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更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine


  1. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 移除五角螺丝: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 移除五角螺丝: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,2
    • 在开始之前,请将iPhone电池的电量降至25%以下。充电的锂离子电池如果意外被刺破可能会着火和/或爆炸。

    • 在开始拆卸之前关闭iPhone电源。

    • 取下 iPhone 底部边缘的两颗6.7 mm 长的五角螺丝。

    • 打开 iPhone 会损害其防水密封。在完成此步骤之前,请准备好更换密封件,或者在不更换密封件的情况下重新组装 iPhone 时,请注意避免液体暴露。

    • 每个五角形螺丝的头部下方有一个黑色橡胶垫圈。为了最大程度地防止灰尘和液体进入,请在重新组装时检查垫圈的状况或更换螺丝。

    One of my gaskets was as shown in your second photo, the other had been worked into the threads (as if smeared) probably from the factory and was completely unusable.

    In place of replacements (unsure of where to purchase) I just used a clear silicone caulking on both screws upon reassembly to offer at least some water seal. I wish these gaskets were included with the gasket waterproofing sealant kit!

    Erica - 回复

    Is there any place to buy these screw gaskets? I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere but one of mine was pretty much chewed up. Silicone should work but I’d prefer the oem solution.

    Chilinh Nguyen - 回复

    I found a place on Amazon that sells them. It's cheapest to get a full set of screws than to get just these. $5-$6 USD.

    J Olin -

    Can it be dead?

    Lulu navarro - 回复

    If I transfer the data from the old to the new battery with an icopy, don't I get an error message?

    David Julian Krause - 回复

    how am i supposed to know if the battery is below 25% if the screen won't turn on?

    Beth Jackson - 回复

  2. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 用胶带覆盖任何裂缝: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 用胶带覆盖任何裂缝: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 用胶带覆盖任何裂缝: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 如果你的 iPhone 屏幕破裂,请在维修过程中用胶带粘住玻璃,以遏制进一步的破损并防止人身伤害。

    • 将透明胶带条重叠地放在 iPhone 屏幕上,直至覆盖整个表面。

    • 佩戴护目镜,以保护你的眼睛免受维修过程中晃动的玻璃的伤害。

    • 如果在接下来的几步中无法让吸盘粘住,请将一块强力胶带(例如管道胶带)折叠成把手形状,然后用它抬起屏幕。

    • 如果其他方法都失败,你可以将吸盘粘到屏幕上。

    This looks like a repeat of Step 3.

    GenjideGaulle - 回复

  3. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 反向钳使用指南: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 反向钳使用指南: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 反向钳使用指南: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 接下来的两个步骤演示了如何使用反向钳,一个旨在简化打开过程的工具。 如果你不使用 反向钳,请跳过这两个步骤以使用替代方法。

    • 有关如何使用 反向钳的完整说明,请查看本指南

    • 将蓝色手柄拉向铰链以解锁反向钳的手臂。

    • 将反向钳手臂滑过 iPhone 的左边缘或右边缘。

    • 将吸盘放在靠近 iPhone 底部边缘的位置——一个在正面,一个在背面。

    • 向下推吸盘以将吸力施加到所需区域。

    • 如果发现设备表面太光滑而反向钳无法吸住,请使用包装胶带来创造一个更容易抓握的表面。

  4. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 向前拉蓝色手柄以锁定手臂。

    • 顺时针旋转手柄 360 度或直到吸盘开始拉伸。

    • 确保吸盘彼此保持对齐。 如果它们开始滑出不对齐,请稍微松开吸盘并重新对齐手臂。

  5. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 加热 iOpener 并将其穿过反向钳。

    • 你还可以使用吹风机热风枪或电热板,但过热可能会损坏显示屏和/或内部电池,因此请小心操作。

    • 折叠 iOpener,使其位于 iPhone 的底部边缘。

    • 等待一分钟,让粘合剂有机会释放并出现开口间隙。

    • 在屏幕和塑料边框下方插入三角撬片,而不是屏幕本身。

    • 如果反向钳无法形成足够的间隙,请对该区域施加更多热量并将手柄旋转四分之一圈。

    • 一次不要转动超过四分之一圈,并在转动之间等待一分钟。 把工作交给反向钳和时间来完成。

    • 跳过接下来的三个步骤。

    Please UPDATE THIS STEP to say 'insert the opening pick underneath the PLASTIC FRAME OF THE SCREEN' and not the screen. Way too many people are taking this as the way to do it then posting their screen looks different when it's open when they've actually removed the screen leaving the frame in place. It's not rocket science.

    [deleted] - 回复

    Thanks for the suggestion! We updated this step to clarify that.

    Arthur Shi -

  6. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 加热屏幕: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,1
    • 通过加热iPhone下角从而让胶水变软, 并且更加的简单打开。

    • 使用风筒或者热风枪, 或者使用iOpener并放置在iPhone下部约一分钟使得密封胶变软。

    An alternative to the Iopener or heat gun is to heat water to EXACTLY 80 degrees F (cooking thermometer is great for this) and pour into a reinforced ziplock type bag. Leave the bag on the screen, but be sure that none of the hot water rests on the zipper portion, as the water is hot enough to soften that seal and leak out on to your device! This meat had is my personal favorite as the heat is distributed very equally and precisely as compared to a heat gun, but is more accessible than the Iopener.

    Colin Wylie - 回复

    When using an iOpener, rest the glossy (transparent) side on the phone so it contacts the phone and conducts heat easily

    Afiq - 回复

  7. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,2
    • 如果你使用单个吸柄的话,把它贴在手机的底边,注意避开玻璃边缘的弯曲部分。

  8. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 轻轻抬起显示屏: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 轻轻抬起显示屏: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 轻轻抬起显示屏: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 缓缓用力向上拉吸盘,在玻璃前面板和金属外壳之间拉开一个小缝隙。

    • 将三角撬片插入屏幕和塑料边框下方,而不是屏幕本身

    • 固定屏幕用的的防水粘合剂非常牢固;要打开这个间隙可能需要非常用力。如果您发现很难分离屏幕与后盖,请继续加热,并轻轻地拉动屏幕以弄松粘合剂,直到拉开一个可以插入塑料拨片的缝隙即可。

  9. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 分离屏幕粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 分离屏幕粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 分离屏幕粘合剂: 步骤 9 中的图像 3,3
    • 将塑料拨片由左下角滑动至左上角以划开屏幕固定胶。

    • 请勿将撬片插入超过 3 毫米,否则可能会损坏内部组件。

    I think it's important to note that depending on how a screen was damaged, make sure to insert the pic under the black bezel directly under the actual screen. This bezel is a frame around the digitizer. I unknowingly inserted the pic between the bezel and the screen, and separated them both. I did this all the way around the phone. So I basically had to struggle to keep together two different sections of the display assembly because of this mishap, until I removed all the ribbon connectors. It made things much more difficult.

    Dave - 回复

    An edit to my above comment: by digitzer, I mean the LCD shield. My apologies.

    Dave - 回复

  10. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 注意事项: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,1
    • iPhone 的右边缘有易损排线。 不要将撬片插入此处,因为可能会损坏排线。

  11. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 将塑料拨片重新插入底边,并由右下角划至右上角以划开屏幕固定胶。

    • 请勿插入撬片超过 3 毫米,因为可能会损坏显示屏电缆。

    My replacement screen for the XR has a black rim but it looks pink. Is that normal?

    Irwin Cantor - 回复

    You can use some Isopropyl alcohol in a syringe with a thin needle to soften even more the adhesive around the screen. But be careful so as not to overdo it. Just a few drops. It will become more easier to remove the screen.

    Dan Brock - 回复

    Step 11 says not to insert your pick around the right side to avoid damaging cables, then Step 12 says to insert it on the right side. Help, I'm confused!

    ingwis - 回复

    Hi there!

    Thank you for the feedback! The wording in step 11 was definitely ambiguous, so we have changed it! You only need to avoid the marked spots rather than the right edge.

    Alex Diaz-Kokaisl -

  12. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 显示屏的上边缘由胶水与卡扣一同固定。

    • 在显示屏的上角划动塑料拨片,并轻轻地向朝闪电接口方向拉动或者滑动显示屏。

    • 若用力过猛可能会损坏卡扣,请小心操作。

    • 请勿将撬片尖端插入超过 3 毫米,否则可能会损坏前面板传感器阵列。

    • 划动塑料拨片至另一边角以划开剩下的固定胶。

  13. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,1
    • 拉动吸盘上的小突起,将其从前面板上拆下。

  14. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 打开iPhone: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 打开iPhone: 步骤 14 中的图像 2,3 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 打开iPhone: 步骤 14 中的图像 3,3
    • 将屏幕自左边边缘翻开以打开您的iPhone,就像翻开书的封底一样。

    • 请不要在此步骤完全分离显示面板,因为现在仍有几条连接至主板的排线没有取下。

    • 在进行接下来的操作时,请把显示面板靠在某个东西上以保持支撑。

    • 在重新组装过程中,将显示器放置到位,沿顶部边缘对齐夹子,然后小心地将顶部边缘压入到位,然后将显示器的其余部分向下对齐。如果无法正常装回,请检查屏幕周围卡扣的状况并确保它们没有弯曲。

    sure looks like the "hinge" is on the right hand side to me.. not left...!

    Doug Trout - 回复

    If you leave the suction cup attached to the screen during the “hinging” process, it makes for a very handy holder for the screen until it’s completely detached.

    Richard Deubler - 回复

    What about the sticky black adhesive clinging to the inside of the case?

    Ronald - 回复

  15. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 拧下电池排线挡板: 步骤 15 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 拧下电池排线挡板: 步骤 15 中的图像 2,2
    Magnetic Project Mat
    • 拧下电池排线挡板的三颗1.2mm Y000螺丝。

    • 取下挡板。

    • 整个维修过程,始终都不要忘记螺丝的位置 ,也不要将它搞丢。当你将手机组装回去时,一定要确保所有螺丝都被安装到位,否则手机将极有可能损坏。

    • 在重新组装过程中,打开iPhone并测试所有功能是个好主意,然后再将显示屏密封就位。 在继续工作之前,请确保完全关闭iPhone的电源。

    Definitely make sure all three lobes of your tool are aligned before use (it’s a little harder to tell with this style of bit) and apply even and adequate pressure to ensure it grabs as you spin the driver to prevent disfiguring the lobes/slot of the screw head.

    Unfortunately my Y000 tool was perhaps not the best fit (tolerance a bit off) in these screws and I ended up stripping out the heads of all three of these. I started to panic but after I sanded the tip of my Y000 bit down a little with super fine grit (1000CW-C) sand paper to flatten the domed tip (visible with macro lens) and give it a bit more bite I was able to remove and reinstall without issue—in fact I had to remove and install them twice since I forgot my adhesive tape during reassembly, so the screws survived and the sanded bit worked.

    Erica - 回复

    +1 to above comment. I bought a cheap kit from Amazon and the Y000 screw driver is not good for this job. I’m concerned that I may have disfigured the heads and i type this comment in the midst of my fix :D Be gentle and assess if you can remove at least one screw with your driver before rummaging through all three and other similar screws holding display connector as well.

    Shan Potti - 回复

    Update to above comment. I got hold of a Y0.8 screw driver bit (lucky to find an ORIA screw driver kit in my office) and it works like wonders :) Now back to work…

    Shan Potti - 回复

  16. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 移除电池: 步骤 16 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 移除电池: 步骤 16 中的图像 2,2
    • 用撬棒的尖端将电池连接器笔直向上从插座中撬出。

    • 尽量不要损坏这个连接器和其他电路板连接器周围的黑色硅胶密封条。 这些密封件可提供额外的保护,防止水和灰尘侵入。

    • 将连接器弯曲使它略微远离逻辑板,以防止电池在维修过程中意外与插座接触并为手机供电。

  17. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 拧下显示屏排线盖板: 步骤 17 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 拧下显示屏排线盖板: 步骤 17 中的图像 2,2
    • 卸下固定屏幕连接器托架的两个1.2 mm Y000 螺丝。

    • 拿下支架

    What if the screw is damaged and you can’t get one out?

    Kashawn Benjamin - 回复

  18. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 断开数字转换器: 步骤 18 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 断开数字转换器: 步骤 18 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用尖头撬棍 翘起触摸排线

    • 要重新连接像这样的线缆连接头,请小心对齐并向下按压一侧,直到其卡入到位,然后在另一侧重复。 不要向下压中间。 如果连接器未对准,则插针会弯曲,从而造成永久性损坏。

    • 如果维修后屏幕的任何部分对触摸均没有反应,请断开电池连接,然后重新安装此连接器,确保其完全卡入到位,并且插槽中没有灰尘或其他障碍物。

  19. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 断开显示屏: 步骤 19 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 断开显示屏: 步骤 19 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒的尖端断开显示屏电缆连接器的连接。

    The new display cable isn’t snapping in but I was just able to snap in the old one. Did I break the new one somehow?

    Andrew Pierson - 回复

    Same it is really frustrating, just keeps slipping up and its bound to get damaged

    Daniel Maldonado - 回复

  20. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 卸下逻辑板连接器盖板: 步骤 20 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 卸下逻辑板连接器盖板: 步骤 20 中的图像 2,2
    • 拧下将逻辑板连接器支架固定至后壳的五颗螺钉:

    • 一颗 1.3 mm Phillips #000 螺丝

    • 一颗1.5 mm Phillips #000 螺丝

    • 一颗 1.2 mm Y000 螺丝

    • 拿下盖板

    • 注意不要丢失夹在边缘上的小支架 。 它用小夹子固定,很容易会从较大的支架上意外脱落下来。

    Phillips screw 1.3 mm on last step is not working. The small clipped bracket has been damaged. This screw perhaps should be the first, before 1.2 Y000. - To be confirmed by others.

    Dmitri - 回复

    I’m not sure it makes much if any difference, but we went ahead and swapped the order for you guys. Thanks for your comments!

    Jeff Suovanen - 回复

    I just repaired another XR, and you are right! It doesn’t make any differnerce in the order these screws come out. I still damaged this fragile piece. As I work on more of these, I’ll figure out a way to remove this screw without damaging the clip. For now everyone, just use extra caution when removing the 1.3mm phillips screw! Thanks Jeff

    fabianowens -

    I’ve now done at least 6 of these so far and I have fairly consistent good results by taking the 2 Philips head screws out first, then doing the Y screws.

    Stow -

    Is this piece important for the repair if broken? I have broken it on a home repair. What is it used for? Is it a grounding connection or is it completely unimportant. More information needed please

    Squishy Horses - 回复

    I’m wondering that too. Is this piece important?

    Phillip Gross -

    My clip broke too! on iphone XR. Any word on necessity?

    Beth Buer - 回复

    I can confirm that taking out the 1.3 mm screw first then the 1.5 mm screw works the best. If done correctly, you should be able to to remove the rest of the screws and pull the panel off with the clip still attached to the panel. For reassembly, start with the 1.5 mm screw then the 1.3 mm screw.

    Carlos Oulman - 回复

    I don’t remove the small screw at all. I just slide out the metal cover plate and slide back in to reassemble.

    Kyaw-Zin Win - 回复

    this is what i have done as well. Care is still needed to avoid damaging this part. However, it is seemingly far less prone to damage or loss and thus less risky for this repair process.

    Justin Parsons -

    I too broke this shield. In looking over this problem I believe it’s best to loosen, but not remove, either screw first then the other. To be clear, loosen the red or yellow screw but only just to break it free, then the second screw. Then remove both and the others and the shield should remain in one piece. I put it back with the broken part (on the red screw) and made sure the two are in contact so there’s conductivity as these shields serve a purpose other than just holding in connectors. My phone works fine with this fix.

    pgrobin - 回复

    Is this small bracket important if broken??

    Phillip Gross - 回复

    Mine is broken and my apple pay doesn’t work. Something to do with NFC antenna this little clip??

    Marcos Fernández - 回复

    I'm guessing so. I replaced a screen on a phone I bought from a friend. I noticed this bracket was broken when I disassembled the phone but didn't think much of it. When I reassembled it my NFC also does not work. Bummer. A lot of people in these comments have asked if it is crucial that this bracket be connected. Can someone from iFixit or other please reply to those comments?

    Larry Jorgenson -

    On the 1.3 mm screw I actually chose not to remove it. I broke it loose then used the tip of the spudger to simply twist the bracket out of the way, with the screw still attached. Then I could remove the larger bracket.

    mpalma - 回复

    Kyaw-Zin is right because the shield contains of two tin parts. But there is another option:

    1. Unscrew the yellow and orange screws first.

    2. Lift the shield gently that it can turn about 20° anticlockwise.

    3. Open the red screw and let the shield turn with it the first degrees.

    Daniel Brehm - 回复

    The first time I did this repair, I didn’t see the comments ahead of time and broke the bracket, even removing the 1.3mm screws first. The second time I did the repair, I was prepared and being extra careful, but the simple act of turning the 1.3mm screw head was enough to break it. If I ever have to do this repair again, I’ll just leave the screw in and try to slide the plate out with the screw (and bracket, hopefully) still in tact, as per Kyaw-Zin Win.

    Debbie Thompson - 回复

    None of the screw driver bits I got fits the 1.3mm and 1.5mm screws. How do I remove them?

    Jonatious Joseph Jawahar - 回复

    Same issue as above. The bits provided in the kit do not work with the 1.3mm and 1.5mm screws

    Graham Hammell - 回复

    Further to above comment about bit not working. Had to go and purchase another PH000 from Home Depot and that worked

    Graham Hammell - 回复

    I’ve broken that little bracket attached to the red screw. Is it important and can I get a replacement????? Thanks all

    steve.arfa - 回复

    Broken the clip. Is this important??

    kyledrumtutor - 回复

    Yikes, broke mine too. Oh god. Think perhaps the delicate 1.3mm should come out first when everything else is secure...

    Ronald - 回复

    Don't remove the 1.3 Phillips screw! Twisting this screw will break the smaller bracket that is clipped to the larger. Remove all the other screws. Block the smaller bracket from moving as you gently slide the larger bracket horizontally toward the battery until free. The smaller bracket can stay in place while the screen is replaced. When reassembling, support the small bracket by backing with a spudger or similar tool.

    doug68242 - 回复

    I just broke the smaller bracket also :( I didn´t notice these comments until now :(

    It looks like part of the antenna for NFC, as all except NFC works on my iPhone now.

    It should be repairable using some wire wrap wire, either twisted around the two screws that connected that part of the bracket (or soldered in place). I will try and report back if it works.

    Richard Croyle - 回复

    Success!! I managed to re-construct the small arm of the bracket by screwing the 1.3mm screw back in with some 0.3mm enamel wire soldered into what was left of the small bracket arm on the screw, then the other end of the enamel wire I wrapped under the 1.5 wire screw's head (enamel exposed to bare metal), then screwed both screws down. also I lifted up the small metal arm with a screw driver (to make sure it reconnects with the display grounding square) ..and NFC worked again (slightly different antenna pattern mind (need to place cards slightly higher up the rear of the phone). Anyway works again :)

    Richard Croyle - 回复

  21. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 断开前置传感器: 步骤 21 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 断开前置传感器: 步骤 21 中的图像 2,2
    • 用撬棒的尖端从其插槽向上撬起前传感器组件的连接器。

    During testing, make sure your proximity sensor is not on upside down, as it’s easy to connect upside down. Your phone will boot loop if it’s on incorrectly.

    Tristan England - 回复

  22. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, 移除屏幕组件: 步骤 22 中的图像 1,1
    • 移除屏幕组件。

    • 在重新组装过程中,如果要更换显示屏边缘周围的防水胶粘剂,请停下手头的工作看看这个指南

    unclear if this is where screen removal ends

    Daniel Maldonado - 回复

    I had the same question, but the answer is yes. Steps 21-30 are removing parts from the original screen that need to be reattached onto the new screen. You are no longer working inside the frame, but on the back of the screen itself.

    amclean78 - 回复

    I apologize for missing these comments initially, but yes that’s correct, the screen is removed now and the rest of the guide goes on to other parts, either in the phone or on the back of the screen. Good luck with the repair!

    Adam O'Camb -

    The alternate method of removing the battery should be highlighted as a standard option. There is so much more work and potential to damage the parts than if you left them in place and carefully with plenty of heat remove the battery. I so wish I had seen this before!

    Martin Kappeyne - 回复

  23. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine, Taptic Engine 线性马达: 步骤 23 中的图像 1,1
    • 卸下将支架固定在 Taptic engine 和扬声器下方的七颗螺丝:

    • 三颗 1.4 mm 菲利普斯十字螺丝

    • 两颗 1.7 mm 菲利普斯十字螺丝

    • 一颗 1.9 mm 菲利普斯十字螺丝

    • 一颗 1.6 mm 菲利普斯十字螺丝

    Removing this bracket isn't necessary to extract the taptic engine.

    Pete Gardiner - 回复

  24. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 24 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 24 中的图像 2,2
    • 从最靠近电池的边缘提起支架。不要试图完全移除它,因为它仍然通过小型柔性电缆连接。

  25. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 25 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 25 中的图像 2,2
    • 在将支架放在一边的同时,使用撬棒的尖端撬起并断开下面的柔性电缆。

  26. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 26 中的图像 1,1
    • 移除支架。

  27. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 27 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 27 中的图像 2,2
    • 取下黑色胶带和覆盖Taptic Engine 接口盖的小橡胶矩形。

    In my case, the rubber rectangle was mechanically attached to the Taptic Engine connector cover. To remove the cover, I lifted the thinner portion of the rubber rectangle and removed the 1.8mm Phillips screw indicated in step 25. Once the 1.8mm screw was removed the cover and the rubber square came off as one piece.

    Joel White - 回复

  28. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 28 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 28 中的图像 2,2
    • 卸下固定 Taptic Engine 接口盖的 1.8 mm 十字螺丝。

    • 卸下 Taptic Engine 接口盖。

  29. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 29 中的图像 1,2 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 29 中的图像 2,2
    • 使用撬棒断开 Taptic Engine 柔性电缆,将其从插座中垂直向上撬起。

  30. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 30 中的图像 1,1
    • 拆下固定 Taptic Engine 的两个1.8 mm 菲利普斯十字螺丝。

  31. 更换 iPhone XR Taptic Engine: 步骤 31 中的图像 1,1
    • 移除 Taptic Engine。


将新的更换配件与原始配件进行比较 —— 在​​安装之前,你可能需要转移剩余配件或从新配件上移除粘合剂背衬。






en zh


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does replacing any new vibrator works? or it needs reprogramming?

yeasin kabir - 回复



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