
型号:A1419/ 2012/2.9 & 3.2 GHz Core i5 or 3.4 GHz Core i7 专业版

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two internal ssd's: how to use one just for startup?

I did a ssd upgrade on my iMac 27 late 2012. now I have a clean iMac with two internal drives: one apple blade ssd (around 120GB) and an internal big one (Samsung evo 870 1TB) . but how can I get a clean setup? I wanted to use the small one JUST for booting up (nothing else; in the hope for the fast possible startup) and the big one for daily use and storage… is that possible?

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I tried it by my self but ended up in a mess and don’t know what to do now…

thankful for any help

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There is very little point to booting from the 120GB and using the 1TB for storage - both drives will be very similar speeds (PCIe SATA drive vs SATA drive - you could test with BlackMagic Disk speed test but both will give around 500 MB/sec).

You are best off installing the OS onto the 1Tb and using the 120GB for things like downloads / swap files etc.. Easier all round.

Hope this helps.


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Agreed! The mSATA blade drive is not really large enough as a boot drive as the OS needs space for caching and virtual RAM.

I do like dual drive systems as even though the SATA throughput could be the same having OS/App and Data I/O all through one channel is not as effective as spitting it OS/Appp and then data on the other.

But you need at least a 256GB drive.

But your work flow is what is key here. writing, web surfing and limited coding, photo editing doesn't really push your system. heavy Photo, Video game play would.




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