
如何修复卡住的 Nintendo Switch ZR 和 ZL 按钮


  1. 如何修复卡住的 Nintendo Switch ZR 和 ZL 按钮, 卸下背板: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,1
    • 使用 Y00 三角螺丝刀,卸下四颗 M1.4 x 5mm 螺丝,松开 Joy-Con 的硬塑料背板

    • 卸下螺丝后,掀开盖子露出 Joy-Con 内部设备并找到 ZL 按钮。

    • 显露出来的按钮可能是 ZL 或 ZR,具体取决于需要修复的 Joy-Con。

    • 使用镊子将 ZL 按钮稍微抬起,然后向上拉以将其放回原位。

    • 当按钮复位后,将背板放回 Joy-Con 上并重新拧上螺丝。

    • 单击该按钮几次以确保它恢复到位并正常工作。

    • 这可能是 ZL 或 ZR 按钮,具体取决于正在修复的 Joy-Con

  2. 如何修复卡住的 Nintendo Switch ZR 和 ZL 按钮: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,1
    • 恢复游戏体验!


完成这 7 个步骤后,您的游戏体验应该会恢复到原来的状态。如果另一个 Joy-Con 也有卡住的 ZL 或 ZR 按钮,只需重复上述 7 个步骤即可。



en zh


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My spring on the bottom is bent which is causing it to not work, what should l do to fix it? If you know please tell me!

Joe - 回复

My button problem is the actual button on the flexible circuit board. Where can I get a replacement. It simply unplugs from the main board

Gregory - 回复

Hi @gregory53491, I'm not sure what button you are referring to, but here is a link to our parts store with all of the parts we currently have in stock for the Switch JoyCon. If none of the parts we have currently are what you need, you might try checking eBay for used parts. I hope this helps!

Sarah Westberg -


The button I was looking for looking for is the ZL button, and I found one on Amazon. I needed the actual on/off smd button. The one one the flexible board. When it comes in I'll give a try at writing a how-to. 👍

Gregory - 回复

Hi Gregory! Thanks for the update. I'm glad you found what you needed to complete the repair :)

Sarah Westberg -



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