


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的HomePod,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. HomePod 拆解, HomePod 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 HomePod 拆解, HomePod 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 苹果在那里隐藏了什么部件? 这是他们告诉我们的:

    • 苹果A8 处理器

    • 4寸高偏移向上发射的低频扬声器

    • 7个波束形成的高频扬声器阵列

    • 6个波束形成的麦克风阵列

    • 低频麦克风,用于低频扬声器的实时校准

    • 顶部安装的触摸面板

    • 带有MIMO的802.11ac Wi-Fi模块以及蓝牙5.0

    Could you guys give a more in-depth review of the logic board and the inter connectivity of it with the other components? I am wondering if it’s hackable to get rid of Siri in fevour of snips

    Daniel Shapira - 回复

  2. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • HomePod可能不是这个阵容中最高的,但它肯定是最凶残的。

    • 尽管如此,它仍然保持了智能音箱典型的360°圆柱形外形。

    • 除了宽高比外,最明显的区别是,不像Amazon EchoGoogle Home,HomePod具有集成电源和不可拆卸电源线

    • 没有丑陋的壁式变压器,但也没有方便的可拆卸(和可更换)电源线。它确实有一条超酷的编织线缆。

    Have you determined what the cord covering is made of? Soft cotton or tough fabric to slow down dog and child chewing?

    plink53 - 回复

    Power cord IS apparently removable if you pull hard on it., and you can plug it back into a proprietary connector. What else to expect from Apple.

    Peter Goedtkindt - 回复

    The power cord is actually removable, it has (pretty tight) connector in it.

    apz - 回复

    Actually, letting high voltage run along the power cord into the device without protecting earthing ground is a safety issue. Converting the voltage down inside the wart already fixes that.

    Christian Egger - 回复

    Double insulation ftw! See Class II devices: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appliance_...

    hugostonge -

    Oy…I’m confused with the switching to top to bottom top to bottom… If one wanted to get out the main board with the A8 on it, what’s the least destructive and relatively easier path…work from the bottom or work from the top?

    hometech99 - 回复

    You work from the top. I wrote up a disassembly guide, it’s on the device page. Remove the top touch surface cover, then the actual touch pad/LED portion and then the logic board is directly underneath. :)

    Nicholas Ouimet -

  3. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们偷偷看到了许多印在旁边的不明显的监管信息:

    • FCC,电子废物警告以及欧盟澳大利亚的法规标志 - 尽管我们这款音箱的电源插头是美国标准,并且有双重绝缘的标志。

    • 新型号,A1639。

    • 还有一些小洞。

    • 有一些麦克风安在奇怪的地方,这是为了平衡气压么?

    What’s the FCC ID?

    Narasimha Chari - 回复

    The tiny holes must be present to prevent a vacuum from forming when the base rests on a flat surface like a glass top.

    Leonard Peris - 回复

    I am 100% agree with Leonard, this tiny little hole is to release vacuum.

    As everybody know, silicone is a super sticky rubber, it has to have special treatment to reduce stiction.

    The vacuum will not only appears on glass furniture any sealed surface will create this issue.

    As we see the “residue gate“ currently have on wood furniture. The silicone will release some oil or “blooming“ on rubber technology. These oil is intends to let the elastomer softer as an internal lubricant(an internal lubricant is to soften the silicone rubber) but they will gradually release over time.

    Howard - 回复

    The Power Cord is actually not permanent. If you take a look close enough you can see it can be removed just has to be tugged hard enough!

    David - 回复

  4. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 接下来,我们首先看看苹果的无缝3D扬声网罩。

    • 苹果公司的工程师开发了这种网罩,使其声音通透,同时保护HomePod的内部不受灰尘和碎屑的影响。

    • 一块光滑的触摸板(万一Siri需要休息)以及一个相当眼熟的LED指示灯位于HomePod顶部。

    • 得益于Creative Electron的X射线,我们看到了内部 - 看起来这里有一些巨大的磁铁(如这些黑点所示)。

    Remarkably similar ‘x-ray’-style illustration featured on the ''apple.com/homepod/'' webpage.

    Bob Laughton - 回复

  5. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们的X射线全面向我们展示了脚下的一些螺丝,所以我们将集中火力在粘住它的粘合剂上。 只有经过一阵加热之后,我们才能够缓慢地将脚上下剥离。

    • 即使知道螺丝钉在那里,我们已经准备好了最糟糕的,之后那胶粘的工作......

    • ...但松了一口气,找到那些易于修理的梅花螺丝,准备拧开。 在胶脚下还有一个14引脚的端口,可能用于在装配过程中在Pogo引脚上测试或编程HomePods。

    Where does the 14-pin POGO port terminate? It isn’t shown again after this step.

    joshshua - 回复

    yes any news on the pogo pins connection? No leaked schematics? It might be helpfull to connect the homepod to a pc for a firmware update like it’s possible with the mini?

    Oliver Stepniewski - 回复

    There is no way to downgrade them because the IPSW isn't public

    Shim -

  6. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 也许这些螺丝不如我们想象的那么友好。 取下它们后,它们所夹持的塑料板仍然固定在其中。看起来网罩夹紧了挡板。

    • 我们真的不想切割这个网罩,所以我们沿着网罩的胶合边缘滑动出一个切口并将其拉出。 我们的奖品? 更坚固的塑料以致我们不能继续。

    • 嘿Siri,进入这个东西需要什么?

    Is this the t5 or the tr6 security screwdriver?

    Ramon - 回复

    Those particular screws are T5. We didn’t encounter any security screws—just standard Torx.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Mine has 3 smaller screws on the bottom as well

    phaseangle - 回复

  7. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 可能需要用到一些锋利的东西。 我们尽可能保持网罩的完整,但无济于事。 好吧,这不是我们第一次不得不切开这些超棒的面料

    • 切过厚厚的三维网罩,我们发现了第二层内部织物面料。

    • 这个更薄,更灵活的套筒被固定在顶部,所以它保持到了现在。

    • 谢天谢地,音箱内部像没有网罩那样无缝,我们发现更多的梅花螺丝隐藏在(各种各样的)橡胶塞下面。

    Before you cut the fabric you can remove the cable! It’s a snap-in design which you can see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjxILSOf...

    Dan - 回复

    If there’s a solid wall of plastic behind the mesh, why does it matter if the mesh is “acoustically transparent” or not?

    Drew Quinton - 回复

    The mesh covers the openings for the speakers and microphones as well, they’ve just extended the mesh from those areas to uniformally cover the entire device except the touch controls area.

    Urname -

    Urname, but those slit openings appear to be only for the microphones, are you sure, looks like from the photos that the tweeters have to blast through the plastic which would very much explain the muffled sound the HomePod produces.

    White Hawks -

    Interesting question - anybody tested the quality of the sound without the mesh?

    Jan - 回复

  8. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,2 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们新切口的一个好处是:我们可以看到这种网罩里有什么样的纤维魔法。

    • 然而并没有,但我们可以看到,网罩由顶部和底部的网状层组成,中间有微小的线圈。

    • 这种类型的结构允许声波穿过织物,几乎没有反射,同时吧灰尘挡在外面。

    • 现在我们已经取下了网罩,我们可以看到它居然有一个拉绳! 这是否意味着可以通过顶端以非破坏性的方式取下它?

    Yes, the sleeve slides off as shown in Kelsey’s video above this guide. :)

    fastasleep - 回复

    The outer mesh looks very similar to the paper based rope used in their retail bags.

    Tyler Selby - 回复

    Yes, it has a drawstring! Oops!!!

    Sean Farrar - 回复

    Thinking of dying this fabric, is that even possible?

    Karim - 回复

  9. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 在探寻入口时,我们将覆盖胶水的顶盖剥掉,只是为了找到更多的螺丝钉,看起来没有任何好处。

    • 在外面看起来如此简单的东西里面真的是一个迷宫。

    • 经过更多的加热,另一个胶垫,我们深入另一层,最后获得成功。

    • 在三号门下,我们看到:一块屏蔽良好的电路板,一根排线和拉绳的系泊柱。

    How does the top plate respond to touch - it looks like a piece of plastic that isn’t connected to anything

    Paul Dale - 回复

    Great question. We think there’s a capacitive grid on the board below—see Step 10 for some updated info. But you’re right, the touch surface itself isn’t wired to anything.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    Great teardown! I’m super interested in how the light gets passed through from the “+ -” symboles shaped holes in the pcb, all the way out of the cover plastic.

    I have a hunch that it’s a transparant part, where they used a black film on the back side, with the + and - marks cut out, but I’m not sure.

    do you happen to know if they used a multi-layered material for the cover plastic?

    johan.vn.hulle - 回复

    The LEDs are mounted to the board and diffused through the clear plastic light guide you see to the left of the board in the first image in step 10, all the lights on the board shine through the semi-transparent plastic lid.

    Sam Goldheart -

    The LEDs are mounted to the board and diffused through the clear plastic light guide you see to the left of the board in the first image in step 10, all the lights on the board shine through the semi-transparent plastic lid.

    Sam Goldheart - 回复

  10. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 暴露出来的电路板向我们展示了一些运行顶部提示灯光的乐趣:

    • 德州仪器TLC 5971LED驱动器

    • 赛普拉斯CY8C4245LQI-483可编程片上系统

    • 电路板的顶部是LED指示灯的LED灯珠以及使指示灯呈现模糊的外观的柔光镜。

    • 加号和减号完全由中心阵列通过安装在板上的凹槽中的导板点亮。

    it looks like the + and - buttons have their own lights on the bottom side of the board (those 3 led bars on each side). if they wre lit purely from the array, how are they lit when the array is off, and how do they turn off when the array is on?

    Gregory Young - 回复

    I think you’re right about that! We didn’t look closely enough. The teardown has been updated to make that bit more accurate. Thanks for the tip!

    Jeff Suovanen -

  11. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 下一张出来的部件包含那些精致的抽绳系具-在此之后,是它的主板。

    • 芯片明智的, 我们完整地看到:

    • 苹果A8 APL1011 SoC(我们之前已经看到过这个,但是做了一个不同的工作),似乎与下面的1 GB RAM配合

    • 东芝THGBX4G7D2LLDYC 16 GB NAND闪存

    • USI 339S00450(WiFi /蓝牙模块?)

    • 338S00100-AZ

    • 有趣的是,反面还有一些未填充的SMD焊盘,只有少量芯片和几个无源器件。 也许在最后时刻HomePod进行了一些设计变更?

  12. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 最后:我们似乎无法打开一条缝。 我们换上了钢锯(还有我们的超声波切割机)来探索超强劲的低频扬声器。

    • 如果这款低频扬声器上的磁铁对于这个尺寸的扬声器来说似乎很大,是的没错。 深沉而动人的低音取决于扬声器驱动大量空气的能力。

    • 虽然传统上是通过增加锥体的直径来完成的,但Apple却增加了音圈的行程(在这种情况下增加到20mm p-p),而这又需要更大的磁体。 这样,扬声器直径保持较小,但它仍然可以驱动足够的空气来传送优质的低音。

    Kinda disappointing that they cheeped out with a ferrite magnet and not neodymium.

    Adam Minter - 回复

    What is the info regarding the woofer?

    Xx Xx - 回复

    Could you tell us the DC resistance of the voice coil?


    deckard - 回复

    This guy manages to disassembly in a non-destructive way: https://youtu.be/3AnAy6HvlbI?t=634

    Thiago - 回复

    il suffit de chauffer doucement , pour séparer les éléments

    Fafa pinto - 回复

    This is not the way to open the lid.... There is an non destructive way look at Nic's Fix he has mastered it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfGiuh_Q... 7:52 in

    Peter Ekberg - 回复

    • 在切开并窥探扬声器的内部之后,我们到达了最后的障碍:一个螺纹环。

    • 我们不得不得出结论 - 在某种程度上,HomePod能够被旋开以分离控制/低频扬声器和高频扬声器/电源单元。

    • 但是我们对于使用旁门左道并不觉得太糟糕:通过在管子下面看到的粘合剂来判断,这些线不是针对消费者 - 这件东西被粘住了。

    • 难怪苹果的维修价格是设备本身的80-85% - 这并不容易。 但如果我们弄错了,一定要分享神奇的过程!

    Has anyone figured out a non destructive way inside? The fabric/mesh can be removed and reinstalled with out damage as can the brains, but there is no way I know of to access the speakers, power supply or amplifier board.

    Nicholas Ouimet - 回复

    @ouimetnick Someone did! See the update to Step 12, above.

    Jeff Suovanen -

    This guy manages to disassembly in a non-destructive way: https://youtu.be/3AnAy6HvlbI?t=634

    Thiago -

  13. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们的HomePod洋葱的下一层(或者可能是巴菲?)是由两部分组成的电源,由处理AC / DC转换的内部模块和为所有八个扬声器提供电源的外环组成。

    • AC-in电路板上的硬件充满了环氧树脂,可能用来防止强烈的振动使它散架。 它通过Mac Pro风格的导电柱向外环传送电源。

    How come you conclude “durability is not an issue” with a mofset GLUED, to a capacitor ?!

    How can you miss that ? This is why most electronic appliance fail after a few year.

    John Stewarts - 回复

    Judging from the appearance of the surface, the filling between the components is probably Silicone not Expoxy. Epoxy is avoided nowadays because of the toxic base components, difficult curing behaviour, bad flexibility after curing and limited thixotropy.

    Moritz Kaiser - 回复

    (For the uninitiated, like me): “thixotropy - the property of becoming less viscous when subjected to an applied stress.”

    jimwitte - 回复

    Could you tell us the value of the big main black colored capacitor above?

    @jstew that glue doesn’t hold anything down. It damps vibrations to prevent failure of the legs/solder joints.

    deckard - 回复

  14. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 15 中的图像 3,3
    Halberd Spudger
    • 我们已经拿到了第二部分的电源,在钩子上的是一个光环里的星际之门配电环。

    • 我们的星际风电源板电容密集的一侧安了一颗意法半导体的STM32L051C8T7超低功耗ARM微控制单元。

    • 在另外一面,我们发现了:

    • 国际整流器(IR)公司的PowlRaudio 98-0431音频放大器

    • 4350C Y01742 TWN

    • 并且在周围,有七个亚德诺半导体(ADI)公司的SSM35158音频放大器 - 看起来像是这些高频扬声器的独立放大器!

    Stargate Halo

    They should have used this for some HomePod advertisement..

    jimwitte - 回复

  15. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,3 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 16 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们和一个用胶水粘在同上的小小电路板搏斗,然后注意到Synaptics提供的两款Conexant CX20810 ADC芯片用于麦克风阵列。

    • 主板不甘示弱,拥有一个自己的麦克风 - 可能是用于低频扬声器校准的低频麦克风。

    • 该麦克风本质上通过听低频扬声器的输出并经过一些奇特的信号处理,微调低频扬声器以获得最佳性能,同时使低频水平与其他频率保持一致。

    • 回到麦克风的其他部分:它们分别由两个长条状的三个麦克风组成。 每条都牢固地粘在机身的内侧,麦克风位于漏斗状通道上。

    Woofer mic probably does (real time) analog feedback to perform correction of nonlinear distortion. Not necessarily with DSP. AFAIK the first company to mass produce a product (subwoofer) with this feature was Velodyne in the 90s.

    deckard - 回复

    can you also tell mic is from which company?

    Shweta - 回复

  16. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,2 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,2
    • 我们从机身中拉出另一个螺纹环,最后获得白雪公主和七个高频扬声器,并带有导电的电源接线柱。

    • 没错 - 那些金螺柱为高频扬声器供电。

    • 看看这个端口,我们感觉不妙。 或许它是紧张的高频扬声器。

    • 高频扬声器前面的小折叠喇叭是音频设计工程师用来提高扬声器效率并控制其声音方向的一种技巧。 这与留声机中使用的道理相同。

    • 是时候用超声波切割机打开这个单元!

  17. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,2 HomePod 拆解: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,2
    • 高频扬声器组件打开后,我们可以更好地观察为HomePod提供“精确”声音通风孔和喇叭式高频扬声器。

    • 音圈线圈架侧面的通风孔和高频扬声器后部的四个孔可防止高音扬声器移动时气压在高频扬声器后面积聚。

    • 当高频扬声器每秒来回移动数千次时,降低压力可以避免纸盆和音乐扭曲。

    • 到目前为止,我们还没有看到任何钻石高频喇叭的证据...... Geave博士可以给我们解答一下吗?

    Is this oil at the edge of a voice coil?

    Anton Akusok - 回复

    I think what you’re referring to might be the potting epoxy. The golden brown liquid-looking stuff on the coils?

    Ted -

    Also I’m baffled by a sentence in the post linked about diamond tweeters, what does “accurately reproducing audio above and beyond the limits of human hearing” even mean? Isn’t that a little paradoxical?

    Ted -

    I guess its for your dog who’s hearing is better than ours ;-}

    Dan -

    Maybe we have to update the adage “If a tree falls in a forest beyond the limits of human hearing, does it make a sound?” :P

    Sam Goldheart -

    the oil is probably ferrofluid to cool the tweeter and improve it’s magnetic properties

    ed - 回复

    Ohh, right that makes more sense… It would sound horrible if it was solid the way it’s so thick and uneven on the coil. Scratch what I said about “potting epoxy”

    Ted -

    You gotta wonder though, with the vents on the other side of the driver, doesn’t this mean that the ferrofluid would degrade that much more quickly? Maybe it’s only meant to be used for 5-7 years, which is reasonable for laptops, etc, but if I’m going to buy a speaker, I’d want to get one that sounds great, and keeps sounding great for a long time…

    Ted -

    There is no oil in that photo.

    Slab Riprock - 回复

    That is indeed ferrofluid. It doesn’t leak out because the magnetic field keeps it in place. Tweeter manufacturers have been using it for decades, and the tweeters live for decades.

    deckard - 回复

  18. HomePod 拆解: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,1
    • 随之而来的是:Homepod的这些构造就如同Siri的房子。

    • 你知道苹果如何解决这些事情吗? 我们是否错过了扬声器金句? 请在评论中告诉我们,并确保点击我们在YouTube上的拆解视频。

    • 最后,是时候打一个可修复性分数。 尽管有很多积极因素,但如果打开产品步骤确实不可逆,我们将不得不给个相应的分数。

    Salut Apple,Je suis André!

    j’ai mon Home pad il s’allume mais il ne foctionne pas,ça arrive brusquement.que puis je faire?

    Andre Ejanuel - 回复

  19. 最后的想法
    • HomePod的构造像一台坦克。 耐用性不应该成为问题。
    • 尽管缺少接缝,但外层面料网可以完好无损地剥落,这要归功于阴险的抽绳。
    • 所有螺丝部件都是采用标准的Torx规格 - 这里没有恼人的安全螺丝。
    • 极其巧妙地使用导电螺柱可以最大限度地减少堆叠多层组件的布线混乱。
    • 非常牢固的粘合剂可以确保稳固触摸面板,麦克风阵列,橡胶脚以及(最令人讨厌的)设备顶部的主要入口,否则这些设计看起来会被打乱而不会大惊小怪。
    • 尽管它看起来应该有一种非破坏性的方式,但我们未能对其进行正确的方式拆解。 没有维修手册,你的拆解成功几率很小。


en zh


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Thanks guys, very interesting report!

Thomas Ungricht - 回复

The power cable is actually user removable and replaceable. You just have to pull on it *really* hard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjxILSOf...

Andrew spoelstra - 回复

Very good teardown! Thanks!

Juan Miguel - 回复

Apparently the AC cable is replaceable, yet not meant to be user-replaced: https://9to5mac.com/2018/02/10/remove-ho...

coffee - 回复

What is the DAC?

Wayne Wilmot - 回复

My best guess would be Digital to Analog Converter :)

Rok -

I can’t seem to understand how the sound from the tweeters comes out. The whole thing looks like a solid plastic tube except at the top where the woofer is. I see the tiny holes for the microphones, but how is sound dispersed from the tweeters?

Nick McConnell - 回复

I was wondering the same thing. I remember The Verge mentioning that the tweeters actually fire downwards and reflect off the table, but I can’t figure out how that works either…

Jared -

It does seem like they’re down firing out of the bottom. It’s just odd there’s so much “transparent mesh” all through the sides of the speaker and no sound actually coming from the sides.

Nick McConnell -

Look closely at the step 7, this thing has vents on the top and bottom

Gleb Kozinets -

In step 17 you can see two small trapezoid/squares at the bottom that match the vents in the tweeter, these are the only openings in the bottom (the test port being plugged by the rubber foot). I think Gleb is confusing the gaps in the top (to the left where the mesh is still attached) for the bottom.

Sam Goldheart -

“It does seem like they’re down firing out of the bottom. It’s just odd there’s so much “transparent mesh” all through the sides of the speaker and no sound actually coming from the sides.“

that is for the microphones…see the holes around the outside of the cylinder?

Benjamin David -

Did any previous Apple products use BMR speakers? There was some speculation with the 12” Macbook but I didn’t see confirmation.

tipoo - 回复

Outstanding Teardown. Impressive tech but whose drivers is Apple using - both for the woofer and the tweeters - any branding or codes that can be decoded?

Thank You for sacrificing that poor HomePod to satisfy our curiosity.

Nikon1 - 回复

It looks like if you had opened the top first you might have been able to release the draw string and not have to cut the mesh…

receng - 回复

Yep! We did mention that in the teardown. ;)

Jeff Suovanen -

But the guide still says that you have to cut it. Might want to edit that out.

Zachary Canoy -

Hi Zachary! This is not a guide, and isn’t meant to be used to repair a device. Teardowns are just meant to be a look at our first attempt to disassemble something, rather than explaining the best way to replace a part like a guide would. In the interest of giving readers a genuine look at our experience, we like to leave teardowns as they are, mistakes and all.

Adam O'Camb -

Step 15: Think you should look for what amplifiers drive the tweeters; looking closely at the underside of that PCB there are some parts labelled “SSM” - which may be Analog Devices IIRC?

Tony Doy - 回复

Good catch! Thanks for the tip. We’ve added a note to that step.

Jeff Suovanen -

I know ifixit wants everything to be repairable but I also want everything not to fall apart. Your comment about all the adhesive holding things in place is why I would consider getting this outrageous speaker. I suggest you add a second score for durability and give it at least a 9 until you can determine if the power cord can actually be removed and replaced for less than $300. I’d like to see how durable all the other speakers are. Just because you can repair them doesn’t mean everyone WANTS to have to repair them. Even if a couple of the tweeters fail, I’m sure you’ll still get some really good sound out of it.

plink53 - 回复

I’m with you on this…seeing how well this is constructed, tightened and sealed up to prevent the many vibrations from loosening things up, that, if not done that way, could easily have caused this to make vibration noises or break over time. This is some pretty ingenious engineering —hardware, and, from what I’ve read, software — if I could, I’d run out and buy a couple of these right now!

Benjamin David -

Do you recall the 1 TB Time Machine?  I thought that thing was built solid, but it lasted exactly one day past the warranty expiration date.  Failed due to a massive design flaw (no fan).  With that much power going to drive the huge magnet on that speaker, I doubt it will last.  The epoxy will solidify with no way for the heat to escape, then break apart after repeated use of playing music.  You may say air will flow through with the movement of the cone, but I don’t think it will be static enough to properly cool over repeated use.  That thing will break one day after the warranty expires.

John Schafer -

Thanks you very much !

I think, we must be take care of our HomePod.

Kanon Shinya Yagami - 回复

Would using a hack saw to open, pretty much basically make this un-repairable? I would think that would be a 0 for repairability

mcfarlandaaron1 - 回复

It gets 1 point for the few things you can get at non-destructively. It only gets 1 point because that’s a small fraction of the total system.

Dan Neely -

You guessed that the epoxy keeps the speaker from rattling its power supply apart, but it might just as likely prevent buzzin/rattling sound from vibrating parts , since this thing seems to be quite the power shaker.

WaltFrench - 回复

Is it really built like a tank? Wow!

junpei.futami - 回复

The idea that everything has to be repairable is utter nonsense and needs to go away. Just stop it with that. 99.9% of consumers cannot repair things, for gods’ sakes so many people don’t even know how to cook! The reason things are hard to repair these days is because of 3 main factors:

1) They would be more expensive to manufacture if they used lots of nice machine screws all over rather than glue. This cost would be passed to us.

2) If they were built weaker to make it easier to take apart, unless they are designed in a more expensive way, they would be less durable and in the case of this speaker, you’d hear buzzing and rattling noises after a while. No thanks.

3) Repairing would require detailed repair manuals, spare parts that are packaged for individual resale, logistics of all that resale. And out of millions how many need repair before outdated? Have you taken these facts into account? Easy to just want want want, how about think through what that desire actually entails and how complex it would be!

JRX16 - 回复

Horses for courses. I think 99.9% is way off. I have been tearing stuff apart since childhood and love to DIY. Curiosity is a huge factor. It does not always end well but iFixit has been invaluable and I consider it another tool in my repair kit! Another great job.

Troy Douglas Sutler III -

With respect, this is a ridiculous thing to say. You’re at a website called iFixIt. What do you THINK people care about here? If this were a random tech site, then sure— repairability is probably not a priority. But at a website dedicated specifically to repairing electronics… I think you’re in the wrong place, my friend.

Benjamin A -

This kind of attitude is why there are overflowing landfills, chemicals in our water, and plastic in our oceans. The unfortunate thinking of racing headlong toward disaster being averted by some new magic technology to reverse our foolish ways—or we’ll move to Mars—is a sad commentary on our society today.

1) When devices that are put together with screws already, and then glued or taped shut (iMac,) so as to avoid repair, 99.9% of the reason why is to force consumers to buy again.

2) No speakers I own cannot be repaired, and the drivers are easily more powerful than those on the HomePod.

3) Actually, this argument sounds like a direct plug for iFixit.com! Repairing isn’t for everyone, but many used to have this necessary skill and many still have an interest. Clearly, we are a consumer society who are not meant to be self-sufficient, lest our benevolent-overlord companies lose profit margins (aww, poor, sad Apple.) Planned obsolescence also goes against the very nature of we who would like to repair.

technicalmac -

I’m just tired of DIYers insisting that non-DIYers subsidize the extra cost of making everything repairable. If you want to repair something, figure out how to do it, but don’t ask everyone else to subsidize your tinkering hobby.

Benf -

Hey Benf! This isn’t just about hobbies and personal repairs! Every one of these devices will eventually need to be retired, either recycled and shredded, or put in a landfill. If the device is too hard open, it’s usually too hard to recycle, it’s not monetarily worth it to attempt it. That means the device, and all the manufacturing energy and materials are going to waste. Repairability means thinking about the full life of the device. Plenty of manufacturers are successfully building repairable devices—Apple included, with little visible cost to the user (Compare a Note8 $950 USD, score of 4, to an iPhone 8 Plus $800 USD, score of 6). Also as a note: I would guess that leaving the glue out of the threads is probably not a wild cost increase that requires customer subsidy.

Sam Goldheart -

Sam Lionheart, I agree with you. Sadly, I highly suspect the reason for the repair costs being as high as they are is because Apple won't even try to repair your old unit if it breaks. They'll just throw it in the bin and ship you a new one.

Anton -

It’d be fun to see how it is built!

FanMac - 回复

It’d be fun to see how it is built!

I wonder if Apple could be “persuaded” to do that - to make “assembly videos” for all to see? Or maybe - given that it’s Apple - for a 1.99 Apple iTunes purchase. $0.99 if you just want to see one, $2.99 gets you six, $9.99 gets you the whole lot. Not sure how many people they could get to pay once the novelty had warn of though.

jimwitte -

I’m really curious what was supposed to be on the unpopulated SMD slot on the back of the main board. Also, the shieldings on the side hasn’t been opened in the shot.

Yang Jackie - 回复

The tweeter firing direction is pretty clearly downward per the see-through picture on https://www.apple.com/homepod/

Tim Anderson - 回复

I do see that, just seems like such a small area (per image in step 7) for all the sound to come out compared to the size of the speaker, but I guess that’s part of the magic of getting the mics to work while sound is blaring.

Nick McConnell -

HF sound doesn’t need a big space, the wavelengths are quite short, so the tweets flowing out the bottom seems logical. The horns will control dispersion somewhat, and possibly add efficiency (not much really), plus essentially they are there to change the direction of the sound.

Also re: getting mics to work while sound is blaring, that’s the easiest part to conceive of how to do. Since the sound is digital and it knows what’s playing, it should possible to “subtract” that sound from the incoming waveforms from the mic(s) in real-time, so it can “hear” you no matter what is playing or how loud.

ed -

Nice job, really enjoyed your teardown! Will look forward to learning of Apples disassembly voodoo.

johnarer - 回复

You have it all wrong. There is no right to repair. Apple made it durable. JRX16, great comment. I find it far more dubious that a company that sells tools and repair knowledge is agitating for legislation that gives consumers repair rights than a company that uses adhesives to manufacture a durable and well made product. iFixit is the solution in search of a problem.

MojoFix - 回复

Just a random person on the internet here: I want to be able to repair stuff I buy.

Repairability is good for the environment.

Benjamin Grunmaurer -

I think you’re on the wrong website. This site exists for those of us who DO believe that there is a right to repair, and who DO put value in products that can be repaired easily, whether that’s by someone with some skill, or by a layman who doesn’t want to fork out 85% of the cost of his product again to get it fixed.

While it is absolutely your right to disagree with this view, you are the one on this site, looking at this teardown, of your own free will, so if you don’t put any stock in what this site, or it’s many users think, then you are more than welcome to go, buy your durable adhesive secured speaker and not worry about us. But, please keep those views to yourself as the other 99% of the users here would very much like to be able to repair our speakers.

- Also, just an aside, the repair information on this site is available for free.

Joe -

Repairability is good for the environment only if the number of people willing and able to do repairs is high enough to offset the greater materials cost of building something both durable and repairable. Repairability has a cost of its own that can’t be ignored.

I’m very skeptical that enough DIYers exist to offset the higher cost, but it’s not an issue of opinions but simply a factual question that requires research.

The other aspect to consider is that DIYers are asking non-DIYers to subsidize the extra cost for them of making a repairable device.

Benf -

2 unanswered questions: 1st, is the power supply designed to work anywhere in the world with Apple only needing to plugin a different power cable before they ship it off? 2nd, what is the make/model of the tweeter or did Apple make their own?

oldtech - 回复

A picture of a hacksaw, seriously? Why include a sensationalist picture of “hacking at the device to fix it”? That’s very misleading to those who miss the details that a hacksaw was NOT used. I understand that not everyone is going to have a sonic cutter; but that leads me to my next point…

iFixit was so rushed to get this article out on Monday that they just King Kong’ed their way into it without re-evaluating what was the correct way. Couldn’t you have heated the outer edge of the unit to loosen the glue on the thread of the sub? Couldn’t you have unglued the top to gain access to the draw string so that you didn’t have to cut the fiber mesh?

It sounds like the major complaint was use of adhesive everywhere; but I do not believe it is unreasonable to consider Apple would do that for a device that instead to have a high rate and amplitude of vibrations, like a multi-driver speaker.

People use these tear downs as guides for fixing their device. I hope iFixit redos this article with a more sane approach.

Eric Swanson - 回复

This is not, in any way, meant to be used as a guide. That’s clearly stated in the banner right at the top. ;) If someone decides to take a hacksaw to their HomePod, that’s on them. Regarding the glue, unfortunately there’s no way to see where it’s located or even that there’s glue at all until you have the thing open.

Jeff Suovanen -

iFixit explicitly states at the top of each of their tear-downs: “This teardown is not a repair guide.” I for one love the humor iFixit exhibits in their tear-downs. Maybe you should take a look at one or two others, you will see various forms of this humor reproduced throughout.

Caleb Baker -

I’ve got a bone to pick, and it’s possible there’s a logical explanation to this I’m not seeing. Why did this score a 1/10, but the Surface Laptop scored a 0/10. I’m pretty sure both of these were destroyed to disassemble them. I don’t want to cry “fan-boy” but I consider both of these absolutely non-self-repairable and both are overpriced for their respective category. !&&* you cannot even replace a single component on this, at least the surface adapter’s AC cord can be swapped for a non-us plug (or vice-versa).

schnabel45 - 回复

It had a few bits accessable without the hacksaw. They weren’t able to get at anything in the Surfacebook without cutting the fabric earning it an even worse score.

Dan Neely -

Great post! A question posed here rather than another site simply because there are smart folks here… Why are mics inside the unit being used to tune/modify the woofer? Why not instead do software-side processing before the sound is put out, based on analysis of the soundwave and clear understanding of the internal acoustics during hardware design? If anything, I would think once the sound is emitted from the speaker you might take into account external factors like specific room acoustics, or even air pressure(?) and then accordingly modify the sound. In that case, I’d think the mics are on the outside, not the inside. But what do I know.

Anthony McGhee - 回复

somehow the speaker/microphone combination reminds me of the motion-feedback speakers that Philips promoted in the mid 1970’s.

Michael Frank -

Seems to me that the 6 Mics listen to the outside through little tubes in the housing. They are glued over little openings, which can be seen in the second picture of step 7.

Christian -

> Why not [tune/modify the woofer] software-side processing before the sound is put out, based on analysis of the soundwave and clear understanding of the internal acoustics during hardware design?

Is that really possible though? The acoustics I presume (might) be affected by whether it's sitting on glass or wood (or hung from the ceiling?!), whether it's next to a wall, maybe air dynamics (pressure, humidity, etc). And then there's maybe a "random factor" - most of us here have probably seen plots of the famous Lorentz Attractor.

But then, what exactly does "tuning the ["sub"]woofer" even *mean*? I would assume identifying whether it's creating some frequency that's making a buzz with relation to the case/table/whatever, and getting rid of it. But is there anything else going on?

jimwitte -

I don’t understand the comments about products not being repairable.

There does not need to be a conflict between product lifetime, ease to repair. IFixit compared the HomePod to a tank. Well in fact you can repair tanks. And you can repair comparable speakers - for example the Sonos 3.

In the past, basically all speakers have been repaireable. And I haven’t heard “buzzing and rattling noises ” being a problem. Also with more easy to repair high-end connected speakers eg from Sonos or Raumfeld, rattling noise is not an issue.

I indeed believe it ultimately comes down to cost. Cheaper production. And not wanting to stock spare parts. Apple want to maximise their profit - which of course is their right. In fact that is the goal of every company, I guess. Even though a gross margin of ~40% or ~88,000,000,000 US$ should allow for adding a few screws.

Joking aside - I think we have a responsibility for our children, reducing waste, by products repairable and recyclable - for both glueing is not the best choice.

Oliver - 回复

There are pros and cons about product repairability against cost efficiency as well as build quality. We have seen the failure of modular phone (project Ara?) which is a clear indicator that modularity/repairability (since you can swap out any component) evidently not the best selling point. Consumer prefer a neat, smooth and well built product which doesn’t break when get dropped, bent when seated on than an average, highly repairable product. It’s just not ‘sexy’ to be repairable and we have to deal with it.

That aside, why do we want repairability in the first place? Actually we don’t… but the environment need it. Imagine top of the line product that is sold in number of 100 millions get depreciated and broken after 2-3 year because 1 hard to replace component is design to fail in that period of time (planned obsolescence), we’d get ~1,7 thousand tons of electronic waste every single year.

If you as a company design unrepairable stuff, step up your game with environmental responsibility.

cyber_lee91 -

Was anyone able to identify the maker of the microphones?

Claus Stetter - 回复

I want to know the MIC brand!!

Nao -

Great tear down!

Super informative and humorous!

Justin Armant - 回复

Very cool! Hopefully I will never buy one, so I will never need to fix it ;)

dave white - 回复

Personally, I believe it is everyone right and responsibility to be able to repair just as its their right not to do so if they choose. The point in question is choice. If wr are not given choice then hardware becomes more like software and is only ever leased. In my view a slippery slope designed simply to extract more money and condoning poor or inadequate design.

David Newton - 回复

A bit of an example from history on repairability …

The 1970s British TV manufacturers used to make fine TVs featuring a main chassis with daughter boards for the various bit and bobs - making them very repairable.

The Japanese manufacturers, e.g. Sony, competed making sets using as few boards as possible - not very repairable.

The British sets often experienced problems caused by issues associated with the various boards, those issues *required* repairs - which though easy to perform meant expensive engineer callouts and downtime!

There were, essentially, zero British TV manufacturers pretty soon, everyone wanted the cheaper, more reliable - yet less fixable - Japanese models!

YES repairability is GOOD, but surely not so if in achieving that repairability the kits becomes unreliable!

Guy - 回复

^ this ^

Funny that the Japanese were at first bashed for being unrepairable!

Ahmad Rahmati -

The argument against repairability has added weight for a high-quality speaker. You really don’t want anything inside to move that is not supposed to move, least you get vibrational resonances that can cause buzzes or distort the sound. And you want everything to stay put during many years of service under lots of good vibrations. That is a compelling reason to eschew easily removable covers and fasteners and go for lots of glue and epoxy. Sounds like the HomePod is built to last, but $39 for the second year AppleCare warrantee may be a wise investment.

reinhold - 回复

So I guess you should’ve started from the top-down instead of the bottom-up. Also, there are no pictures or view of the underside of the HomePod after you removed the access plate. Would like to have seen how the opening of the tweeters looked and how the sound is dispersed. I sort of see some fins or slots but that’s about it.

Player Onesix - 回复

Apple claim that the rings from HomePod on furniture is the result of oil coming out of the silicone pad on the bottom. Does that pad appear to actually be made of silicone? There should not be any oil in silicone to have such a reaction. Some variant of SEBS rubber could. That is the over mold found on power tools or a hacksaw handle.

Kemal NottaTurk - 回复

Replying to


The 1970s British TV manufacturers used to make fine TVs featuring a main chassis with daughter boards for the various bit and bobs - making them very repairable.

The Japanese manufacturers, e.g. Sony, competed making sets using as few boards as possible - not very repairable.

The British sets often experienced problems caused by issues associated with the various boards, those issues *required* repairs - which though easy to perform meant expensive engineer callouts and downtime!

There were, essentially, zero British TV manufacturers pretty soon, everyone wanted the cheaper, more reliable - yet less fixable - Japanese models!

YES repairability is GOOD, but surely not so if in achieving that repairability the kits becomes unreliable!


“I repaired video games in the 1980s. The CRTs were from Japan and card based. Repair=card swap. This, the norm in commercial gear. Consumer gear is throw away.

Now the HomePod appears to be quite modular. One just can’t get into it in 15 seconds as it should be.

Kemal NottaTurk - 回复

so there is only a tiny opening in the case in front of each tweeter, which seem to block the sound, then they put a mesh around the case to let sound move freely …

francoborgo - 回复

Super random, specific question: where do you get replacement blades for your ultrasonic cutter??


Greg - 回复

So far we’ve not had to replace the blade on our unit, but, for the one we have, these blades should fit the bill.

Sam Goldheart -

Did you manage to reassemble it back and working?

Denis DS - 回复

Great disassemble video. Could you re-assable it again and get it to work?

Jim - 回复

Anyone figure out a non destructible way into this? No easy truck discovered 2 years later?

Nicholas Ouimet - 回复

Is there a way I can get a replacement cable?

Ian Mak - 回复

Any way to remove the brains, microphone, and amp and output to external speakers? I’d like to 3D print a smaller enclosure that forgoes the homepod’s speakers and leverages in-wall or in-ceiling speakers.

Matthew Bial - 回复

Unlikely. The microphones in the enclosure work with the A8 to provide the best sound for the woofer and 7 tweeters. This is their adaptive EQ/spatial sound. This isn’t a dumb speaker like SONOS or regular Bluetooth speaker. If it didn’t have an adaptive EQ/Spatial sound, you probably could. What you are looking for is a HomePod mini with an AUX out jack, and they don’t exist. Closest thing is an AirPort Express, but it doesn’t have Siri or a touch surface. Basically Apple needs to make something like Amazon’s Echo Input device.

Nicholas Ouimet -

Hello everyone !  I am looking to buy power supply for HomePod.  Can you help me get one?  Thanks

Ihor - 回复


mine is 110V and I was travelling in Europe and there is 220V , Which part should be changed ?


Mazen Helwani - 回复

Do you think it would be possible to disconnect the MEMS microphones to have a Homepod with all the features without any capability to listen?

Felancey MC - 回复

This teardown should be re-done to accommodate for the much more clever approach to open the box – without any destruction! I have rarely seen a more destructive teardown than this one...

Mischa Sprecher - 回复



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