIP. And here is the link to the Toshiba device:


    Darius - 回复

    "Nordic Semiconductor nRF51822", interesting... I assume that is a the RF link to the Clicker and (probably) Touch. If so, this is somewhat disappointing as it will mean that the touch controllers are only compatible with Oculus headset and can not be used separately or with another headset configuration.

    Simon Wood - 回复

    True - it seems like a proprietary 2.4GHz ref. FCC filing.

    Body Double -

    The left display on my headset stopped working and went completely dark. I am normally brave enough to open devices and fix them myself, but the hidden clips and fragile housing makes me worried I might make things worse. I'm not even sure if I can even fix the issue or if the display itself went bad.

    hymanator - 回复

    Parts are not available for the Rift main assembly at all after the warranty period. Oculus does not offer a repair service or a replacement program. You will have to rely on someone selling a broken unit that has a working component you need, or buy an entire new kit. Post warranty support for the main unit is non-existent.

    Charles Miotla -

    Great teardown, thx! Were you able to find what chipset is doing the power supply? Is it a PMIC? Multiple DC/DC converters?

    calvin - 回复

    do you know what TE connector is used on this board?

    Graham edwards - 回复

    I did 2 tear down on 2 different units bought a year apart.

    The newer board does not have Winbond W25Q64FVIG 64 Mb Serial Flash Memory on it.

    Newer board is 330-00030-03 REV A 2016. Where the chip was in now 4 square flat shapes of solder.

    They remove it? Why?

    Ardy Blakley - 回复

    Great info thx for the knowledge. I had an interesting discovery on one of my head sets.

    I have 2 different headsets I bought a year apart. I tore both apart and discovered something missing on newer board.

    The newer board does not have Winbond 64 Mb Serial Flash Memory on it. Newer board is marked with 330-00030-03 REV A 2016. Where the chip was is now in its place 4 square flat shapes of solder.

    I am curious to why they removed the Flash Memory.

    Ardy Blakley - 回复

    I did 2 tear down on 2 different units bought a year apart. The newer board does not have Winbond W25Q64FVIG 64 Mb Serial Flash Memory on it. Newer board is 330-00030-03 REV A 2016. Where the chip was in now 4 square flat shapes of solder.

    Ardy Blakley - 回复

  10. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,2 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,2
    • 继续来辨认主板上的集成电路:

    • 意法半导体 VL53L1X ToF 飞行时间传感器(应该是)

    • 意法半导体 BALF-NRF01D3 蓝牙巴伦

    • 德州仪器 显示器电源管理

    • 安森美半导体 CAT93C46B 1 Kb 串行 EEPROM

    • 意法半导体 M24C64-F 8 Kb 串行 EEPROM

    • 德州仪器 TPS22908 负载开关

    • 理光 R1202L721A 升压DC-DC转换器

  11. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 分离透镜组件,我们看到了定制的、非Note外观、比镜头光圈还要大的显示屏!

    • OLED显示屏是边长为90 mm的正方形,像素密度为456ppi。 作为对比,iPhone 6s Plus 显示屏像素密度为401 ppi,Galaxy S7 像素密度高达576 ppi。

    • 这便意味着普通用户在20cm以外就看不清楚显示屏了。但是Oculus神奇的光学透镜让显示屏看起来离用户更远——但更大,使得用户仍能被画面包围。

    • 所以至少就目前而言,单个像素点仍然是可见的,或者叫“单视”,这是我们生造的一个科技词汇。

    What is the sub-pixel structure of the display? Is it pentile as everyone expected, or is it RGB? And who's the manufacturer? Microscope shots of the display in action would have been great too.

    Nick Kisselkov - 回复

  12. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 前两个版本的 Oculus Rift 附带的是可互换的圆形镜片(左图),而消费者版则使用了一套不可拆卸式的非对称镜片(右图)。

    • 来一个 CV1透镜的特写,我们看到透镜上有很多同心圆,这是菲涅尔透镜的明显特征。相比于前几代笨重、突出的曲面圆形镜片,菲涅尔透镜的重量大大减轻——它使用重量轻得多的同心棱镜薄阵列。

    • 有着同样的大视角和短焦距,但是只使用了以前几分之一的材料——这和VR眼镜简直就是绝配。这些镜片都得放进砖头大小的设备里并且佩戴在脸上长达数小时,却不会导致您的颈部肌肉拉伤。

    • 加分点:通过改变同心棱镜的尺寸和形状,Oculus能够根据具体情况微调镜头,最大限度地减少了传统曲面镜头可能导致的球面像差(或扭曲)。这可能就解释了镜片不对称的形状。

    What is the diameter of the lens? (I know its not round but in the widest part)

    Diego Chavez - 回复

    It's approximately 49.82mm. I had to measure a rubbing of the lens (pencil over paper) in order to cut lens protectors for them. I measured with a cheap digital caliper.

    Nate -

    How sensitive are the lenses to pressure? I was wiping the lenses softly and it creaked a little bit, just once though. Is this normal?

    Nelson - 回复

  13. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,1
    • 但是——如果菲涅尔透镜不需要传统透镜的曲面镜,那为什么这些透镜还是曲面的呢?

    • 且慢!各位看官呐,请随我仔细看来,Oculus制造工艺更上一层楼,使用了混合型菲涅尔透镜。

    • 类似一般的菲涅尔透镜,这些镜片由许多同心棱镜组成。但是额外的,这个混合型菲涅尔透镜在镜片后面增加了一个曲面层,从而形成了一个类似传统曲面透镜的形状。基于透镜组的原理——这样的独特结构可以沿着其纵轴变焦。

    • 这下就很容易理解,为何Rift公司只是教导大家把VR眼镜在脸上推高或推低就可简单地完成聚焦。通过透镜不同部分来找到适合你眼睛的焦点。对了,不再有三套透镜了。

    • 我们在拆解中来了一场科学盛宴。关掉灯,打开烟雾机,然后打上激光!

    • 所以当你把这些弄好以后,你就能知道,VR头显中的透镜究竟有什么用?

    • 要让虚拟场景感觉起来既真实又舒适,所谓“身临其境”,你需要VR光学成像达到以下两个标准:第一,放大图像,这样才看不到边缘;第二,画面可以聚焦在远处,呈现出无限的景深。而以上这种独特的透镜正好能做到二者兼得。

    • 无限景深是一个光学词汇,意思是物体聚焦在无限的远处。这些透镜把来的光聚成平行光线,所以你的眼镜不需要聚焦,这样可以避免视疲劳。

    • 用一句话说:Rift 的透镜弥补了你的眼镜和显示屏的局限性,使得你认为你在看一个无限大、远距离的画面,而不是黏在脸前的电视屏幕。

  14. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    • 在这些透镜和双显示屏后面有什么呢?一个超级光滑,弹簧和双齿调节显示屏和透镜间距的机制。

    • 双显示屏的使用是一个从 开发者第二版新月湾原型版 的巨大的进步。通过允许每个透镜和显示屏组件单独移动,Rift 提供了瞳间距从第5到第95百分位的人调节——但是却保护其它光学属性不受影响。

    • 一句话来说:只要你有眼睛,你就可以用。真棒!

    • 下一个拆出来的是LED主板,这上面的标签是所有拆解者梦寐以求的。。。

  15. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • 上述标记良好的主板,由超过一打的接触点和关键控制硬件组成。

    • 不同于我们在 开发者版第二版 中发现的意法半导体的 LED 驱动, 这个集成电路阵列来自于德州仪器:

    • 3个德州仪器 TLC59401 16频 LED 驱动,带有点校正和 PMW 灰度控制。

    • 在背面,我们看见一对(相对)较大的电容——可能用于发出更为平滑的脉冲间歇负载,如巨大的红外 LED 灯阵列。

  16. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 3,3
    • 透镜: 搞定。硅胶垫: 搞定

    • 现在是时候拆头显带子了。塑料撬棒在手,我们撬开了带有 FCC 标签的头显带子以寻找 LED 灯和耳机电线。

    • 把外面的一层布剥开,我们发现了缠绕在头部周围的黑色排线,它被用来给后部的 LED 灯供电。棒!

    • 但是等一下——这些机械的部件是什么?

    My right strap snapped off the Rift and broke the ribbon cable inside. So no speakers or back tracking LEDs. Any way to replace or solder it back together?

    Rafael Fideles - 回复

    Same Problem , I am trying to repair the ribbon cable : fix both sides with glue on a thin sheet (piece of other ribbon cable) , scratch with a scalpell the black lack to expose the copper layer , and restore the connections soldering thin wires . After , seal evething with got glue .

    I hope my skills are good enough …

    lughi -

    Did it work Lughi?, I have the same problem

    Emanuel Loureiro - 回复

    Did it work? I have the same problem now.

    ExitusVR Houston - 回复

    • 它们是头显带子的弹簧!这些弹簧在两边的头显带子里都有,能给予带子约一英尺的调节空间——省去了额外扣子或带子的麻烦。

    • 这就意味着,你可以像佩戴棒球帽一样容易地佩戴 Oculus 头显,而不需要额外的调节。

    • 我们的一群员工在没有任何困难的情况下,都可以佩戴头显,但这个机械设计也是一个很有可能坏掉的地方。想想吧,这个头显带子几乎不可能拆卸,你的 VR 眼镜可能最终不得不依靠头显带子而不是这些弹簧装置。

  17. Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,3 Oculus Rift CV1 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 3,3
    • Oculus Rift CV1 可修复性得分: 10分中得了7分 (10分最高):

    • 电线布局比开发者版更加合理,有一个很容易移除的坚固连接器。

    • 多亏有了弹簧触点,听筒扬声器超级容易拆除。

    • 脸部泡棉垫由塑料扣子固定,很容易拉出来。

    • 进入内部较为困难,隐藏在内部的夹子固定住了防尘罩。

    • 要剪开头显带子上得布料才能更换头显带子。

    • 精细的设计和精致的排线使得移除透镜、显示器和主板相当困难。

    Könnt ihr die einzelnen Teile vom Bild mit den Fachwörter noch Beschreiben?

    mone - 回复


en zh


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Evan Noronha


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Are you going to open up the cable, or constellation sensor?

Jim - 回复

Keep checking in to find out ;)

Sam Goldheart -

Will you be checking to see if the Spectra7 chips are still being used with the HMD cable?

gabeh2 - 回复

Awesome teardown! Loved the humor. Thanks for your hard work! I can't wait to receive my Rift.

Zach Fox - 回复

What about the rack and pinion system? The camera? The remote? The cable?

Jason Znack - 回复

Where is the microphone located?

Jack - 回复

How about a teardown of the headphones!? Palmer Luckey demands it!

Josh Mills - 回复

Why is the video private?

Jesse Ficarra - 回复

Where is the Accelerometer, Gyroscope and Magnometer?

dhruvbole - 回复

The accelerometer and gyroscope are a single chip (the Bosch BMI055) located on the motherboard. It's highlighted in pink in the above photo. I'm not sure about the magnetometer.

ProgHead777 -

For this application the MEMs are only used to track relative motion, and the camera system tracks absolute motion. Hence magnetometer is un-necessary. There is no magnetometer. BMI055 is the same MEMs used in GearVR CV1 (it gets away with not having a magnetometer by intermittently pulling from the phone's magnetometer to correct for orientation drift).

Robert -

Will you teardown the cable? Wondering if Spectra7 is still the chip. Thanks!!!

Michael Daniels - 回复

Missing locations for microphone and IMU

gsbain - 回复

the TI 59I C6F3 are OLEDDisplay Power Supply. I dont find any info on these, but the coils and the fact that they are 2, (1 was in dk2) proves my point.

patrickgtasanandreasmod - 回复

nice teardown. the s in fresnel is silent, FYI. its french.

ccon - 回复

Bosch Sensortec IMU (gyro + accelerometer) BMI055

marcellinogemel - 回复

Thanks marcellinogemel! We've updated the teardown accordingly.

Evan Noronha -

Teardown not complete, Cable and chips in cable still a mystery? Do ur job right or forget about it!!!

macman1519 - 回复

Dear iFixit team, please ignore that guy's rude remark. There are plenty of us here who respect your work who would in fact appreciate it if you did open the cables to see what kind of chips are inside.

Tester -

I need to know if the lenses can be rotated. I suffer from permanent torsional double vision and need to rotate the left lens to match my right eye for the picture to match up. This is the only thing stopping me from seeing in 3d.

Bradley Jobe - 回复

Wouldnt it be easier to rotate the Image in software? Or am I just not understanding your condition?

John M -

Weird that Oculus didn't made a headphone jack to use your own headset with microphone.

Fermioncool Fermioncool - 回复

The step 13 erroneously states that the stereoscopic display permanently focused at infinity relieves eyestrain. In fact fixed focus is a cause of eye strain due to an accommodation-vergence mismatch. In contrast an accommodative/ multifocal/ light field display or a retinal display would alleviate this cause of eye strain.

Jack Hayes - 回复

well… i can stay 8 hours with the vr headset on without feeling eyestrain, but if i spend a few hours looking at the computer screen (and i have a 42” one) my eyes get stuck into a close focus. if i want to drive after spending a few hours at the pc, i have to close one eye because i get double vision because of stuck close focus. doesnt happen with vr tho. and with smaller screens its even worse, thats why i got a 42” tv as a screen…

Mike The Monk (MGTOW Monk) -

What about the timing controller? The displays are from samsung i guess?

Samuel Heenan - 回复

It would be very interesting to see a teardown of the remote and the touch controllers as well! :)

Body Double - 回复

Any idea of manufacturer and reference of the two display panels? Thanks

Cedric Pelvet - 回复

So it sounds like it's upgrade capable to 4K resolution once displays are available! Nice!

Josh - 回复

Not at the fps you want to hit with VR. That part can only do 30fps 4K but up to 120fps for full HD.

Rup G -

The "s" is silent in "Fresnel." :)

Suchit - 回复

Well, you're not wrong but, neither is she :) http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionar...

Sam Goldheart -

The dictionary has this habit of changing the meanings or pronunciations of a words once the incorrect way becomes commonplace. The definition of literally has changed to “figuratively” because so many used it incorrectly. Fresnel lenses are named after french physicist Augustin J. Fresnel. Saying it without a silent “s” is mispronouncing the name of the man who invented them and that shouldn't really be up for debate.

TL;DR the dictionary is wrong. ;)

Brandon Rulez -

Virtual Reality SUCKS.. Occulus Rift is already outdated.. ( Yup they are just like you guys and missed the Memo). The best new thing is Augmented Reality. Check out the Augmented Reality here, http://www.cnet.com/videos/we-spent-90-m...

Thomas - 回复

This is an extremely ignorant comment. VR and AR are not competitors, they serve different purposes. For gaming - where frequently you are trying to insert the player into an environment that doesn't exist - VR is required. AR can't put me in the cockpit of an F15 or a starship - VR can. Ideal would be an AR/VR hybrid...an AR headset that can become completely opaque and block out the real world if desired...can current AR devices do that?

Eric Glasper -

Can we expect a further teardown at some point? Cable? Headphones? Etc...?

Michael Daniels - 回复

I don't like the lenses at all. Yes Fresnel lenses are cheaper to make than regular lenses, but they cause significant artifacts. The whole idea that you focus the lenses by moving the whole headset up and down on your head doesn't allow for focussing each eye separately either. All in all it seems like a massive compromise in quality for a small cost saving, and probably singlehandedly explains the comments in most reviews about blurriness.

neilcoo - 回复

I would like to know if the lenses have an anti reflective coating on the inside?

Eamon Ho -

Dimensions of the Fresnel lens would be amazing to know. Also the distances of the inner and outer surfaces from the display(s) and the eye. I think this is key to getting the eye focus correct. Are these similar to the ones on the Lenovo ANT VR Headset accessory? (Into which you insert your phone)

vinayrrao - 回复

On day one you said

"We don't particularly love fiddly cables connecting two halves of our hardware, but at least they're nicely labeled for reassembly... More on that later."

I was wondering how much later?

gabeh2 - 回复

When you first reviewed the Oculus CV1 you said:

"We don't particularly love fiddly cables connecting two halves of our hardware, but at least they're nicely labeled for reassembly... More on that later."

I was wondering how much later you had in mind? Thanks!

gabeh2 - 回复

Is Spectra 7 still in the USB cable?

max - 回复

I'd like to see the cable busted open as well

Michael Daniels -

Confirmed. It actually contains three S7 chips. See below:

Mackie Research performed an in-house teardown of the cables, which confirmed the inclusion of three of Spectra7's chips - two "VR 7050" and one "VR 7100."

Mike Hunter -

What's the total weight of the headset?

Andrew - 回复

can you indicate if the Spectra7 chips are inside similar to the development kit teardown?

Aman - 回复

Whats the estimated BOM? $200 maybe?

chapas - 回复

Is this it? When do we get an actual teardown?

Michael Daniels - 回复

Hi! Do you have a presskit with photos?

Erika - 回复

Hi! do you have a presskit with photos?

Erika - 回复

Is there a mapping of the IR sensors on the front of the headset? Would love to stick a graphic to the front of my Rift and dodge all the sensors..

F4CEpa1m - 回复

Step five is wrong. If you managed to just remove the frame "with a few well-placed flicks of the spudger" then you ripped the small hexagon screws out of their respective threads.

Eddi Lecesne - 回复

My first time using the ifixit site.

Need to get inside this thing for an on the job examination. I removed the cable and 6 T3 screws from the housing assembly, yet with all the prying I would DARE with 2 spudgers, I still cannot get "Kato's mask" to cleanly pull free from the headset housing. Also, the black fabric seems attached securely to the lenses. I'm stumped right here. Tried calling ifixit direct but could only leave a message.

Any ideas or advice? Thanks - Ernie@ECOTNY

Ernie -

Hi Ernie! This document wasn't intended to serve as instructions, but it sounds like you're in a bind—so, I checked with the tech writer who performed the CV1 teardown. According to him: "The first pic of step 5 shows the clips you've gotta declop—If i recall, it's kinda terrible. I think the trick is pulling up enough to see in there. Everything is pretty flexible." Not sure how much help that is, but good luck with your project! Eventually we hope to have a set of actual repair guides with instructions for the Rift CV1, sometime further down the road. Cheers!

Jeff Suovanen -

@ernieaecot Did you end up getting the clips off the lenses? Trying to get them off without tearing the fabric seems to be very tricky

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Andrew White -

My unit came with the headband detached from the head mounted display. Particularly the left side. It leads mo to believe they sent me a returned product from previous customer, because my preorder came in sooner than August. I wish I could post photo because that would tell it all. I tried putting it back but it just breaks off. My problem is the 2 arms that holds the goggles that houses the chip, oled and etc, the left arm is detach and I am not sure if its designed this way. I know it allows some movement for adjustment. Please help.

preatorarsonist - 回复

Hola, buenas tardes, i spoke little english, since you opened it , ¿ they believe can break easily fall to the ground facing the oculus ? I say this because they fell and did not detect the pc

adrian rom - 回复

So after the tear down how would you get rid of the screen door effect?

brentarnold2002 - 回复

Do the lenses have pincushion distortion and the displays barrel distortion to compensate, or have they been engineered to eliminate the need for display barrel distortion, and maintain full pixel resolution on the diagonal as well as the vertical.

harry - 回复

Hi, Your work is great ! but just have a question is there a way to replace only the HDMI socket and would it work?

In my CV1 the pins in HDMI are bent and it results in seeing red dots and some lines mostly on the dark background.

I checked another cable and all is working fine so it is definitely either only the HDMI socket (most likely as I can see 2-3 bent pins) or the whole cable.

Thank You!

Rad Kon - 回复

Hi, could you explain how the Headphones connect to allow the adjustable Straps? I have lost audio from the Left Speaker and can only get audio back if I loosen the Right side strap move it in or out!

Terence Glasgow - 回复

Hey Terence, did you find a solution to your headphone issue? I'm having the same thing happen, now both don't work..

Jeremy -

Will be the flexible cable that runs through the head band. not much you can do about it. I have 7 Rifts here and only 1 is still working correctly. All under 12months old

Andy -

Do you have any info / insight on the components related to the IPD (inter pupillary distance) slider on the underside of the rift? I ask because it is linked with a digital, in-software readout that reports the current distance and that readout stopped working for me... was curious what kind of component linkage is going on with that slider... ? Didn't see any mention of this element of the Rift in the above article.

Jerome Graves - 回复

I was wondering the same as I seem to have the same problem with my Rift.

Anne Caitlyn -

Its a small linear potentiometer. Left eye piece bracket moves the pot. possibly dropped out of the holder if it's been dropped. should be an easy fix

Andy -

I want to fix my oculus cv1

How could we contact?!

Dr_samah Mohamed - 回复

My oculus was dropped. the right lens has a line going through it. how would I fix it?

PK _Gaming - 回复

how to diassemble head strap?

no sound my right speaker

구정훈 - 回复

Is it possible to remove the lenses so I can clean the inside? I have moisture inside the lenses and it ruins the experience!! I need to know if I can just fix it or RMA.

Trevor Tencza - 回复

Is it possible to teardown the rift so I can clean the inside of the lenses? I have moisture on the inside of the lenses which creates unbearable “god rays”. I’m not sure if I’m able to fix it or try to RMA?

Trevor Tencza - 回复

It's probably not moisture.. Fresnel lenses just suck like that

Brandon Rulez -

Anyone been able to identify the flexible cable that seems to be failing on many of these devices under normal operation (stretching of the side straps to put on/off head) and breaking inbuilt Rift audio?

Mine just broke of course 2 months out of warranty and Oculus basically told me to go eat a d!ck and buy a new one.

Should be an option to replace these for those out of warranty

Globe Spy - 回复

How did you remove the small button that adjusted the lens distance?

chenchen - 回复

Would airbrushing the front affect the ir tracking

Dustin Goodwin - 回复

%#*@^@, still no solution for this known fail of the right earphone and the ribbon ?

where to find a replacement ribbon to fix this ?

net shaman - 回复


I'm selling Oculus CV1 Parts, you can contact me by e-mail at: "totto99@gmx.de". I'm from Germany so be aware of shipping cost. Currently I offer a lot of parts, because i bought a broken one Just for a working Screen. Some interesting things might be:

- 1 left Lens

- 1 right Display + Lens Combo

- whole outer housing

- HDMI connection cable for PC

Ofcourse you can also buy ALL the remainings parts (everything execpt the left Screen).

Tobias Otto - 回复

I send you a email

mazdamx33 -

what dioptric power was the lens and how much did it vary along the vertical axis?

Mei Boon - 回复

Thanks for the info!!! My headset is starting to freeze. I got in touch with Oculus, they checked some logs, and said it is getting hot, and of course, it is out of warranty. Is there enough space on the cowl to drill little holes in it to get some air flow going?..OR if I cut some foam off the mask, would that do the same thing? Any help would be appreciated

Terry Landis - 回复

Hello I have a HDMI to sell in parts as there is no replacement for mine. check ebay. If your looking for parts.

Thx for the tear down, it helped a lot.

Felipe Gar - 回复

Buenas, una consulta, ¿es posible cambiarle un sola pantalla, volviendo a poner al vacio con el lente???

Pablo Passaniti - 回复

Is it possible to change a single (only) screen? or are the two synchronized??

Pablo Passaniti - 回复

do you know if an oculus rift or htc vive replacement cable can fit inside hp vr1000-100?

Tommy Jørgensen - 回复

The audio ribbon cable on my head strap broke. Is there anyway I can fix it to make my OEM headphones work? Can’t I just overlap the two ends and tape it down?

Bryan Bishop - 回复

It’s a shame you couldn’t do more with the headstrap. The ribbon cable in there is a prime point of failure for the headphones, particularly the ground line which wraps around the back of the head from one headphone to the other (rather than both being fed from the headset)

abrannan - 回复

The headband can be removed, but you have to cut the fabric shell of the headset to do it. There’s a pair of clips on each side of the headset holding the top and bottom halves together. If you cut the fabric over the seam, you can separate the halves and slide the headband attachment points out of the shell (after removing the 4 screws holding each in place).

abrannan - 回复

Nice work there.

Too bad you didn’t take a look at the weakest link of the whole thing. The cable. :/

Dominik - 回复

I have a rift and I want to know if you can actually take out the strap off from the sides. I noticed you guys didn't. The Headband springs did not let you take it apart?

ExitusVR Houston - 回复



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