


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Apple Watch Series 6,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解, 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解, 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解, 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • Series 6(右)与具有一年历史的姐妹(左)的外部比较仅显示出细微的差异,但这就是拆卸的目的。我们已经知道这些细节:

    • LTPO OLED Retina 显示屏针对常亮功能进行了优化——这次没有Force Touch

    • 64位双核Apple S6 SiP(系统级包装)

    • 更新了传感器阵列,可测量心率,ECG和现在的血氧水平

    • 指南针和实时高度计

    • 防水深度达50米

    • 今天的被拆的是在德国的零售店购买的44毫米GPS + LTE型号——但如果有任何有趣的比较,我们也有40毫米的型号可以在客人面前露面。

  2. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 3,3
    • 在可伸缩的新表带下,确认这确实是一款新的Apple Watch(型号A2376),而不仅仅是一些类似蓝色的表带。

    • 另一个表带插槽没有任何功能,因此,我们的图片编辑器沉迷于科技幻想,并添加了密码锁,就好像打开盒子一样容易。 我们希望我们每年都执行相同的开启步骤。

    • 好吧,几乎是一样的:令人惊讶的是,Series 6紧随更新的iPhone(6s之后),像书一样向侧面打开!

    • 由于没有Force Touch垫圈,该过程也略有简化——从watchOS 7开始,该功能现已失效。

    • 我们很高兴地看到脆弱,损害倾向的一部分已经退休了,但悲伤地看到在苹果的漂亮的压敏显示技术上有一颗钉子。这降低了可维修度,我们很伤心,但我们称其为胜利。

    Emotionally torn, but hopefully less torn flex cables

    Andy Miller - 回复

    I’m confused about force touch gone from the AppleWatch 6 I just upgraded to. I was wholly unaware they were killing that and spent ages trying to “Clear All” notifications that way as before with the Series 4 I upgraded from. I finally discovered the swipe down to see the “Clear All,” but it’s confusing because Force Touch still brings up watch face edits.

    So is it gone or not?

    Mick - 回复

    It’s just a long press to edit the watch face - not force touch.

    Albert Wood -

    Does the aluminium still have a ceramic back?

    Stuart Harris - 回复

    I think so (according to the Apple website)

    Jim D -

    @Albert Wood.

    it’s weird because if feels much like force touch with haptic feedback, not unlike the Series 4 watch I’m selling to finance the 6. It doesn’t feel like a long press/hold and the haptic feedback makes it feel as if it’s giving a little. Slightly less than before, stiffer, but I’m still shocked to read here that they have removed force touch and yet there’s this.

    Mick - 回复

    Glad to hear it is the same opening procedure. Do you mind sharing in this tear down what that procedure might be or do we need to go back through all of the archives till we find one that doesn’t same ‘same as before’?

    Joe Ivie - 回复

  3. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 3,3
    • 安全第一!让我们断开电池的连接。该接口仍然隐藏在电池下方,但是从三角撬片快速翻一下就可以解决这一问题。

    • 减去一个微小的三点和一个小括号,这个小电池就是自由了。

    • 44 mm 手表电池的额定功率为1.17 Wh,与Series 5相比略有增加,但不及1.3 Wh Galaxy Watch3的水平。

    • 较小的40 mm系列6保留了系列5中引入的基本金属袋设计,现在的容量为1.024 Wh。

    • 令我们感到惊讶的是,更大的型号今年仍然没有采用新的电池设计-我们认为手表可能会遵循iPhone设定的模式,其中Max型号在第二年采用了新的电池设计。

    • 总结:44 mm 电池比3.5系电池增加了3.5%,而40毫米电池则增加了8.5%。

    • 从系列3到系列4的大幅下降之后,苹果手表似乎在缓慢地收回容量。

    I have a clicking sound when i press my aple watch 6 on the bottom is it caused by the metal bracket inside in gold ??

    danger.alaa - 回复

  4. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • Series 6 具有比Series 5更亮的新显示屏。它的内部也更亮!

    • 今年的型号不仅避免了讨厌的Force Touch垫片,而且还减少了要摔角的显示连接器。现在,NFC电缆穿过显示器侧的跳线,只有一根接地电缆。我们喜欢简化的设计,尤其是简化维修的时候!

    • 除了上述更改之外,这些显示器(左侧的系列5,右侧的6)用肉眼看起来几乎相同。

    • 就是说,我们在打开过程中确实弯曲了一个新放置的弹簧触点,因此在你将这些坏孩子弄破之前,也许要等我们的维修指南。

    • 拆解更新:这是对显示器的X射线样式的详细了解。这显示了较小的40毫米模型的屏幕,我们为YouTube观众拆分了屏幕。

  5. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • 乍一看,三点式的Taptic Engine似乎是旧帽子了,但事实证明它比5型中的那个更大。也许苗条的Series 4振动筛不好用?

    • 这次也使用100%回收的稀土金属和钨制成,真是太棒了。 (但请不要忘记,重用>回收。)

    • 更新:由于我们已经获取了Creative Electron的X射线,因此,这是Taptic Engine内部的漂亮图片。摇一摇,烤!

    • 更多的电池和更多的Taptic Engine —苹果公司在公告中都没有提到这两个方面,但看来他们今年已经悄悄退出了所有站点。

    • 尽一切力量,现在该是解决该操作难题的时候了:S6 SiP。即使使用我们可靠的工具,电缆和隐藏的螺丝这种错综复杂的迷宫也不是野餐。

    • 但是像往常一样,时间+工具+技术占上风!最终,该手表将其剩余的内容重新使用。

    Golden tape between connectors in the middle picture is isolation tape?

    Alexandru Caracuda - 回复

  6. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 像大多数人的大脑一样,第6系列中的灰色物质非常难以理解:按照惯例,它被包裹在硬化树脂中,这使得进一步探索变得极为困难。

    • 更新:除非你拥有X光机,否则!这是S6软件包的内部视图。如果您想知道所有微小的形状是什么,请查看原始的Apple Watch X射线拆解以得到解释。

    • 配装上还有更多常规IC,我们至少可以找到标有239-7的Skyworks芯片。其他芯片则更加神秘,没有一款与我们去年iPhone中发现的U1芯片完全匹配。

    • 要求带有标签的U1包装可能太多了,但是在过去,这种印刷方式更为明显。

    • 不用想,我们可以看到Series 6框架的占用空间略有变化,而粘性垫圈的唇缘更窄,现在可以仔细地绕着带子机构布线。

    • 修改后的外壳和缺少Force Touch垫圈的原因可能是以下事实:今年的模型更细,总厚度为10.4毫米(去年为10.74毫米)。

    • 苹果以某种方式将更多的电池和更多的Taptic Engine包装到了(几乎)较小的设计中。令人印象深刻!

  7. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,1
    • 我们暂停拆解,给你带来一些X射线的内部窥测:

    • 处理器和内存(SDRAM / NAND闪存)封装

    • 电源管理IC

    • WiFi /蓝牙SoC

    • 微控制器

  8. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3
    • 顶部上方是熔融显示,下方是熔融传感器阵列-如果将其分开,我们只会发现碎片,因此,我们再次打开Creative Electron的X射线以获得更好的外观。

    • 中间的黑色矩形是用于使充电器居中的密集磁铁(也可以帮助从 S6 中吸走热量)。它被用于向下发射LED和传感器的控制板以及用于感应充电器的铜缆线圈包围。

    • 这是(重新组装的)脉搏血氧仪,与圣诞节期间以亮灯方式点亮的外星人交流!

    • 通过将红色,绿色和红外光照射到你的皮肤中,然后通过光电二极管感测到它如何反弹,手表可以告诉你血液中的含氧量(红色意味着更多的氧气)。

    • 血氧水平低(低氧血症)可能表明COVID-19或其他严重的医学问题。

    • Apple Watch无法像Oura Ring 2那样追踪体温。但是,尽管这两种方法都可以提供信息,但均不能提供医院级别的确定性。

    • 提醒一下,我们不是健康专家,所以请仔细阅读!在CNET上找到有关血氧跟踪工作原理的更多信息,或在《呼吸医学》杂志上找到更多信息。

  9. 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,2 苹果手表 Series 6 拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 2,2
    • 为了清楚起见,将所有微小的三点螺丝都留在了图片之外,我们大吃一惊,观看了最新版的苹果移动健康诊断机时计。

    • 在维修方面,我们很高兴看到繁琐的Force Touch垫圈消失了,只有两条易碎的电缆束缚了显示屏。

    • 显示屏和背板上的较厚的橡胶状胶粘剂还可以保护手表免受意外液体进入(在我们的特定情况下,可以进入了)。

    • 尽管设计几乎不可察觉地变薄,但除了更大容量的电池和功能更强大的Taptic Engine之外,苹果还采用了全新的传感器。

    • 他们只是不断地抛光这种东西以获得越来越高的光泽,而几乎没有偷偷告诉他们的东西太多了,所有的注意力都集中在了超凡脱俗的健康功能上。

    • 非常感谢Creative Electron再次与我们合作!他们负责这次拆解中所有令人费解的X射线检查。

  10. 最后的想法
    • 屏幕更换很困难,但可能。屏幕首先脱落,并通过ZIF连接器分离。
    • 一旦进入车内,更换电池就相当简单。
    • 整个手表上的微小三点螺丝可能很难卸下和跟踪。
    • 几根挠性电缆直接安装在S6封装上,如果撕裂,则需要熟练的微焊接来更换。


en zh


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I found the hidden easter egg: Sweet playing “Love is Like Oxygen.” Nicely done.

Ed Hardy - 回复

What the heck is that little 3 digit rotation lock thing? Did it ever connect to anything?

Richie Crews - 回复

If you had read the beginning of this article properly you’d have seen that the “lock” had been added as a smile inducer… Or in other words it doesn’t exist! D’OH!!!

Thorvald-Rhys Bjørnson -

Any idea where all of the antennas are??


> Bluetooth

> WiFi

> Celular

And now the U1 chip which appears to need three for X-Y-Z for spatial awareness and precise location tracking capabilities!

Dan - 回复

The patent describes Liquidmetal a.k.a bulk metallic glass, which will allow the radio signals through.

K. OKeefe -

Amorphous_metal is not radio transparent! The problem you face is the the melting point of the material and what you are casting it in needs to be higher. Here ceramic or glass would be questionable! From what I understand the amorphous metal would alter back to a crystalize state altering its characteristics.

Liquid metal is something very different.

Dan -

hi Dan,

trying to figure out the same question too. any luck if finding the antennas, and especially the UWB antenna? even a single one?

for ranging - which is UWB for initially - placing the antennas tight on the wrist might interfere with the accuracy of measurement done by other devices (such as the iPhone 11), polarisation may have additional influence -both on range and accuracy. so it is interesting to see what they did with the antenna.

E.Y. -

Anyway of telling if the following patent was implemented in this watch?


K. OKeefe - 回复

If the case was a molded plastic I could see it. Ceramic or Glass would require a sandwich of some sort as you couldn’t have it too close the the base case, it also couldn’t be casted in-place (ceramic is what I believe the sensor base is made of).

So that only leaves the display crystal or the sensor base. I could only find two possible antenna connections both within the sensor plate (coax connection and a small gold tab). If you know radio waves, you know your body doesn’t let signals pass through it very well at the frequencies being used here. so that limits the edge area of the plate.

I don’t see all of the radios sharing the same antenna so we are still short ;-{

Dan -

I received my apple watch 6 yesterday (17/09/2020). the button ( Digital Crown) does not work very well. is it a repairable part? apple will send me a new watch? thank you for your work !

Alexis moi - 回复

Contact Apple for a warranty exchange (defective on arrival) ASAP!

Dan -

“The other band slot features …nothing at all, so our photo editor indulged in a bit of tech fantasy and added a combination lock”

Well guys, you’ve lost my trust…

Not everybody has the time to read your silly “tech fantasy” description, attached to manipulated photos…

Stop manipulating technical photos, if you want to be taken seriously…

D W - 回复

this is a teardown, not a repair guide. ifixit teardowns always have this type of humor.

Crystal Haugh -

Guys please help. The staff of a store inserted the sim ejection tool in the little hole on the right side of the watch thinking that it was the sim tray. I think that is the microphone. The watch is 24 hours old. I tested and everything works but I am worried; I have read that the microphone is placed not aligned to prevent accidental damage like in these circumstances. Is that true? And what about the water proofing? Thanks in advance for your help.

francesco.meca - 回复

You have a Catch22 problem! You would need to open the watch up to inspect for damage, but the act of opening it would void the waterproofness!

Best to return the watch and get another!

Dan -

Thanks for your answer. There is no apparent reason for me to return the watch as the microphone is working; what could I say to the store? It is not their problem if an incompetent staff of another store did something wrong, or at least I think so

francesco.meca -

They are responsible for their staffs training! They are on the hook for sure. As I didn’t see what they did I can only tell you what would be required to check things. The only thing left is to get the Apple extended warranty coverage. I would get them to pay for half of it. Did you make a fuss? So they know their employee messed up? If not then you’ll need to fork over the full amount to ease your mind of future issues.

Dan -

I agree but this was an employee of a tlc store, not Apple. I am in Vietnam, no official stores, just authorized resellers. I did complain about their carelessness but here it is just useless because it is the norm. I would say that as the Mike works, I would not risk to invalidate the warranty to have it opened. Maybe I can purchase a AppleCare+, in any case.

francesco.meca -

Hello, what is inside that hole right next to the crown? I I thought it was a SIM card release mechanism and pushed a SIM card key (the one I got with my iPhone) quite hard into it as worry that i have damaged something in there? Thanks for your help.

Lu Han - 回复

The hole is the microphone! The slots on the other side are the speaker grills. Why would you think the AppleWatch has a SIM?? It uses an eSIM like your newer iPhones.

Dan - 回复

Thanks Dan. Do you think I have broken / pierced something in there? The mic definitely works perfectly. I’m more concerned about letting water into the watch when swimming. (P.s I thought it has a sim because I’m unfamiliar with it and it looks just like the sim slot on my iPhone. )

Lu Han -

Where can i buy a replacement back glass for my Apple Watch 6?

Ali Alfarhan - 回复

for Apple Watch series 6 screen replacement, where is the nfc chip that would need to be swapped out with my original broken screen/lcd that would make Apple Pay still work?

William Helmke - 回复

The exposed Copper surface is an EMI shield protecting the circuits under the Taptic engine

Dan - 回复

Can the side button on an Apple Watch 6 be replaced or repaired?

James Scarberry - 回复

Yes, but its’ a big job as you need to take most of the watch apart.

Dan -

Hi, does anyone know which component is responsible for detecting the temperature in case of overheating of the watch?

Cool Blade - 回复

Within the SIP module is where the thermal sensor resides for the logic and the battery it’s self has a sensor.

Dan -



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