

这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Amazon Echo Show,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. Amazon Echo Show 拆解, Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解, Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解, Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 让我们一起看看Amazon最新的Echo能不能给我们带来什么惊喜。这里是一些参数:

    • 分辨率为1024 × 600 的7英寸屏幕

    • 两个2英寸的立体声扬声器

    • Intel Atom x5-Z8350 处理器(2M 缓存, 最高 1.92 GHz的主频)

    • 前置5百万摄像头

    • 8麦克风阵列

    • Show 的亮点是它那块分辨率为1024 × 600 的7英寸触摸屏。

    • 按今天的标准来看170PPI貌似是有点低了,但如果你像Amazon建议的那样隔着半个房间的距离使用它,好像也还可以接受。

    • 或者他们只是想清一下Fire 平板 显示器的库存...

    • Show 的背部和顶部继承了前几代老Echo设备的一些特征:实体的音量调节键、麦克风开启/关闭键与摄像机开启/关闭键。

    • Show 的外观和昔日圆柱形的Echo相去甚远,它看起来更像是 星际迷航里的东西.

    • 有点像 Chumby. 你们都记得 Chumby吧?

    Lets say true, Chumbi is predecessor of Sony HIDC10 Dash Personal Internet Viewer (and old model HIDB7 without backup battery, oldest Wi-Fi connectivity, slowest CPU, buggy firmware).

    The big advantage of Sony Dash vas Dash app Store (like Apple App Store, closed in Jun 2017, new registration not able from 2014.), where You may find weather apps, and apps for YouTube, ESPN, Pandora, Slacker, online music radio, and other well-known news web resources, Google Gmail, etc. Not bad for 2000 yeah?

    But the are also a lot of problems: buggy software (even a new version), hardware overheating and device freezing problem, troubles with app installing due bad server-side software response, too much losing Wi-Fi connectivity, and overall device quality was vary from good to buggy.

    The Dash sound was 50/50 because device positioning like "personal alarm clock" extendable by third-party apps. The screen has lack of sensitivity. And software response time was really awful, especially if compare to Your first iPhone.

    Sergei_Shablovsky - 回复

    I miss my Chumby, Sony Dash, and Insignia devices. I gave away my two powerful Sony Dash devices because Sony designed them with an encrypted bootloader that made these otherwise excellent devices refuse to update. This meant that the Sony Dash could not connect to the new Chumby infrastructure that was set up after the old Chumby shut down.

    I tried to revive my many Chumbys, Sony Dashes, and Insignias using USB thumb drives. These thumb drives would corrupt themselves within 60 days every time. It was so annoying. I tried USB SDCard adapters which worked much better, but that ship had already sailed.

    Despite my enthusiasm for Chumby, I ended up buying a few Echo Show and repurposing old Barnes and Noble Nook devices.

    Kriston - 回复

  2. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3

    No hints? It shows you that it's fastened together with screws, and shows where all the screws are. You just needed to figure out how to access them all.

    CityZ - 回复

  3. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,2 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,2
    • 和大多数Echo设备一样,我们从底部开始. 剥掉橡胶垫后,我们发现了几个T5的螺丝...

    • 但把所有的螺丝拧下来后,我们看不到任何缝隙—我们目前也没招了。

    • 我们立即寻找新的突破点。

  4. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 没办法在底部搞事情,我们开始在显示屏周围寻找突破口。

    • 我寻寻觅觅。

    • ... 寻寻觅觅 ...

    • 原来,底部的那几个螺丝是 烟雾弹 — 扬声器格栅才是真正的切入点。

    • 在格栅下面,我们发现了一些隔音织物(就像在 Echo周围包着的东西一样)和一些螺丝.

    • 但还是不能把前面板移除—是时候移除数字转换器了。上吧, iOpener!

  5. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们提起数字转换器发现了 ... 更多的螺丝! 意料之中,数字转换器的电线连到边框里面,可以将数字转换器固定。

    • 幸运的是我们可以轻松地移开前面板,在下面藏着一些大个儿的扬声器。

    • 我们的努力和提前拧下螺丝的行为得到了回报!终于,这个Echo可以向我们Show它的庐山真面目了。

  6. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • Alexa的新载体十分强劲。有多强劲?适配器可以在15V的电压下输出1.4A的电流,这意味着Alexa驱动功率高达21W...

    • 在Show的下面有一条编织物包裹的电源线。

    • 1.4A可不是小电流,在电源线外面包裹编织物可以接地。除此之外,这种方式也使得电源线有较大的表面积,可以抵抗地面杂散的电磁干扰。

    • 电流进来之后总要有个去处,看起来那两个扬声器已经饥渴难耐了。

    • 我的天,看看那两个磁铁.

    That braided cable looks like a grounding strap from a bug.

    George A. - 回复

  7. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 主板出来了,把它的芯片藏在一个由屏蔽罩组成的谜一般的”拼图“下。把屏蔽罩取下来后,是时候向大家展示一下了:

    • Intel SR2KT Atom x5-Z8350 处理器 (2M 缓存, 主频 1.92 GHz)


    • Sandisk SDIN9DS2-8G 8 GB NAND 嵌入式闪存

    • Broadcom/Cypress BCM43570KFFBG 5G Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac 2×2 MAC/基带/集成蓝牙4.1和EDR。

    • Winbond 25Q16FW 1.8V 16 Mb 串行闪存

    • Goodix GT9271 10点电容式触摸控制器

    • SND9039A2 PMIC

  8. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 下一步我们把供电板拿出来。我们和许多移动设备打过交道,看到这个家伙这么小还挺新鲜。

    • 看起来像是一些”罐子“ 和芯片的聚会:

    • Texas Instruments TPA3118 30W 立体声D级功率放大器

    • Wolfson WM8904G 便携式音频超低功耗编解码器

    • 这里还有一些触点(与Show的橡胶垫接触),应该是用于测试的。

    Did you find a part number for the complete board? The power jack on mine is broken, center (POS) pin broke off!!
    I figure I'll have to hardwire the power plug on directly. Hope it goes back together well, assuming nothing breaks in the teardown.

    Cory Callender - 回复

    I also spy an RFID tag! Probably for discrete hardware identification from the outside..

    Catherine Tran - 回复

  9. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们把最后一块电路板从 Show 的顶部拽出来,然后发现了预料之中的硬件—按键、许多麦克风和一些将你的声音从麦克风传送到CPU的 数模转换器

    • Texas Instruments TLV320ADC3101 92 dB SNR 低功率立体声 数模转换器 (x4) ,与 EchoEcho Dot中看到的一样

    • 麦克风 (x8)

    • 开关 (x3)

    • 小知识:泡棉胶带可以减少震动噪音,这样Alexa即使在比较嘈杂的环境也可以听到你说话。

    Are these ST Micro or Knowles mics?

    ajdixon91 - 回复

  10. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 现在把我们的注意力转移到Show的屏幕部分,我们很轻松地就可以把那颗5百万的摄像头从显示屏模组上拆下来(将支架掰弯后)。

    • 显示屏模组本身就不那么好拆了。它的周围有一些粘的很紧的泡棉胶带,几乎是只有把显示屏弄坏才能拆下来。所以我们先做 前面那步,再做后面那步。

    • 显示屏模组的型号是 TV070WSM-NMO,由BOE制造。

    • 我们本来猜测这块显示屏和Kindle Fire的那块一样,但我们错了。

  11. Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 Amazon Echo Show 拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • Show现在好像是个空的、有回音的洞穴一样,它的部件全被取出来了。我们的工作终于完了!

    • Amazon想要尽可能多的数据。 他们的解决方案是制造便于使用的便宜产品,然后开始收集那些你经常说的关键词。享受它带给你的便利吧,但记住你才是”产品“。对了,记住别把它从厨房的柜台摔下来。

    • 再一次感谢我们超级给力的朋友Creative Electron 帮助我们看到了用肉眼看不到的东西!

  12. 最后的想法
    • The Echo Show 只使用了标准的 T5 和 T6 螺丝。
    • 虽然可能不会磨损太多,但是最容易磨损的部件(按钮和电源插孔)被焊接到了电路板上,使更换变得复杂。
    • 数字转换器未与显示器做成一体的,但必须把它从坚韧的粘合剂上翘起来才可以进行修复。
    • 显示器被紧紧地粘在中框上,想要不损坏地移除它很难。
    • 任何修理都需要切割和更换大量的粘合剂。


en zh


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Adam O'Camb


196,326 声望



Just a tablet without a battery and oversized speakers. Rather overpriced.

George A. - 回复

There seems to be minimal to no heatsinking for the processor, compared to other devices with a similar chip.

Larry Chen - 回复

This is because Intel Atom series processors are meant for budget, ultra-low power setups. In small netbooks where heat matters over performance, such as the Echo Show, cheap processors that cannot do absolutely anything else are ideal.

Ethan Zuo -

i agree, on the surface the Show is overpriced but you aren't just paying for the hardware. You have to employ the people creating the infrastructure behind it. i purchased a Show for my elderly parents. my mom gets frustrated with computers including her tablet. She ends up pressing the wrong button or something. so having an interface and the supporting infrastructure that amazon is assembling makes a big difference.

tobymacbailey - 回复

Would like to know how/where one might add a mini plug to out the audio to a larger external system, like the Dot does.

Mick Snyder - 回复

Did you ever find an answer to this?!

pdholmer -

The intention appears to be that you wouldn’t want to use anything but the internal speakers. They are excellent, by the way. There are Echo devices designed with external speakers in mind (the Dots) and there is now the Echo Input which requires an external audio system.

Kriston -

Could you tape into the video feed to the monitor? Wire in your own HDMI out maybe?

Vince Coe - 回复

Maybe, but I don’t know if the OS will show on the full display, because the OS might size things on the screen by pixels instead of percent. I don’t own one of these, but it’s just an alexa with a screen, I think.

[deleted] -

The sound this thing puts out is nothing short of amazing. The CPU is way overpowered, costly, and energy hungry and there is far more memory than any of the onboard apps could use. No wonder the next generation moved to AArch64.

Kriston - 回复

Can the speaker grille be removed and put back easily? Mine has playdough in it - thanks to my three year old :(

Grayson Williams - 回复

I have the popping problem that a lot folks have complained about when the unit gets hot. I’m willing to try to drill holes on both side on top and bottom to create air flow to reduce the heat and possibly stop the popping. Any one have any thoughts?

Joseph Luciani - 回复

Anyone figure out how to completely reset the device if it’s frozen at the startup screen?

ark frid - 回复

I decided to drill 1/8 inch holes in the back rather than the side. It improved the time for the popping to occur from about 20 minutes to an hour. I put 22 holes on top and another 22 on the lower part of the back. It did effect the sound quality some but it’s better than listening to the popping . I intend to drill more holes, not sure where right now. Will drill one larger hole and look inside to determine where.

Has anyone else tried drilling holes?

Joe Luciani

Joseph Luciani - 回复

What is the model of the video display used, and what is the video interface of that display? I would also like to drive the display independently from the rest of the hardware, but finding information about the video interface is proving difficult.

Jonathan Yankovich - 回复

Great things you’ve always shared with us. Just keep writing this kind of posts.The time which was wasted in traveling for tuition now it can be used for studies.Thanks <a href="https://e-delaware.com/ein">ein number</a>

Mohammad Faizan - 回复

Interesting that it uses an x86 SoC over ARM.

CTCL - 回复



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