


这个拆解是不是维修指南。 要维修你的的Samsung Galaxy S8 Plus,请使用我们的维修手册

  1. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解, 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解, 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解, 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 1 中的图像 3,3
    • 在三星的宣传影片中,您应该看到了三星Galaxy S8 +光滑而圆润的外观,但我们会进一步深入。 本次拆解的机器配置为:

    • 6.2英寸双曲面,2960x1440分辨率的Super AMOLED屏幕(529 ppi)

    • 高通骁龙835或者三星 Exynos 8895处理器,4GB内存

    • 1200万像素后置摄像头,支持双像素自动对焦,录制4K视频,800万像素前置摄像头

    • 64GB的闪存,支持额外的MicroSD卡(最高支持256GB)

    • IP66+IP68级防水防尘

    • 安卓7.0系统

    can i buy motherboard for samsung galaxy 8plus scv35

    hhera,n - 回复

  2. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 2 中的图像 2,2
    • 底部的端口包括:耳机插孔,USB-C接口,麦克风以及扬声器栅格。

    • 前面是光滑的,几乎没有特色 - 物理主页按钮已被置于显示器下方的压力传感器代替,使其成为一个真正的整体设备。

    • 同时,指纹传感器已被移动到后方一个令人尴尬的位置。 显然,三星发现了比传闻的苹果的屏幕内传感器更加容易的解决方案。

    • 最后,需要频繁更换SIM卡的用户注意:在三星Galaxy S8 +顶部有两个高度相似的开口。 一个是您的SIM弹出孔,另一个是麦克风。 不要将那两个开口混淆。

    Samsung went with easier solution in regard of fingerprint reader because synaptic did not finish developing the on screen sensor; while they are under pressure to release a new flagship in a rather empty market for them after the Note 7 fiasco.

    moonsailor180 - 回复

    Having done this teardown and knowing what the inside of the phone looks like. What kind of damage am I looking at if I accidentally stuck the Sim ejection tool in the mic hole?

    Jonathan - 回复

    I would love to understand the damage (especially to the IP rating) that may have been caused by pushing the sim ejector through the top mic hole.

    Robert Lagus - 回复

  3. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 1,2 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 3 中的图像 2,2
    • 在我们进入更深层次之前,需要一些时间来进行快速对比。

    • 在三台机器中,左边的是三星Galaxy S7 Edge,中间的是三星Galaxy S8 +,右边是三星Galaxy S8。

    • 由于其较薄的边框和惊人的的18.5:9宽高比,三星Galaxy S8 +的6.2“屏幕可以做的与5.5“S7 Edge的大小相似。

    • 与去年的产品相比,唯一值得注意的区别是闪光灯组件的位置和指纹传感器的位置。

  4. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 4 中的图像 3,3
    • 在充足的准备后 - 我们很想看到内部结构。 幸运的是,现在我们知道这次演示。

    • 这不是我们第一次一部三星Galaxy手机

    • 通过我们的iOpener产生的大量热量,使粘合剂软化,这已经足以撬起后玻璃后盖并开始拆解。

    • 在这里,我们肯定让它看起来很容易 - 三星使打开这个手机是任何修复中最难的部分。 对于无错误版本,请查看我们的三星Galaxy S7维修视频指南

    • 我们几乎可以看到内部...

  5. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 5 中的图像 3,3
    • ...但是,对于我们所有的谈话,这个后面板确实表现出了一些新的东西。 指纹传感器固定在后面板,其电缆很短,并且安装在主板上。

    • 三星设计这款电缆可以通过后面板安全地拉出来。 电缆几乎没有松动,面板的最厉害的地方在将电缆从其微小的弹出式连接器上拔出。 这使得我们以前见过的某些指纹传感器电缆的损坏明显减少。

    • 有线电缆发出后,我们已经把玻璃后盖移除。 三星Galaxy S8 +和三星Galaxy S8跟随三星Galaxy S6移动到玻璃后盖。 这种设计节省了三星的工程设计,避免以牺牲耐用性和可修复性为代价。将天线集成到金属后盖的手机中。

    • 当它在评价可修复得分时,两倍摔碎的可能性和这个拆解不会帮助它。

    What is the fingerprint reader made from this year? The S7 fingerprint reader in the home button was prone to scratching and peeling last year. Is the fingerprint reader covered by glass this year in the S8 and S8+? Very curious to know as I like things to last and wear well.

    Rhys Michael - 回复

  6. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 6 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们本来希望从断开电池开始,但它的连接器被固定在中框下面。

    • 随着拆解中框,事情看起来非常类似于三星Galaxy S7三星Galaxy S7 Edge

    • 这一次,上层天线组件与NFC /无线充电面板组合,类似于在三星Galaxy Note7上。

    • 线圈还会执行三星智付功能,复制重复MST - 可能使用线圈作为电磁铁模拟读卡器上的信用卡。

  7. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 7 中的图像 3,3
    • 我们希望三星改进的测试程序是Note7没有具备的,因为这个设计看起来和我们一样。

    • 而且它仍然是一种需要撬开的粘合剂方式。 即使电池完全取出,胶水也不会去除。

    • 三星Galaxy S8 +具有13.48 Wh(3.85 V时为3500 mAh)电池,与三星Galaxy Note7完全相同的容量,略低于三星Galaxy S7 Edge的13.86 Wh。

    • 三星继续在电池容量战中击败苹果,iPhone 7+的容量为11.1Wh(2900毫安,3.82伏)。

    • S8 +需要所有额外的电力来驱动其屏幕。 两台设备都声称您将获得大约15个小时的Wi-Fi网络浏览。

    Will the S8+ battery fit inside the Note 7? As a replacement for the N7 battery?

    I still have my unused N7 new in the box. I’d like to switch out the battery and use it.

    Preston - 回复

  8. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 8 中的图像 3,3

    The image sensor is also different. Being an IMX333. On top of that the ISP has been upgraded. Far from just "sofware improvements, nothing more" I could tell the moment I took a RAW photo on both using 500 iso. Despite using RAW, bypassing the jpeg processing, the S8 image was noticeably less noisy with much less color blotching

    djlobb01 - 回复

    While "RAW" in theory is unprocessed, there's absolutely no guarantee it's the actual raw image from the camera itself, there can easily be postprocessing.

    Anyway, does it really matter? Even if "just" software improvements, the end result is a quite improved image.

    losdlosd - 回复

  9. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 9 中的图像 1,1
    • 我们将相机放在一边,以便取下覆盖该主板的硅片。 我们的研究结果包括:

    • 三星K3UH5H50MM-NGCJ 4GB LPDDR4覆盖在 MSM8898 骁龙835 CPU上面

    • 东芝THGBF4G9N4LBAIR 64GB UFS(闪存+控制器)

    • 高通Aqstic WCD9341媒体解码器

    • Skyworks 78160-11

    • 安华高AFEM-9066

  10. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 10 中的图像 1,1
    • 在另一面:

    • 高通WTR5975 RF收发器

    • 村田KM6D28040 WIFI模块

    • 安华高AFEM-9053

    • 高通PM8998(类似于PM8920)

    • 恩智浦80T71 NFC控制器

    isn't the model number for the nfc chip 80T17

    buvikpeter - 回复

  11. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 11 中的图像 3,3
    • 现在,我们拆解I / O子板。 这里有许多防水设计,包括扬声器栅格上面,USB Type-C接口和耳机插孔上的微小密封。

    • 耳机插孔本身仍然是一个模块化的事情 - 可修复性的好消息,因为这是高磨损组件。

    • 可见这也是一个垫片的组合,这帮它助获得手机IP66+IP68评级。 耳机插孔,USB-C接口和扬声器栅格具有一些完美的防护。

    Is the voltage regulator on the daughter board?

    My S8+ indicated moisture when I plugged in the charging cable, the next day it did not but It will not take a charge. Even wirelessly. So I think it is the voltage regulator that is fried. If it is on the daughter board I can pillage one from another Google Locked phone and fix mine.

    You think this will work?

    charles atchison - 回复

  12. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 12 中的图像 3,3
    • 在看到热管和接触垫按钮电缆后,我们从手机中抽出了几个小东西。

    • 取出我们的老款震动电机

    • 此外,还有漂亮的传感器阵列(含湿度指示器):

    • RGB LED(大概是)

    • 红外发射器(用于进行光线强度测量)

    • 红外摄像机(大概是)用于脉冲读数,也可能是距离传感器

    I thought the IR camera/emitter on the front should be part of the iris scanning system and not pulse reading

    Alexandru Bauer - 回复

    Exactly. Yellow is the proximity sensor, orange an IR LED for the iris scanner and red the notification LED, as stated.

    Hubert Stettner - 回复

    Not as stated, the description says it's for illuminating fingers for pulse reading,,,

    djlobb01 -

  13. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 1,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 2,3 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 13 中的图像 3,3
    • 在寻找神秘的主页按钮,我们分离屏幕,尽管比以前...困难

    • 幸运的是,这种融合的显示/数字化仪从其框架中拆卸出来,没有任何损伤。

    • 希望在显示屏布线下找到一些隐藏的细节,我们将其剥离并找到传感器。 无模块信息,无可见压力传感器。 下次祝你好运。

    There is a force sensor..hope everybody can see it which connects to the display/timing/touch controller board

    Prabash Kasun - 回复

    This interests me most.... So there is no pressure sensor at all?? How does the S8 register a home button "press" without any kind of pressure pad/sensor?

    Caleb - 回复

    A pressure sensor isn't needed, it just needs to see how big an imprint your finger is making as the harder you press, the bigger the contact area is on the screen

    Tobias Smullet -

    that seems like a conductive layer beneath with a sponge covering. this could be a force sensor.

    Kelly Hofer - 回复

  14. 三星Galaxy S8+拆解: 步骤 14 中的图像 1,1
    • 那就是三星Galaxy S8 +。 如果你仍然渴望更多的拆解,那么去看我们对标准版三星Galaxy S8进行的拆解的。

    • 同时,现在是给这个手机的可维修性评分的时候了。


    I was wondering if you guys could maybe do a comparison?

    1) like the SD835 vs the A10 size.

    2) volume of battery on S8 vs iphone7

    3) size, efficency and density of the two motherboards (i think iphones is much smaller)

    4) size and effectiveness of the two vibration motors (since S8 seems 1/3 the size)

    4) also could you compare the two speakers (S8 and iphone7) against the and dual front speaker moto phone?

    I ask because once again I am under the impression that the moto speakers are 1/3 the size of the main speakers in the two leaders and the same size as the ear speaker on the two.

    5) and also maybe the effectiveness of the hydrophobic coating on the moto phones vs the two leaders?

    6) and finally compare their internals density and effeicency to the Xiaomi Redmi 3s (because as far as I know, that is the smallest 5inch phone with a 4000mA battery)

    I think that would be a really cool and enlightning.

    love your work guys.


    Dhruv Halwasiya - 回复

  15. 最后的想法
    • 许多组件都是模块化的,可以独立更换。
    • 电池可以更换,但坚韧的粘合剂和胶合的后面板使其出现不必要地困难。
    • 前玻璃和后玻璃容易出现破裂,并且两者之间的强粘合剂使得难以进入内部进行任何修理。
    • 由于弯曲的屏幕,更换前玻璃而不破坏显示器几乎是不可能的。


en zh


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Hi: the breakdown exercise did you get a positive id on who is providing the USB-C controller chip? Thx!

Chitra Sundaram - 回复

I don't like glue on the battery and its not just that its the same capacity as we already see on the Samsung Galaxy S7 its kinda sad.

Janko Castvan - 回复

Why I'll always pass on these phones, that and the sorry state of Android's update system and all the stupid OEM's making their own version of Android.

Gaj B - 回复

The Galaxy Note 5 and S6 are getting Nougat. Phones from 2015... Many people upgrade after 2 years.

djlobb01 -

Man i now i will probably wait for one plus 5 or next google device because these two have big support on XDA community and they have regulari updates.

Janko Castvan - 回复

OnePlus are great with updates. My friend had Nougat on his OnePlus 3 before any of the leading phone makers (excluding Google Pixel obviously).

djlobb01 -

The S8/S8+ use a Sony IMX333 or Samsung S5K2L2 up from the IMX266 S5K2L1 found in last year's S7/S7E.

Jon Fridman - 回复

Thanks as always, guys. I seem to miss the speaker, though. Is it under the light gray grille?

Ah, ok. I see. It is the component in the lower midframe (https://d3nevzfk7ii3be.cloudfront.net/ig...).

Hubert Stettner - 回复

Do you know how the home button works since there's no pressure sensor?

Does it have a separate "taptic engine" or uses the same vibration motor?


Imran Husain (Imraneo) - 回复

It likely works by measuring the surface area of the finger placed on the screen. When you press harder to activate the virtual button your finger will create a larger surface area on the screen which can be measured as more force being applied.

Leo Best -

Because samsung opted for Toshiba UFS storage if they also manufacture UFS storage


Leonel Tirado - 回复

Hi. Thanks for this. Where is the LDI water damage indicator on the S8? And can you provide pictures of it? Thanks!

denis_ - 回复

hello george

diego -

que onda Jorge?

diego - 回复

Why would you expect to find a pressure sensor behind the displyay? The screen does not deform, the digitiser just has to look for the contact patch of your finger getting bigger as you press harder on that area.

Robert Littler - 回复

Open the Samsung Dex Dock as well!

mjpineda94 - 回复

Please do a teardown of the new Surface Book. If you do, I'll give you a teddy bear. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ If you don't everyone will be like ಠ_ಠ. P;ease do it. I will give you $5: [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

Ethan Zuo - 回复

Are the s8 and s8+ motherboards the same?

Roger Charles - 回复

Hi, could you tell how the headset is hooked? From the top? Of how it 's inside hooked. Thanks greetings

Elliot - 回复

The headphone jack is at the bottom of the phone near the charging port, as seen in step 2, the jack itself can be seen in step 11.

Sam Goldheart -


Photos 2

Photos [|3]

Hi, could you see a photo in high resolution, how is the earphone hooked? The frontal bone, I get curious about how it is maintained and how it is, and if it could sink without meaning to. Thank you

Elliot - 回复

Do you mean the earpiece speaker? It can be seen in this photo, the last photo in step 6, at the top of the phone. It is adhered to the case and connected via spring contacts to the back of the motherboard. The speaker grille can be seen in this photo, the second image on step 13 at the top of the phone.

Sam Goldheart -

Can someone tell me what type the 14 Phillips screws used to hold down the NFC antenna, charging coil, and loud speaker? In addition, what are the 5 Phillips screws used to hold down the charging port PCB?

Joseph Petrow - 回复

Thanks Sam LionHeart, sorry for the delay, I thought no one was going to respond.

Elliot - 回复

Next time please reassemble the parts once it’s all done and take a shot from the front view to show what’s behind the screen so we can use it as a see-through wallpaper, thank you!

Zax - 回复

accidently I entered the ejection pin  in the bottom mic.hole in S8  please advise if I already damaged the mic and/or the water resistant sealed?

walid_sarmad - 回复

I want to share my experience with you all.

We at HiGenius.nl fix smartphones all the time like Samsung S8 Plus too. unfortunately i did not see in this video that the sim tray is different than ever before. This because the tray is attached at the back of the board. So dont be surprised while you see this for the first time. Just be very cautious while removing the board. it wil follow so don’t worry.

Samir Belaadel - 回复

I recently disassembled my Samsung galaxy s8 Plus the other day to replace the usb-c port as it would no longer lock in the charging cable.

However upon putting it back together and re-inserting the SIM card, it can no longer connect to my network provider. I get no mobile data or cell reception at all. However Wifi connections still work.

I was wondering if you may have an idea at what piece, board ect may play a role in connecting to the network.

The SIM works fine in another samsung phone that I previously used, so it is definitely hardware.

I’ve done network setting resets, WiFi calling is not on, and ive factory reset.

Sort of wishing I just bought a wireless charger at this point…



Zachary LeWarne - 回复

Something like that happened to me with an ASUS phone, the cause of the problem was that I did not properly connected the antenna (it was a little loose).

Hops this helps!

Iuji Ujisato -

Will the S8+ battery fit inside the Note 7? As a replacement for the N7 battery?

I still have my unused N7 new in the box. I’d like to switch out the battery and use it.

Preston - 回复

My galaxy s8 replaced screen isn't black what other part do i need to buy

Bertha Martinez - 回复

The pictures don’t match what is received for the Galaxy S8+. It’s also not clear where to attach the perimeter adhesive. On the lip of the back cover or just inside the well area. In addition, after exposing the adhesive (after removing the clear side), no matter how weel you pre-align the position, you can’t count on the adhesive to stick to whichever method questioned above, without some of it not releasing cleanly from the colored backing. Yes. firm pressure was applied before moving a little further down. At times the adhesive stuck so strongly to the colored backing, it stretched the adhesive out of shape.

I have repaired hundreds of laptops and all in ones, so I understand there are subtleties in a repair, and I found it quite confusing replacing the battery and fingerprint sensor and other necessary parts related to doing that repair with the either inaccurate, outdated, or lack of detail provided (but much needed) in this guide.

Mark Velasco - 回复



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